From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am an office worker in St. Louis, Missouri. I am interested in almost anything which is what attracted me to Wikipedia in the first place. I especially like to gain insight into alternate paradigms, whether they are historical or simply from a different cultural background. I am not as active here as I am at Wikisource mainly because I am not very good at writing prose. Still I try to find ways to participate and hopefully I am more useful than not. I have lately found making peer reviews to be one the most enjoyable activities for me.
<ref>{{cite book | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = | publisher = | date = | location = | pages = | url = | doi = | isbn =}}</ref>
== Notes == <references/>
[edit] Southern Life in Southern Literature
<ref name="Southern Life">{{cite book | last =Fulton | first =Maurice Garland | authorlink = | title =Southern Life in Southern Literature | publisher =Ginn & Company | date =1917 | pages = | url =,M1}}</ref name="Southern Life">
[edit] Project Bad Links
Lately I have been going through and correcting damaged links made by splitting of Wikisource by language domains. This project was started on 11:51, December 23, 2005. As of today January 2nd I am about halfway done and have made well over 250 edits to fix or delete bad WS links. Besides which I have checked and fixed as needed every WS link on the spanish WP. So that explains my crazy amount of minor edits.--BirgitteSB 21:30, 2 January 2006 (UTC)
I am finally done! It worked out at right around 500 edits, but I loook through a lot of false positives.--Birgitte§β ʈ Talk 04:28, 7 January 2006 (UTC)
Complete If anyone is interested in fixing such links on other language domains, feel free to ask me for pointers.
[edit] Notes
Chester Burmans Third Burmese War Snider squibbed subaltern jingal Calthrops Torrijos-Carter Treaties Treaty of Badajoz Treaty of Fontainebleau Bragança Agreement St George's Cross is more than a flag "Red Cross Knight"