Borderline forms of multiple sclerosis
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This is the name given to special cases of Multiple sclerosis [1].
These diseases are now called the MS-borderline, because some authors consider them different diseases and others MS variants. These cases are:
- Devic's disease, also known as optic-spinal MS or neuromyelitis optica, NMO. Is a clinical form of MS.
- Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis or ADEM, a closely related disorder in which a known virus or vaccine triggers autoinmunity against myelin.
- Balo concentric sclerosis, a pathological form.
- Schilder disease or diffuse sclerosis, another pathological form.
- Marburg multiple sclerosis, pathological form, also known as malignant, fulminant or acute MS.
Sometimes, also a disease of the peripheral nervous system is considered, peripheral neuropathy, which has a autoimmune variant called Guillain-Barré syndrome. As MS is an active field for research, the list is not closed or definitive. For example, some authors, also think that primary progressive multiple sclerosis should be considered a different entity from standard MS[2] [3]. Others maintain the opposite[4].
Finally, also a dual clasification of these diseases has been proposed, according to the shape of edges of the scars, in MS-like and ADEM-like[5]
[edit] References
- ^ Borderline forms of MS, Fontaine, B., Federation de Neurologie, INSERM U546, Groupe Hospitalier, Faculte de Medecine Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris [1]
- ^ Primary and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis [2]
- ^ Interferon-beta1b treatment modulates cytokines in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis [3]
- ^ Natural history of primary progressive multiple sclerosis [4]
- ^ The nature of multiple sclerosis [5]