Bush Derangement Syndrome
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Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) is a political epithet invented by American political columnist and former psychiatrist Charles Krauthammer in a satirical article to describe complaints raised against the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush, and his administration, associates, affiliates and supporters, especially those who subscribe to conspiracy theories, or who allegedly oppose any initiative put forward by the Bush administration merely because Bush supports it. It is especially in use in the Blogosphere, and talk radio, as opposed to television commentary.
The term "Bush Derangement Syndrome" is usually applied as a derogatory term within the Blogosphere to imply that an opponent cannot be reasoned with or that complaints lack substance aside from anti-Bush hatred, due to the illogical connection to the charge.
However, in some cases there is a correlary epithet known as the "Bush Delusional Syndrome" applied to some followers of Bush who cannot seem to find any fault with our current President. Those followers are primarily identified by their belief that the Iraq war was good and everything will turn out very good for the US in the end.
[edit] References
- Mark Steyn, "Terrorism is a beast to be killed, not fed", Daily Telegraph (London, England), December 2, 2003.
- Charles Krauthammer, "The Delusional Dean", Washington Post, December 5, 2003, Sec. F, pg. A31.
- "Malady Season: Political Illnesses May Be Epidemic This Year", Editorial, Daily News-Record (Harrisonburg, VA), December 6, 2003
- "Political disorders shouldn't omit Clinton phobia", St. Petersburg Times, December 9, 2003, Sec. Editorial, pg. 9A.
- Larry Offenberg, "Syndrome actually just a new strain", The Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ), December 11, 2003, Sec. Opinions, Pg. B10.
- James Wolcott, Attack Poodles and Other Media Mutants: The Looting of the News in a Time of Terror, Miramax Books: 2004, pg. 87.
- Bernard Goldberg, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America (And Al Franken Is #37), HarperCollins: 2005, pp.302-303.
- Mark Steyn, "Absolute Authority?", The New York Sun, August 22, 2005,
- "Listening For Terror - Why The Dark Night Of Fascism Is Not Yet Upon Us", Daily News-Record (Harrisonburg, VA), December 23, 2005, Sec. Editorials.
- Michelle Malkin, "Another American disgrace", Kansas City Star, December 30, 2005, Sec. Opinion, Pg. B7.
- Jonah Goldberg, "My opinion Jonah Goldberg : Demo fixation on Bush, Wal-Mart a joy to watch", Arizona Daily Star, August 28, 2006, Opinion. Link to online edition. CBS News edition
- Malkin, Michelle. "Five Years After 9/11: Tinfoil Hats Attack", New York Post, 2006-09-10. Retrieved on 2006-09-20.
- Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes. Hannity & Colmes [Cable television]. United States: Fox News Channel. Transcript.
- Dim Moral Clarity. Editorial. Investor's Business Daily (2006-09-20). Retrieved on 2006-09-20.
- Babbin, Jed (2006-10-30). Loose Canons: Pre-Election SGO. American Spectator. Retrieved on 2006-10-31.
[edit] External links
- Bush Derangement Syndrome: the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush. Charles Krauthammer, Townhall, December 5th, 2003.
- The choice of anger The American Thinker, December 26th, 2005.
- Let's Discuss Bush Derangement Syndrome again Dr Sanity, November 12, 2005.
- Bush-Hating Nation: Anatomy of an epithet Steve Rendall, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, May/June 2006
- BDS art in Chelsea Michelle Malkin, October 07, 2006.
- Facebook nightmare: College Republican targeted by stalker speaks out, February 22, 2007