Dagda's Cauldron
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The Dagda's Cauldron, a large cooking pot which never emptied and which left none hungry, is one of the four legendary treasures of Ireland. When not in use, it stored the blood-dripping Spear of Lugh.
In Irish mythology the Tuatha Dé Danaan (peoples of the goddess Danu) had once lived near the Danube River but wandered to the Northern Isles where they learned many skills and magic in its four cities; Fáilias, Gorias, Murias and Finias. On coming to Ireland, they brought with them a treasure from each city – from Murias came The Dagda’s Cauldron, known as Undry.
The other three treasures are An Claíomh Solais, the Spear of Lugh and the Stone of Fal.