Talk:Chaos Control
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Chaos Arrows?
Good question. I have never seen those energy blasts be referred to as Chaos Arrows before. -anon
[edit] Fake Emerald
Tails does not state that the Fake Emerald explodes when simply used, instead stating that it only explodes when it replaces the corresponding real Emerald and is used together with the six remaining real Emeralds - it absorbs the other Emeralds' energy, overloads, and explodes. Thus, since it otherwise posesses the same qualities as a conventional Emerald, Sonic can Chaos Control without suffering harm.
Also, why is Sonic's use of Chaos Control in SA2's Dark Story final battle not considered canon? He still posesses the Fake Emerald, after all, showing it off to Shadow in the Hero Story version of the cutscene leading up to it.
I dunno but it's probbaly because Sonic almost fainted when using Chaos Control the 1st time with a fake emerald, so unless he got the hang of using chaos control without it exhausting him, Shadow would have easily beaten him the 2nd time. It was probably used to balance the fight (i.e. both character use chaos control when you're too far ahead, both use ranged attacks when you're too far behind, et cetera). BlackEDGE MkII 01:34, 1 November 2006 (UTC)
- Yeah, I remember that fight... After the other guy used his ranged attack, you had to nail him with a Homing Attack or Spin Dash while he [foolishly] stood still By the way, you could also nail him anytime by using a Light Dash. No, really, you can damage enemies by Light Dashing into them. The same trick works in Sonic Heroes, but it's not nearly as effective, only doing 1 HP of damage. I'm not sure if they kept it in Shadow the Hedgehog, though. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Luigifan (talk • contribs) 12:39, 7 December 2006 (UTC).
Yeah, good times, good times. The final battle with Sonic and Shad was a piece of cake compared to the Biolizard. DeathGodDragon EDGE 00:13, 8 December 2006 (UTC)
Just want to mention that Sonic used Chaos control for a long distance, through walls, and through an explosion the first time. He only warps a hundred feet or so in the boss fight. Jon166 04:34, 9 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Chaos Powers
I doubt the special attacks Chaos 0 used in SA2/SA2:B were actual chaos powers. They were probably attacks used by Chaos that had his name at the front. BlackEDGE MkII 00:22, 5 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Oh Come On!
Is everyone in the entire Sonic Universe gonna wake up and find out that they have the ability to use Chaos Control? Now Silver can use it! Jeez!!! Who's next? Amy? Cream? Eggman? BlackEDGE MkII 01:15, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
- I think the innate capacity for Chaos Control is going to be reserved for the main characters (e.g. Sonic, Shadow, Silver...) and the newer villains (e.g. Black Doom, Mephiles...) However, Eggman has designed machines to use Chaos Control, and I'm quite sure that Tails would be able to do the same thing. I mean, he did manage to create a false Emerald, after all, and the guy's long been recognized as being on par with Dr. Eggman in terms of machinery. --Luigifan 12:46, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
I'm just saying that every main character/villian doesn't need to have the abiltiy to use Chaos Control. In SA2, it was fresh because Shad was the only one (until Sonic just happened to discover that he could do it too) who could use it. Now, with with each passing game, 1 more character is shown to be able to use it, and Chaos Control loses it's freshness. I can understand Metal and Doom being able to use the abiltiy as well, but still, Silver?! The only way that I could see him being able to use it is if is he's either Sonic or Shad's descendant. DeathGodDragon EDGE 23:57, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
This is a breakdown of every character that can use Chaos Control (excluding those who can possibly attain it with the help of a machine):
Shadow: The Ultimate Life Form (blood of Black Doom); had it since his creation
Sonic: his super form was fortold in Echidna legend; stumbled onto it before the capsule he was in exploded in space
Biolizard: protype of the Ultimate Life Form; possibly had Black Doom's blood (unconfirmed)
Metal Sonic: copied it from Shadow; nuff said
Black Doom: Shad's biological father; most likely had the ability before any other character that has appeared in the series
Silver: psychokinetic who lives in the future; also happens to stumble upon the ability (this time during a battle with Shad); could be a descendant of a Chaos Control user (most likely Shad or Sonic)
I'm not including Mephiles because I don't believe he used Chaos Control (he didn't say anthing when he teleported Shad and Rouge into the future). My theory is that he retained some of Solaris' abiltily to control time and space, even though he was separted from Ilbis. Either that or he gained the ability from using Shad's shadow to reform. DeathGodDragon EDGE 00:11, 8 December 2006 (UTC)
by the way blaze and jet is one of the newer main caracters but they cant use chaos control, and eggman nega is a newer villans and he cant eihter
Wait, Blaze uses Chaos Control at the end? From what I've seen (haven't played the actual game, only seen videos), she just says "goodbye" and disappears. She doesn't actually say "Chaos Control" or anything, which is what every Chaos Control-user so far (who can talk) have done... Doesn't look much like Chaos Control either. Someone provide some proof. 14:47, 26 December 2006 (UTC)
She doesn't. And I took that part out. ChromeWulf ZX 21:46, 8 January 2007 (UTC)
Wait, someone added in Blaze, and the theory has a good reason, but... ChromeWulf ZX 04:10, 17 January 2007 (UTC)
Almost half the list now consists of possibilities and assumptions. ...Is that bad? Gurko 12:02, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
Probably. I say that we remove every user that isn't confirmed. If anyone has a problem, then we'll explain why we took em out. ChromeWulf ZX 03:18, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
Just a note or two on this. First, I'm figuring that Chaos Control is used by those who have great power, and know how to use the emeralds. Super Forms obviously show that they can use the emeralds.
Chaos Controllers:
Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Black Doom, Metal Sonic, Biolizard?, Blaze?
Super Forms:
Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Blaze, Tails, Knuckles, Metal Sonic?, Biolizard?, Black Doom?
Also, not sure if this means anything, but Blaze (the iffy one), Tails, and Knuckles just happened to share ring counts with Sonic in the final boss fights, while the others were independant... Jon166 05:43, 5 March 2007 (UTC)
I'm still skeptical about Blaze (I'm taking out any character game-wise who has a ? next to em). Also, the Finalhazard, Devil Doom, and Metal Madness/Overlord aren't super transformations. ChromeWulf ZX 22:26, 7 March 2007 (UTC)
Well, that would support my theory even more, as she shares a ring count with Sonic, just like Knuckles and Tails. So Sonic, Silver, and Shadow are all of the ones who were Super in final boss fights with their own ring counts, and they are the only ones who can do Chaos Control. Also, Doom and the Biolizard enhanced their forms with the Emeralds. Metal didn't, but he copied Chaos Control from Shadow, just like Emerl does to use C. Teleport and C. Burst. Jon166 04:12, 8 March 2007 (UTC)
I think Emerl counts... I mean, if you give him Shadow's Air Dash, it states "Shadow's air action. He teleports using Chaos Control.". Gurko 12:54, 8 March 2007 (UTC)
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that Emerl and Metal are in the same boat, as they can copy Chaos Control, but can't copy usage of the Chaos Emeralds for Super Forms. They can copy Super forms, however, as Metal copied Chaos's Perfect form, and Mecha Sonic copied Super Sonic. However, neither use the Chaos Emeralds, just a fleet of ships or the Master Emerald's stored energy as a source.
Conclusion: Living forms who do Chaos Control can use independant Super Forms in final boss fights, and vice versa. Machines can copy the use of Chaos Control, and copy Super Forms to enter enchanced forms using a power source, but they don't have to specifically use the Chaos Emeralds. Jon166 04:29, 9 March 2007 (UTC)
Someone re-added Mephiles. I could remove him again due to speculation, but I haven't even played the game so I could be wrong. Can anyone with Sonic 2006 confirm that Mephy uses Chaos abilities? Gurko 18:50, 14 March 2007 (UTC)
He uses the Chaos Emerald to bond with Iblis, and he travels through time. I don't think he uses an emerald for time travel, though. Otherwise, I don't know.Jon166 19:56, 18 March 2007 (UTC)