Talk:Communist Party of India (Marxist)
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I'm removing the words Propaganda from Vehicle and Poster. Although I support BJP, This is just plain wrong.-- 13:53, 21 August 2006 (UTC)
- 'Propaganda' is not a negative word amongst the communist parties. See Agitprop. As per the descriptions the vehicle was not taking part in election campaign, and the 'poster' was made of plastic so i don't know if poster is the correct word. --Soman 14:10, 21 August 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] Translation from Malayalam
Can anyone transliterate this from Malayalam? I'm not very good so I can only get so far but if anyone could add this to the article, it would be great.
- കമ്യൂണിസ്റ്റ് Communist
- പാര്ട്ടി Party
- ഓഫ് ????
- ഇന്ത്യ Januhthuya (??)
- (മാര്സിസ്റ്റ്) Marxist
CPI(M)'s flag given in wikipedia is not correct. It is only its election symbol.
Please visit cpim's official website and look at the constitution and please click on the link flag it says : "Flag. The flag of the Party shall be a red flag of which the length shall he one-and-a half times its width. At the centre of the flag there shall be a crossed hammer and sickle in white. " But when I changed wikipedia text to correct it, immediately it was replaced with a wrong content. Well, I don't want to compete with those who determined not to open eyes.
Further the constitution says-- ARTICLE XIV ..All-India Party Congress . 1. The supreme organ of the Party for the whole country shall be the All-India Party Congress.
And Also--
2. Functions and powers of the regular Party Congress are as follows:
(a) ...... (b) ..... (c) To determine the Party line on current situation;
And also: ARTICLE XIII-- 2(d) Encouragement of criticism and self-criticism at all levels, from top to bottom, especially criticism from below;
And it is a known fact that one of the state secretariates (state secretariate can not take policy decisions) has asked the conference not to discuss the policy matters as part of party congress. Thus acting against the very constitution of the party. And the present general secretary of the CPIM has appealed the conference to avoid election (This is also against constitution). Thus the last party congress of the CPIM is NULL and VOID.
If anyone wants to study the constitution of the cpim, please visit it is the most democratic, yet suitable for a radical left party. But the present day leadership do not want to follow this for their own reasons. Why? 1) State level leaders are in the influence of imperialist agenda. They do not want to hear anything against it. 2) General secratary is under tremendous pressure from social democrats including hiw own wife who challenged class politics but surprisingly not expelled when resigned.( see ARTICLE VIII Resignation from Party membership 1. A Party member wishing to resign from the Party shall summit his or her resignation to the Party branch or to the Party unit to which he or she belongs. The unit concerned may accept the same, decide to strike his or her name off the rolls and report the matter to the next higher committee. If the resignation is on political grounds the unit may refuse to accept the resignation and may expel him. Well, I do not support expulsion either.But it should be applicable not only for the liberals. )He is painted as a "hardliner" and he wants to show himself that he is a pragmatic leader. This makes him acceptable for everyone. He wants to please everyone. Those who tries to please every one is not a communist. A communist is a person who follows communist principles. When I include remarks, about how MN Vijayan was silenced for pointing out the deviations, that was removed. Reality is a reality if it is removed from a website or not.
[edit] What is going on within the CPIM?
There is a serious ideological debate going on inside the CPIM now. CPIM is one of the few communist parties in the world, which did not moved away from its ideological moorings after the collapse of Soviet Union. But like any other living communist party, there is a serious debate going on within the party. There is a section inside the party leadership and rank and file who does not agree with the class theory. How ever these section, in general, are sympathetic to the growth of the CPIM. They want the present CPIM transformed into a social democratic party to accommodate a more liberal and flexible leftist view. As else where, it is difficult to directly question the class theory of a decades old organization, a few "new leftist" are trying to replace the class content of the CPIM with that of Identity politics. The prominent leaders who are supportive of this move are Brinda Karat, Sitaram Yechuri, S. Ramachandra Pillai, M.A.Baby, P.Govinda Pillai, Thomas Isaac. The leaders like Jyothi Basu, Somanath Chatterjee are more favouring a capitalist welfare state. The leaders who are opposed to replacing class nature of CPIM with that of Identity politics are Prakash Karat, the present day General Secretary and M.K.Pandhe. Strangely, but still natually, the attempt to replace the class theory wiht identity politics faced resistance from those CPIM sympathisers who are not party members.
The compulsions of Parlimentary model of politics have ccreated such complex paradoxes within the party always. As the office bearers of the CPIM is more busy keeping the electoral base of the party intact if not growing, it is the "outside" sympathisers who got the comprehensive view of the current situation. It was M.N.Vijayan and Prof.Sudheesh who pointed out the deviation from the ideological moorings. The Provincial secretary of the CPIM described what M.N.Vijayan saying as "madness". But after sevral months if debate within the CPIM, the party decided to expel many party members who were accused by M.N. Vijayan's camp for deliberately deviating from the CPIM's principles. CPIM leadershop, in a face saving exercise, expelled prominent intellectual M.P. Parameshwaran for propogating the "Fourth World" theory. Interestingly, when M.N. Vijayan's "madness" first created a controversy, the office bearers of CPIM had deployed the same M.P.Parameshwaran to answer the M.N.Vijayan's criticisms. Parameshwaran did his job. But later the pary to save the skin of some "electorally" powerful leaders, expelled the very Parameshwaran whom Party leaders thought best equipped with answers. Interestingly who ever asked Parameshwaran to use the Party Organ to answer ideological questions, are safe. CPIM's central leadership, who has no mass followers has no other way to silently "adjust" with these powerful local lobby. This is the same CPIM where its former Head, Sundarayya was removed from the Central leadership, when his ideological stand was rejected by party.
CPIM in the last party congress, came with a special document titled "some ideological issues" . The party congress could not resolve the ideological issues so it has called for a special conference to discuss these issues, higlighting the importance of these ideological issues. Still the party leaders' confusion was clear when a formal politbureau member disclosing that he had been opposing the views upheld by M.P.Parameshwaran several years and he indicated that M.P. Parameshwaran will be expelled from the CPIM. Thus a prominent intellectual (former nuclear scientist) was expelled from the CPIM for publishing his views at least 5 years ago. But strangely this Polit Bureau member, not to talk about the provincial leaders whose attempts are more deliberate, never even thought that he himself should have been expelled from the CPIM for deploying the same MP Parameshwaran answer M.N.Vijayan, in the party mouth organ. P. Ramachandran never explained why he himself should not be expelled from the party knowingly supporting and encouraging M.P. Parameshwaran propogate his Liberal Socialist ideology. What is pity is neither P. Ramachandran nor the Prakash Karat has the support within the CPIM to expell any liberal leaders, because in a parliamentary system, people who can win votes (identity politics is more suitable for winning votes) always dictate others. Lalu Prasad, Jayalalitha and the like hijacked the political vote bank, and they started controlling their regional groups. The same thing is happening in CPIM now. M.K.Pandhe can not even win a panchayat Election in India so his class theory has become irrelevent. Pinarayi Vijan controls a particular caste vote bank so he need not know what is the ideology. Brinda Karat is clever enough to understand identity politics gives her the necessary star value and not the class politics. Prakash Karat can at the best publish left word books and pass resolution in this context. But when the advocates of identity polics asked him to release book questioning class theory, then he has no other way but to release the book in the public function, though he can not know what is written in the vernacular language publkication.
- So, what is your point? This is an encyclopedia (albeit an open one), not a discussion forum. Obviously there are many sides of the story, and the only material included in the actual article will limit itself to what different constituencies can agree upon as a consensus. --Soman 23:26, 30 September 2005 (UTC)
The history records of wiki reveals that it is soman who altered the content about CPIM flag. I have given supporting evidence to prove what I have given. CPIM has only one flag, that is according to its costitution. The new admirers of CPIM stongly believe that cpim is an election to election party. This is not true.
This is a page about CPIM. I have quoted from CPIM's constituion. The constitution and program of CPIM defines what is cpim and not what its leaders and admirers believe. If wiki is an encyclopedia, then it should be edited to remove incorrect facts.
I have quoted from cpim's program. And I have included remarks to prove there is a deviation from these principles. Facts are facts. Encyclopedia is a place where facts are given and not beliefs. Cpim is supposed to be a party working on the theory of class content of the society. Officially it is against any violation from its class politics. Any individual leader of CPIM working against class politics and working on the basis of identity politics is a violation of its officially stated principle. This is a fact, and encylopedia should be able to publish facts along with other stuffs. Identifying with Dalit, Muslim politics in the name of fighting against Fascism is nothing but identity politics. Resigning from the central committee in the name of gender is identity politics. Class politics should take up other issues only within the limit of class politics. Bringing the Environmental politis, gender politics, dalit-muslim politics, developmental politics( in the name of self help groups), literacy progam etc into the center stage to trivialize the class struggle is a deviation from the official statement of cpim. An encyclopedia is expected to tell what is officially the said entity/subject and what is the real position now, and what are the deviation. That is what I have done.
- The flag has been removed now. It is correct that the constitution doesn't mention a star in the flag. The flag with is however, commonly used. The way it was described to me was that the star was a mark of distinction between CPI(M) and CPI, CPI(M) banners having a star and CPi without a star. However, I've seen both CPI and CPI(M) using both versions.
- As per the deviation-identity politics jada jada, i still don't see your point, as you clearly contradict yourself. Do you believe that there can be one single definition of class politics, acceptable to a majority of users of wikipedia? Do you think the CPI(M) leaders you accuse of deviation would agree on that? There should be mention about debates on the development of the party, for example the recent conflict in Kerala, but in such case it must deal with the arguments made by both sides in a (atleast somewhat) neutral manner. Also, your anti-literacy stance is perhaps the most antimarxist formulation seen in years. How can you say that class politics contradicts the antiliteracy struggle. If so, Lenin wasn't a Marxist by your standards.
- As per the encyclopediatic usefullness of consitutions, I suppose you would also adhere to that BJP is a secular party? --Soman 22:22, 3 October 2005 (UTC)
@ Woohookitty,
I also think that six images are so much for an article with such a length. However, this does not justify your vandalism. If you may decide which ones are pepresentative of CPI (M), for example a mural in Malayalam, one poster in Urdu, etc., go for it but if you cannot decide, don't ever touch it please. Behemoth
Kindly see the link Class in Marxism to refer the meaning of "class". It is funny to hear that there should be a "single definition- acceptable by all". So is that the criterion? If so, let us not put the information that human being has landed on moon because my neighbour woman has not yet agreed with that.
As every child knows it, Marxism views social forces from the perspective of class politics. It doesn't mean that it does not agree with the importance of Literacy, environment etc. Rather marxism is, expected to, contribute to all these fields. But there is a lot of difference between a person viewing everything from the view point that "all the evils can be eradicated if illiteracy is eradicated". Simply it is not true. Illiteracy is a symptom of a social problem. In India, for example, the poor think that their children should earn money for the family, so they send them to work and not to school. The much talked about "official" anti illiteracy program in India is nothing but to take the 88% literacy rate to 92% literacy and then boasting about the greatness of total literacy. It is not a radical social change, but only a tempest in a tea pot. Marxism is all about bringing in structural changes in a society and not about re-painting your house. Unless and until the social problems are addressed from a point of view that one social class is exploited by another social class, and deliberate, serious attempts are not made to address this fundamental problem, then illiteracy will come back in some other form, even if it is removed. If any one thinks that I have said, class struggle contradicts anti illiteracy work, then God Save him! I am not here to define what is Marxism. Let marxists do that. I am only quoting what marxists say what is marxism is all about. and these are generally approved facts. And I am only pointing out that there are clear, known instances of the so called "marxist" leaders not following class politics. Rather for their own convenient reasons, these handful number of marxists follow identity politics . I have just pointed out this contradiction. I don't say that is right nor wrong.
[edit] Stalin's birthday
To Soman: note that my source was officially theoretical and political monthly of the Estonian Communist Party. Parrallel editions were printed in Russian (Политика).--Constanz - Talk 13:18, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
- The problem is that a lot happens in 16 years. Your source is from 1990, and I don't doubt that the information there would be incorrect. In the 1970s, Stalin portrait was a mainstay in CPI(M) murals. Today it isn't. I cannot recall any celebrations of Stalin's birthday. There was a celebration of Stalin 50th death anniversary in 2003 in Kolkata, organized by the arch-nemesis of CPI(M), SUCI. See photos at [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
- CPI(M) is today not really part of the 'anti-revisionist' fold. Differences between CPI(M) and CPI have been settled, although that is never officially admitted. CPI(M) no longer views the Indian National Congress as its main enemy, CPI no longer views the Congress as a main ally.
- The comment about Kolkata refers to the fact that if CPI(M) organizes anything in that city, it will not go unnoticed. Virtually every wall will in town will either be painted or postered announcing a meeting or manifestation. --Soman 13:42, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Reading material on 1967 split
[8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23] --Soman 14:45, 11 April 2006 (UTC)
- Thank you for enlightening me on indian commies' actions. Thing is, it is an 'editor's footnote from year 1975 that says 'lately some maoists left'.--Constanz - Talk 14:58, 11 April 2006 (UTC)
- It could be the Centre of Indian Communists in Kerala. That split was however quite marginal. The CPI(M)-CPC break came with 1967. --Soman 15:23, 11 April 2006 (UTC)
- Possibly. But it did occur, and exactly for the reason specified in the text.--Constanz - Talk 05:52, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
- It could be the Centre of Indian Communists in Kerala. That split was however quite marginal. The CPI(M)-CPC break came with 1967. --Soman 15:23, 11 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Truth about the Left
The article displays that the CPI(M)is the third most powerful party in India. However in reality its popularity is based upon one thing-PROPAGANDA.If you will see the CPI(M)'s mostly read paper Ganashakti, you will find all sorts of bogus every so called Proletarian party mentions. If I am proved wrong, try analysing from the Third person perspective.
These assholes are traitors who are working for bad of India. These scum bags sided with the British during the Independence movement. During the 1962 Chinese attack, these scums tried to justify their attack. Now these f$$kers want to roll back the economic reforms happening in India. EMS was called as "China Charan" or Chinese spy. They talk of so called communist principles and they run TV channels, hospitals all about an empire worth about 1000s of crores. And they have no problem collecting in $$$ in US by using Kairali channel. What a bunch of hypocrates.
[edit] History chapter
The history chapter is being rewritten at Communist Party of India (Marxist)/temp. Please lend a hand. --Soman 10:47, 21 June 2006 (UTC)
Anyone reading this article would have the impression that the CPM's history stopped in 1971, 36 years ago! We badly need information of some kind outlining what has happened in the CPM during that time! mgekelly 09:08, 24 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] POV/Vandalism
User: (the so-called self-professed 'Indian National Congress - IT Cell') keeps adding POV material, but with such detachment from reality that it verges to pure vandalism.
- "CPI supported Communist Party of Soviet Union (CPSU) and CPI (M) supported Communist Party of China (CPC). These two parties will not take their own decisions. They will seek advices from Soviet Union and China respectively." I'm not sure whether the editor is aware of the Collapse of the Soviet Union. In any case it would be interesting to hear him explain how CPI keeps taking advice from the Soviet Union 15 years after its dissolution! As to CPI(M)-CPC relations, its completly bogus. CPI(M) had some sympathy for Chinese criticism of CPSU in the mid-1960s, but it never had a subordinated relationship to CPC. Relations were completly called of in 1967, and restarted only in the 1980s. But hardly particularily close.
- "CPI (M) even supported China in Indo-China war of 1962". CPI(M) formed in 1964. Go figure.
- "and many of their leaders like AK Gopalan, Susheela Gopalan, EMS Nambudiripad, Jyothi Basu, Nripan Chakravarthy, EK Nayanar, VS Achuthanandan, etc were worked as spies for Chinese government." Good luck giving a credible source for that.
- " The basic principles of CPI and CPI (M) are on Atheism. They are against all religions and they want to impose Atheism in India, similar to China and North Korea." Also completly unfounded. Both parties have reviewed relationship to religious currents, and are not imposing atheism.
- "CPI (M) is absically "anti-Poor, pro-Poverty" organization. The party's main agenda is to 'socialize poverty'. CPI (M) believes in violent struggles, militant revolution, militant Trade Unionism, Bureaucratic Redtape, Licence Raj, etc. The party is against Development, Progress, Higher Education, Reformation, Globalization, Infrastructure Development, Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) and Foreign Indirect Investment (FIIs), etc." Yes, they just want whats bad for everybody!
- "They use to declare bandhs, hartals, strikes, dharnas, gheraos, rasta-roko etc and use to harass common peoples.", whereas Congress/BJP/VHP etc. declare bandhs for the delight of common people.
- "CPI (M) doesn't likes India to be a developed country." Try provide a source for that argument.
- "CPI (M) is one of the most corrupted political party in India." Source please. Then we could look into whether any accusations of corruption ever have been levelled towards the Congress...
- "They used to murder their political rival and it is common in the states like West Bengal, Kerala,and Tripura." In Tripura Congress used to carry pogroms on the tribal population, instigation massacres and burning villages. Not to speak about the semi-fascist terror during Congress rule in West Bengal or about role of Congress functionaries the anti-Sikh massacres of 1984.
- "CPI (M) is also against Computerization, Information Technology, Biotechnology, Modern Science & Technology." Which is an interesting claim. Who defended scientific rationale in the education system when Hindutva groups wanted to introduce astrology, if not CPI(M)?
- and finally my favorite: "Most of the members of CPI (M) are uneducated and illeterates.", in difference to the Congress cadres who are educated leterates.
--Soman 13:55, 7 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Talk:Communist Party of India (Marxist)/temp
Could someone knowledgeable look at Talk:Communist Party of India (Marxist)/temp and see whether there is anything useful. The creator has not worked on the page since June and nobody has taken over. If there is anything useful, I suggest that it be merged into the article. If it is a better article, then perhaps it should replace this one (I have no knowledge of the topic and have not read either article). If there is nothing to merge, the page should be deleted. I am not going to put this page on my watchlist due to my lack of knowledge on this subject, so any replies to me here will go unanswered. -- Kjkolb 14:00, 15 December 2006 (UTC)