Daniel Chavarria
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Daniel Chavarria (born 1933) is a Uruguayan revolutionary and writer, living in Cuba.
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[edit] Life
Daniel Chavarria is known to have lived an adventurous life. He has been working as miner in Essen, model in Colonia, guide at the Prado Museum in Madrid, washing dishes in Paris, amongs the other occupations. He has disguided himself as monk, too.
After the coup in Brasil in '64 (where he was living at the time), he runs away to work amongst gold seekers in Amazonia.
Later on, he will arrive to Cuba hijacking a small plane for which he had paid all the tickets. In Cuba, he has been working as translator and teacher of latin and greek, before starting his career as writer.
[edit] Writing style
Chavarria is writing within the Latin-American tradition of political writers, as Gabriel Garcia Marquez - but with a more optimistic and fresh spirit, not dissimilar from the one of Daniel Sepulveda and Paco Ignacio Taibo II.
Chavarria books are strongly critical of the violence of Fascism.
He mentions as childhood readings Jules Verne, Emilio Salgari and Alexandre Dumas, and their influence can be clearly seen in his writing. In Tango for a Torturer, for example, is clear the influence of The Count of Monte Cristo.
[edit] Political views
Chavarria life and writings clearly show his communist and revolutionary background.
He is a known supporter of the Cuban Revolution.
[edit] Trivia
- Daniel Chavarria defines himself an Uruguayan citizen and a Cuban writer.
- He is a personal friend of Paco Ignacio Taibo II.
[edit] Books
- 1984 The Sixt Island
- 1993 The Eye of Cybele
- 1999 That year in Madrid
- 2003 Adios Muchachos
- 2006 Tango for a Torturer