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(Due to naming problems, he is called Chao9999, but the correct alias would be The illusion) As a wikipedia user, Chao likes to edit articles, but has so far only made one mistake, and that was with Sonic's age, which has been clarified.
Of quick note, "The illusion", comes from the lyrics from "Supporting Me" that is played when fighting the Biolizard in Sonic Adventure 2. At one point, you will hear "an illusion, I'll be moving you" or something to that extent. That part of the song was done so well, it's how I got the inspiration for the name.
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[edit] Bio
Chao is a Spriter, a Flash Artist, a Minor Music Editor, and an Intense Gamer.
Gaming interests: Anything Nintendo, SEGA, or Capcom usually suits him.
7th Gen System: Wii, of course.
Internet Avatar: A combination of Mecha Sonic from Sonic 3 and Shadow X from Megaman X6. Created by myself.
First Game: The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)
First Game Beaten: See Above
Age when first beaten a game: 3
Age when first played a game: 3
First Console: SNES
Consoles owned: SNES, N64, GC, GB, GBC, GBA (stolen), PSX (sold immediately)
Homepage: None, unless you count the Bluehog Gaming Studio, which is where I work with Bluehog, who makes some sweet Sonic fan games.
Career Interest: Artist,, or Video Game Designer
Belives the School system is in need of being revamped, and, in ways, belives school should be optional: Yes
Age: 14
Weight: 120 lb
Hair Color: Red when born, shifted to Blonde, then Dark Brown
Height: 5' 6" (possibly more)
Shoe Size: 10 (possibly more)
Gender: Male
Occupation: 9th Grade Student who wishes to drop out and get a GED
[edit] Other
Well, I don't really know what to say otherwise, besides that I'm a flash artist, a spriter, and work at the Bluehog Gaming Studio, managed by my good friend Bluehog. For the flash version:
For the non flash version:
Anyway, yep.
[edit] Current Wikipedia Pals
[edit] Contact
These are various ways to contact me. Before you do though: If ANYBODY wants to help me with this article, PLEASE, by ALL MEANS, I want to talk to you so bad.
AIM: chao9999 MSN: E-mail: (Not preferred) Gamefaqs: chao9999 G-mail: (Not preferred. As you can see, I'm not an e-mail guy) Deviant Art: chao9999
Despite the numerous appearances of "chao9999", I'm "The_illusion".