Talk:Criticism of Sylvia Browne
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Looks good to me Throw, good job :). Anynobody 23:20, 4 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Drowned himself with his hose
I have to thank whoever wrote that, the image I got had me laughing out loud. (I don't mean that in a spiteful way, I just literally imagined a fireman deciding to take a drink from a high pressure fire hose "So thirsty, aughhh!") It still sounds like a bit of an assumption, she said he drowned fighting a fire... maybe he slipped, landed his head face down in the toilet, was knocked out, and then drowned. Since the sprinklers were out of commission, and that's where the water for the fire hoses comes from, I wish she had said fire hose instead of implying it. By mentioning what actually happened, we can show she is implying that he drowned in a toilet, a sink, or a cup of water. Anynobody 07:45, 16 March 2007 (UTC)