Dating violence
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Dating Violence is defined as the perpetration or threat of an act of violence by at least one member of an unmarried couple on the other member within the context of dating or courtship. This violence encompasses all forms: sexual assault, physical violence, verbal, mental, or emotional abuse, and financial abuse.
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[edit] Warning Signs
Early warning signs that a date may become abusive:[citation needed] [1]
- Extreme jealousy
- Controlling behavior
- Quick involvement
- Unpredictable mood swings
- Alcohol and drug use
- Explosive anger
- Isolates you from friends and family
- Uses force during an argument
- Shows hypersensitivity
- Believes in rigid sex roles
- Blames others for his/her problems or feelings
- Cruel to animals or children
- Verbally abusive
- Abused former partners
- Threatens violence
[edit] Signs of Dating Violence
Clues that may indicate a victim of date violence:[2]
- Physical signs of injury
- Truancy, dropping out of school
- Failing grades
- Indecision
- Changes in mood or personality
- Use of drugs/alcohol
- Emotional outburst
- Bruising
- Increasing isolation from friends and family
[edit] Why People Stay
Victims may remain in an abusive relationship for many reasons, including:
- Fear of the perpetrator
- Self-blame
- Minimization of the crime
- Loyalty or love for the perpetrator
- Social or religious stigma
- Lack of understanding
[edit] References
- Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence website: [3] - includes statistics and helpful advice
- National Center for Victims of Crime website: [4] - statistics, further research and other readings