Talk:Charley Steiner
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Hey Charlie, I have no connection to anyone. I am just a person, living out here in Oregon. You celebreted your 55th on July 17th, I shall celebrate my 55th on August 17. The group shall be at PGE Park on the 16th at 12:05 t0 see the Beavers and Sac. It shall be a great day. Now, I must tell you, the statement re: "the Yankees are bigger than the Beatles"...come on Charlie. Let's be real. Eventhough, the Yankees have been in existence longer, you cannot compare the two. Were/Are you a true Beatle fan? What is your favorite song?
[edit] Yankee games no longer as good..
I am not a Yankee fan, but always enjoyed your broadcasts. I was wondering why you left. I had heard that you and your partner(Sterling) did not get along. If that was the case, it didn't seem it to the listener.