Talk:Beretta Cx4 Storm
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[edit] Picture
Ajaka, grow the hell up. What I am doing is not Vandalism by any stretch of the definition. Your stated reason for not posting the picture was because of the scope. Go look at the various rifle pages and take a look how many have scopes. The picture in question in this article shows the accesory capabilities of the Storm which just so happens to be part of the selling point. Do not accuse me of vandalism again. We might disagree, but its NOT VANDALISM. Alyeska 04:32, 24 April 2006 (UTC)
Ajax, prove your position. You are reverting edits without cause and without justification. Alyeska 04:00, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
After checking, yes, the information about Battlestar Galactica has to stay. I have added a media subtext. As to the image, it is released by Beretta for PERSONAL USE. Not in the manner your wishing to engage in. If your looking for more images to add for the Cx4, look for the press release package Beretta made available for fair use. On a personal note, adding more pictures clutters the page and denigrates the Cx4. Ajaka
But since we probably just have to have another picture, I put one up that all rights have been released to.
Thats a good picture and it shows even more then the wallpaper. Alyeska 23:42, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
Your compromise is acceptable, Ajaka. E. Sn0 =31337= 01:13, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
Find a larger picture so people can look at an enlarged photo. Alyeska 04:12, 11 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Details
Sorry if the features sound like a "commercial", but there isn't anything in there that is not true. Reword it if you like, but there is no reason to just flat out remove it.
I have a 45 ACP Caliber CX4 Storm. The current magazine holds 8 rounds. I would like to know if you are aware of a magazine conversion that holds more than 8 rounds of 45 ACP.
I have enclosed my e-mail address.
Any help that you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Mr. Ashley Bland
Thats a bit of spam. Anyway, there is no standard way to get more then 8 rounds. Beretta designed the magazines and the magazine holder as single stack. There is no way to use magazine extensions with single stacks. Alyeska 23:17, 30 July 2006 (UTC)
Rate of Fire: The number listed here is incomplete. It lists number of rounds, but no timeframe. Someone who has the necessary information, please correct this so as to provide complete data. The Dark 13:33, 18 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Dawson College shooting
This weapon was used in the Dawson College shooting. Does anyone know if this weapon is legal for ownership in Canada by civilians? Thank you LindaWarheads 20:14, 14 September 2006 (UTC)
- says that:
"The Sûreté du Québec said the guns found at the scene were legally registered [...]"
- No doubt people are going to be in a conniption over that one. In any event, the whole mention of this event here doesn't strike me as useful. For example, not only did this guy use the Cx4, he also drove a Pontiac Sunfire. How deep can is one permitted to go into the wikilink tree, referencing Bad Thing X? Remember the poor sting rays of the world. mdf 20:25, 14 September 2006 (UTC)
I agree with mdf about the need to link negative events with a firearm. At most I think we should keep the current wording and linke in the Media section. After about 6 months time, remove the link. User:Ajaka
I agree that we do not need to mention the recent event in this article.-- 23:02, 14 September 2006 (UTC)
After a bit of thought, I'm asking for discussion on the removal of reference to the Dawson shootings from the Cx4 article. I see this as a double standard in how articles related to a horrific incident are treated. For instance, if one looks at the SF hit-and-run from the end of August in which a Honda Pilot was used no mention is about this on the article page. Anything related to road rage, accidents, etc. is not put on the automobile pages (nor should it in my opinion). Nor can I find such reference in pages dealing with specific knives, poisons such as [[arsenic], etc. My point is simply to ask why are we putting a bias statement in the article? Why are gun articles targeted for reference to horrific events, but other inanimate objects are not? Further, no hard evidence has even been released that says the Cx4 was used in the attack. Is it probable? Yes, but it is hearsay at the moment.Ajaka
- The problem is that cars are commonly involved in such things as hit-and-runs, which is a common crime. However, a school shooting is a high-profile and rare crime, and more notable because of it. A hit-and-run happens every instant somewhere in the world. 05:10, 16 September 2006 (UTC)
The Dawson shooting has no place in an article on a firearm. The current event banner will suffice. L0b0t 10:58, 16 September 2006 (UTC)
- On second thought, I removed the current event banner as this article does not document a current event, it is merely linked from a current event article. This article itself is not a current event. Enough with the anti-firearms scare tactics. L0b0t 11:01, 16 September 2006 (UTC)
- Seconded. We don't need what is essentially a memorial to that (excuzez mon français) dipshit/douchebag/lowlife/etc in the firearm article. It is irrelevant, stupid, and makes Wikipedia come across as anti-gun, therefore NOT NPOV. E. Sn0 =31337= 16:29, 13 October 2006 (UTC)
- There is no POV attached to mentioning the Dawson shooting and it is of significant interest. Furthermore, precedents exist in numerous wikipedai articles, such as that of the Carcano M1891 (Oswald), Tec-9 (Harris/Klebold) and Ruger Mini-14 (Mark Lepine/Montreal Massacre). There is both precedent and the public interest, and the desire to either sanitize the media relevance of the weapon of deny Kimveer Gill posthumous publicity are both examples of POV.
Sno, I strongly advise against such insults in the edit summary. Alyeska 22:58, 13 October 2006 (UTC)
- We should definitely include a mention of the Dawson shooting in the article. It is extremely POV to state a mere statement of fact is somehow anti-gun. It is also not a show of WP:AGF for the diatribe in comments for people trying to improve the article. I for one did not know what kind of gun had been used in the JFK assassination until I first read about it on Wikipedia while browsing gun articles. It wasn't published in any of the history textbooks that I had read. On the other hand, I did know about the Tec-9 case, but only because I was much more aware of types of guns at the time of Columbine and remembered this. In summary, I believe we should include a very short, succinct mention (one-line maximum) in the History section, without belaboring the point, and then move on to better use of our time in adding good edits to WP. Anyone else agree? Yaf 08:06, 19 November 2006 (UTC)
- It is no more worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia than stating that a baseball may have been responsible for the death of Jake Daubert or whatever handgun was used in the German shooting at Emsdetten (which is so non-newsworthy, it took me seven sources to find out it was a handgun and not a longarm, and I still can't find what manufacturer, let alone model). In short, no, I don't agree. The Dark 15:06, 20 November 2006 (UTC)
- We should definitely include a mention of the Dawson shooting in the article. It is extremely POV to state a mere statement of fact is somehow anti-gun. It is also not a show of WP:AGF for the diatribe in comments for people trying to improve the article. I for one did not know what kind of gun had been used in the JFK assassination until I first read about it on Wikipedia while browsing gun articles. It wasn't published in any of the history textbooks that I had read. On the other hand, I did know about the Tec-9 case, but only because I was much more aware of types of guns at the time of Columbine and remembered this. In summary, I believe we should include a very short, succinct mention (one-line maximum) in the History section, without belaboring the point, and then move on to better use of our time in adding good edits to WP. Anyone else agree? Yaf 08:06, 19 November 2006 (UTC)
- It is more important than the imaginary use in Battlestar Galactica, mentioned later in the article. Unlike speculation that something may have been involved, such as the baseball for Daubert, this use is verifiable in accordance with WP:V. Have added a citation and a verifiable use, in a single sentence. There should not be an issue with this at all. It is not an anti-gun POV, just a statement of fact. Yaf 03:13, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- The weapons use as a prop in the reimagined Battlestar Galactica is not imaginary. A garden variety Canadian shooting is in no way as notable as a television program enjoyed by millions of viewers worldwide. L0b0t 04:30, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Image Removal
Whomever replaced the first image with the second seems to have forgotten to properly tag the new image as it has been deleted. Might be a good idea to reupload it properly. Alyeska 18:54, 26 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Criminal Use
Can someone please explain to me how pointing out that a particular gun was used in a particular incident represents an unacceptable point of view statement? All that is being stated is a fact. Perhaps some people will read this about the Storm Rifle and be reassured: "Thank god it works." Others may be disgusted: "I hate guns, ban them all."
Either way the information is neutral. It is a simple fact. A storm rifle was used in the Dawson shooting. See the article on the type of rifle that was used to shoot JFK.
Furthermore the article on the storm rifle points out its use as police weapon among other uses such as sporting. Why not point out its usage in a well known school shooting incident?
- Because it really has nothing to do with the article itself. Why not put a section on every weapon page while we are at it? Lets put them on any page related to something that can kill people. The information isn't neutral because its a rather obvious jab against gun ownership rights. Alyeska 00:05, 14 October 2006 (UTC)
The Carcano article mentions Lee Harvey Oswald; it seems reasonable to mention prominent incidents that recieved large amounts of media attention. The Canadian shooting made international news, it's not like we're including every corner-store holdup. Night Gyr (talk/Oy) 13:08, 18 October 2006 (UTC)
- The assasination of the leader of the free world is a wee bit more noteworthy than a common Canadian murder. The Oswald shooting led to firearms being banned from mail-order sales in the U.S., there is also the conspiracy surrounding wether the Carcano was the weapon that made the kill shot. Why not have a "uses in crime" section on every article about rocks, sticks, cars, knives, crowbars, fireplace pokers, or any other sharp or blunt object that humans have been using to make eachother miserable for 10,000 years. Keep your anti-freedom POV out of the encyclopedia. L0b0t 13:20, 18 October 2006 (UTC)
- Your opinion about the Dawson school shootings is inaccurate. The eventhas multiple wikipedia pages, proving its significance. Furthermore,multiple weapon pages *do* mention the significance of weapons insituations other than predidential assassinations. Error the first.
- Your opinions about freedom are irrelevant POVs. Error the second.
- While I agree with you general statement about the notoriety of and dispute over the use of the Carcano in the Kennedy killing, be careful about attributing motives to other users, L0b0t. That said, Night Gyr, the reason the Canada shooting isn't as major is that it was a recent event that will (most likely) not be commonly referenced or remembered in even the near future. A good parallel would be the Columbine_High_School_massacre incident. While the article on the shooting mentions the firearms used, only two of those firearms have pages, and only one mentions the Columbine incident in passing. Given the greater historical notoriety of this case, and the fact that the TEC-DC9 mention was controversial at the time, it seems unnecessary to mention the use of the Storm carbine, particularly as the pages on Glock and the Norinco_HP9-1 do not mention their uses in the shooting. The Dark 13:56, 18 October 2006 (UTC)
- I only consider it worth mentioning because it's such a new weapon, and this is the sole case where I've seen it get media attention. Glocks and remington shotgun clones are extremely common so there are lots of crimes committed with them; this weapon is a bit rarer, so it's like listing the one widely known incident instead of mentioning nothing. Night Gyr (talk/Oy) 14:34, 18 October 2006 (UTC)
- Attempted to add "The Cx4 was infamously used by Kimveer Gill in the Dawson College shooting in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in 2006." to the bottom of the History section, similar to the criminal use mentioned of the Tec-9 in its article, but this addition was removed with the comment "add to pontiac article first". What is the "pontiac article'? Yaf 15:41, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
- What I meant was that if you want to add this nonsense to an article on a firearm then you should also add the criminal use to the Pontiac Sunfire article as that's what he drove to the shooting, and don't forget to add criminal uses to every article on knives, rocks, fireplace pokers, baseball bats, and every other article about things people have been killing eachother with for the past 10,000 years. This has been discussed before, there is no reason to mention this garden variety crime in an article about a firearm. L0b0t 16:03, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Image??
What happened to the picture in the article? L0b0t 14:16, 18 October 2006 (UTC)
Someone appears to have deleted the image itself. Alyeska 18:51, 18 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Media usage
In accordance with trivia is not supposed to be included in weapon articles unless there is a significant cultural reason. A mention for this gun's use in Battlestar Galactica is definitely not a major cultural icon, and this mention should not be included. Yaf 03:36, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- And what makes you the sole decider of this fact? Alyeska 03:43, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- It's the consensus agreed upon by the WikiProject: Military History. The concern is that listing Every. Single. Appearance of a firearm in TV/Movies/Video Games gives rise to "Trivia Creep", with all sorts of irrelevant appearances in films and obscure anime being listed, distracting from the article's main purpose as providing information on the actual firearm itself. I've not seen Battlestar Galactica, so I can't comment on whether or not the gun's appearance therein is notable, but one thing to consider is whether or not the gun is merely there in the background (they way a German soldier in a WWII movie would be likely seen carrying a Mauser K98, for example) or whether the gun features prominently (as in, is carried by a major character, commented on by them, or otherwise conspicuous). In short, it needs to be more than just a random gun used as a prop because it looks cool. --Commander Zulu 04:05, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- Thats not what I am talking about. What makes Yaf the sole decider of a significant cultural reason? Yaf has been bucking popular edits of this article for a little while right now. He is ignoring consensus for his own reasons. You could very well be right, but Yaf doesn't care about whats right, he cares about his own little opinions. Alyeska 04:07, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- He is not the sole "decider." This is a consensus and, as such, you can argue the point in the talk page noted, however these edits have been decided by lengthy discussions over a long time that came to a general consensus on the matter. Please refrain from placing trivia in this article. --Asams10 04:10, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- The notability of this bit of trivia or cultural reference should be supported with a reliable source. I have gone through 20 pages of google results, trying to find something about the use of the Beretta Cx4 Storm in Battlestar Galactica, with no luck. I don't see the importance or notability demonstrated to the point of justifying inclusion in this article. Though, maybe I'm overlooking some source. --Aude (talk) 04:19, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- Consensus of the definition of the rule maybe, but you don't have consensus of the application of the rule on this page. So don't claim victory just yet. And do take this into account. Outside of the Dawson incident, BSG is the only media source for the Cx4 Storm. So on the issue of perspective, it is a notable media indication. Alyeska 05:12, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
Now isn't this interesting. After I said that consensus between editors is needed, Yaf goes about soliciting others to simply "out vote" those who have been editing the article. Thats rather dishonest Yaf. You couldn't make the argument yourself so you try and strong arm the articles primary editors aside to get your way. Alyeska 05:28, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Revert Wars
Well its progressed from dissent to mutual disagreement from two sides to revert wars. I strongly advise that both sides cease immediately before an admin steps in and blocks someone or temporarily locks the article. Consensus doesn't arise from antagonizing the other side. It would be better to discuss things in here before further edits are done. Alyeska 05:09, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- Okay. All I ask is never another mention of that loser from the Dawson Shooting in the article again. |||||| E. Sn0 =31337= Talk to me :D 05:12, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- That would be most difficult right now. What you can do is portray it as NPOV as possible, or find a rule to support its removal. You could very well use Yaf's rule citation as well. Alyeska 05:14, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Thoughts on firearms trivia/pop culture/Dawson College shooting/Battlestar Galactica
The issue of tangental information in firearms articles has been bothering me for some time, and there appears to be a lack of consistency in what information gets included. Things like the Desert Eagle article would end up 90% "used in video game XXX" and growing daily if not restricted; and if we mentioned every weapon used in any halfway notable murder then how many would be mentioned in the article on, say, swords? On the other hand, the Carcano used in the JFK assasination is of note, because of the downstream effects (i.e. banning of mail order sales, resulting in the C&R license for collectors of miltary rifles); ditto the high profile shootings with Tec-9s and Mini-14s. While the Dawson College shooting may or may not have an impact on the Cx4 Storm, the shootings with Tec-9s and Mini-14s DID have an impact on them; the Tec-9 was hounded out of existance, and civlians can't buy 20 round Mini-14 magazines from Ruger any more. As far as pop culture goes, the Dirty Harry movies did have an impact on the S&w 29--without the movie exposure, they wouldn't have been selling for 2x MSRP for years as S&W tried to keep up with demand. I think the "litmus test" for inclusion of facts like this should be "did this fact have an impact on the firearm?". If the Dawson College shooting leads to the banning of some class of firearms that includes the Cx4 Storm, then yes it should be mentioned; if Battlestar Galactica can be shown to increase sales of the Cx4 Storm, then it should be mentioned. If the events don't impact the Cx4 Storm, then they really aren't relevant to this article, though the Cx4 Storm should certainly be mentioned in the Dawson College Shooting article, and might bear mention in a "Trivia" or "Props" section of the Battlestar Galactica article.
Does this sound like a sound policy to adopt? scot 15:41, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- Sounds good to me. L0b0t 15:51, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- That sounds like a rational and logical concept. On a personal note, Battlestar Galactica did inspire me to buy a Cx4. Alyeska 16:11, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- This sounds good to me as well. I had been thinking of a way to define what is a noteworthy enough "media appearance" to be considered significant from an encyclopedic point of view, and that is simple and fairly easy to check. The Dark 17:50, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- Sounds like a good approach that everyone can live with. Thanks, scot! Yaf 01:46, 22 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Cx4 Storm and the Media
Assuming we have a general agreement here on this issue, it might be a good idea to discuss the examples we have at hand. From what I can see, the Cx4 is shown in two forms of media above what one might generally see of this rifle. These two examples being its use in Battlestar Galactica and the Dawson College Shooting. The point I got from the above listed suggestion is that we should take into account potential cultural impact, but also consider that it is relative. For some weapons the only media its seen in is entertainment (IE Fiction). As was mentioned, the Desert Eagle is only known for its appearances in movies like the Matrix or games like Counter Strike. The two listed media examples of the Cx4 storm are in effect the only known media examples and relatively speaking they are very important. But that should be countered against the possibility that these examples are still relatively unknown to the public at large. And that leaves us with the discussion at hand. Alyeska 02:34, 22 November 2006 (UTC)
- My person opinion is that at this time, neither has shown a significant cultural impact, nor have they been demonstrated to have an impact on the specific firearm or firearms in general. As such, the discussion on them should be left here as things to keep an eye on for future inclusion, but neither has had enough significance to warrant inclusion on the page for the Cx4. This is, of course, unless someone can develop a rational reason for keeping either (preferably backed with a reference, although I admit I'm somewhat ref-happy). The Dark 12:37, 22 November 2006 (UTC)
- You should be "ref happy", we all should be. I've been working with television articles recently and am just appalled by the attitude of some editors when it comes to citing sources. Many times I am told "sources aren't important" or "if you care so much about sources, you go find them, I'm too busy adding trivia and quotes to articles." Sorry for the off-topic rant but I haven't even finished my coffee and I'm already knee deep in unsourced fan speculation and interpretive analysis such as "this scene has a character smoking a cigar it is an obvious parody of The A-Team". Anyway, sources good, no sources bad. Cheers. L0b0t 14:34, 22 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Operation
On the Beretta page linked at the bottom of the article, it says the Cx4 storm is blowback-operated, which is not quite the same as recoil. If someone more daring than I wishes to, research this and correct it if necessary
- CX4 Storm is blowback operated. For a weapon to be recoil operated, the barrel must free to move. However, when breaking down a CX4 Storm, it's quite obvious that barrel is fixed and unable to move. Rabbit994 21:26, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
- I can vouche for what Rabbit994 is saying, the barrel is most definately fixed. Alyeska 21:52, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Picture
The picture is slated to be removed as it is a fair use image. It might be a good idea to try and find a suitable image or at least have someone produce an image that is comparable to use as a replacement. I can create an image, but it would be the base carbine without anything, not even the rail attachments. Alyeska 23:56, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
- If you own this rifle, go ahead and upload a pic. That's probably the best course. My advice... make it as high res as possible with a solid background (as opposed to nothing behind it). With my pics I usually use a blanket of a contrasting color. See my user page for the pics I've taken. —Thernlund (Talk | Contribs) 01:11, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
- It has absolutely no attachments of any sort and doesn't demonstrate the primary selling points of the Carbine. Alyeska 01:21, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
- True enough. Time to get a nice close up shot of the thing in good light. Alyeska 03:00, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
Once again the picture is deleted after the article editors have made good faith efforts. Alyeska 02:37, 22 March 2007 (UTC)