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Kopiruji poznamku z diskuse k anglicke verzi, protoze presne vyjadruje rozumny a historicky pristup k te veci (samozrejme mezi idioty tady je naprosto bez sance, takze se ani nebudu snazit to upravovat, stejne by mi to nejaky trouba upravil k nepoznani)
jvano History and Development of Satan
Better to begin with the history and development of Satan before you get to depictions of Satan in the movies. Eliminate all passive voice of nonattribution. Get your dates attached to your documents (ca 150 A.D.-- like that). Use more quotes. There is no satan in paganism, that's a Christian and post-Christian fantasy. Leave the movies and video game images for the end. Forget "Apocrypha:" give books their names and dates. How can you discuss O.T. Satan without dividing your discussion into pre- and post-Exilic notions. What about Persia? "Apocrypha" is a historical development in itself and incompatible with NPOV, right? Get a format here where people who have some hard facts can hang them on something. Wetman 02:26, 13 Mar 2004 (UTC)
[editovat] Beast number versus číslo šelmy
Ad poslední Pastoriova úprava s komentářem „beast number určitě není číslo šelmy“ – ne? A co to tedy je? --Mormegil ✉ 09:53, 30. 5. 2005 (UTC)