Bernard Stiegler
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Bernard Stiegler (born April 1, 1952) is a French philosopher.
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[edit] Influences and themes
Stiegler's work is influenced by, among others, André Leroi-Gourhan, Gilbert Simondon, Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Valéry, Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, and Jacques Derrida.
Key themes are technology, time, individuation, consumerism, consumer capitalism, technological convergence, digitization, Americanization, and the future of politics and human society.
[edit] Incarceration
Between 1978 and 1983 Stiegler was incarcerated for armed robbery, first at the Saint-Michel prison in Toulouse, and then at the Muret detention centre. It was during this period that he became interested in philosophy. His transformation in prison is recounted in his book, Passer à l’acte (2003).
[edit] Career
Stiegler defended his thesis at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in 1992. He has been a Director at the Collège international de philosophie, and Professor at the Université de Compiègne. He has held the positions of Director General at the Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA), and Director General at IRCAM.
On January 1, 2006 he commenced as Director of the Department of Cultural Development at the Centre Georges-Pompidou.
[edit] Politics
Stiegler has founded a political group, Ars Industrialis, the manifesto of which calls for an "industrial politics of spirit."
[edit] Cinema
Stiegler features prominently in the film The Ister (2004).
[edit] Bibliography
[edit] Books in French
- (1994) La technique et le temps. Tome 1: La faute d’Epiméthée. ISBN 2-7186-0440-9
- (1996) La technique et le temps. Tome 2: La désorientation. ISBN 2-7186-0468-9
- (1996) Échographies de la télévision. Entretiens filmés (with Jacques Derrida). ISBN 2-7186-0480-8
- (2001) La technique et le temps. Tome 3: Le temps du cinéma et la question du mal-être. ISBN 2-7186-0563-4
- (2003) Passer à l'acte. ISBN 2-7186-0616-9
- (2003) Aimer, s'aimer, nous aimer: Du 11 septembre au 21 avril. ISBN 2-7186-0629-0
- (2004) De la misère symbolique: Tome 1. L'époque hyperindustrielle. ISBN 2-7186-0635-5
- (2004) De la misère symbolique: Tome 2. La Catastrophè du sensible. ISBN 2-7186-0634-7
- (2004) Philosopher par accident: Entretiens avec Elie During. ISBN 2-7186-0648-7
- (2004) Mécréance et Discrédit: Tome 1, La décadence des démocraties industrielles. ISBN 2-7186-0660-6
- (2005) Constituer l'Europe: Tome 1. Dans un monde sans vergogne. ISBN 2-7186-0689-4
- (2005) Constituer l'Europe: Tome 2. Le motif européen. ISBN 2-7186-0690-8
- (2005) L'attente de l'inattendu. ISBN 2-9700474-8-9
- (2006) Mécréance et Discrédit: Tome 2. Les sociétés incontrolables d'individus désaffectés. ISBN 2-7186-0706-8
- (2006) Mécréance et Discrédit: Tome 3. L'esprit perdu du capitalisme. ISBN 2-7186-0715-7
- (2006) Des pieds et des mains: Petite conférence sur l'homme et son désir de grandir. ISBN 2-227-47566-8
- (2006) Le théâtre, le peuple, la passion (with Jean-Christophe Bailly & Denis Guénoun). ISBN 2-8468-1170-9
- (2006) La télécratie contre la Démocratie. ISBN 2-08-210569-5
- (2006) Réenchanter le monde : La valeur esprit contre le populisme industriel (with Marc Crépon, George Collins & Catherine Perret). ISBN 2-08-210585-7
- (2006) De la démocratie participative: Fondements et limites (with Marc Crepon) ISBN 2-7555-0033-6
- La société de l'information: Vers la guerre des esprits.
- Produire, consommer, souffrir : Manifeste pour un nouvel âge industriel.
- L'avenir du désir.
[edit] Online texts
- The Disaffected Individual
- Take Care
- Desire and Knowledge: The Dead Seize the Living
- Nanomutations, Hypomnemata and Grammatisation
- Spirit, Capitalism and Superego
- Constitution and Individuation
- Our Ailing Educational Institutions
[edit] Other translations
- (1993) "Questioning Technology and Time," Tekhnema 1: 31–44.
- (1996) "Persephone, Oedipus, Epimetheus," Tekhnema 3: 69-112.
- (1998) "The Time of Cinema. On the 'New World' and 'Cultural Exception'," Tekhnema 4: 62–114.
- (1998) Technics and Time, 1: The Fault of Epimetheus (Stanford: Stanford University Press). ISBN 0-8047-3041-9
- (2001) "Derrida and Technology: Fidelity at the Limits of Deconstruction and the Prosthesis of Faith," in Tom Cohen (ed.), Jacques Derrida and the Humanities (Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press). ISBN 0-5216-2565-3
- (2001) "New Industrial Temporal Objects", in Rae Earnshaw, Richard Guedj, Andries van Dam, & John Vince (eds.), Frontiers of Human-Centred Computing, Online Communities and Virtual Environments (London: Springer-Verlag). ISBN 1-85233-238-7
- (2002) Echographies of Television: Filmed Interviews (Cambridge: Polity Press), with Jacques Derrida. Including Stiegler, "The Discrete Image." ISBN 0-7456-2036-1
- (2002) "Transcendental Imagination in a Thousand Points," New Formations 46: 7–22.
- (2003) "Technics of Decision: An Interview," Angelaki 8: 151–67.
- (2006) "Philosophising By Accident," Public 33: 98–107, an extract from Passer à l'acte.
[edit] Secondary literature
- Richard Beardsworth, "From a Genealogy of Matter to a Politics of Memory: Stiegler's Thinking of Technics," Tekhnema 2 (1995): 85–115.
- Richard Beardsworth, Towards a Critical Culture of the Image.
- Geoffrey Bennington, "Emergencies," Oxford Literary Review 18 (1996): 175–216.
- Patrick Crogan, Essential Viewing: Review of Stiegler, La technique et le temps 3.
- Mark B. N. Hansen, "Realtime Synthesis" and the Différance of the Body: Technocultural Studies in the Wake of Deconstruction.
- Mark B. N. Hansen, "Media Theory," Theory, Culture & Society 23 (2006): 297–306.
- Ben Roberts, "Stiegler Reading Derrida: The Prosthesis of Deconstruction in Technics," Postmodern Culture 16, 1 (2005).
- Ben Roberts, "Cinema as Mnemotechnics: Bernard Stiegler and the 'Industrialization of Memory'," Angelaki 11 (2006): 55–63.
- Ben Roberts, "Rousseau, Stiegler and the Aporia of Origin," Forum for Modern Language Studies 42 (2006): 382–94.
- Daniel Ross, Democracy, Authority, Narcissism: From Agamben to Stiegler.
- Daniel Ross, "Traumas of the Image," theory@buffalo 10 (2005): 81–102.
- David Wills, "Thinking Back: Towards Technology, via Dorsality," Parallax 10, 3 (2004): 36–52.
- David Wills, "Techneology or the Discourse of Speed," in Marquard Smith & Joanne Morra (eds.), The Prosthetic Impulse: From a Posthuman Present to a Biocultural Future (Cambridge, Massachusetts & London: MIT Press, 2006).