Donald E. Kraybill
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Donald E. Kraybill is a psychotherapist on the staff of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
Dr. Kraybill's initial professional employment was as a behavioral scientist for the University of California-affiliated Family Medicine residency program in Merced, California before joining the Penn Foundation for Behavioral Health in Sellersville, Pennsylvania doing outpatient psychotherapy with children and adolescents.
In 1985, Kraybill became the Director of Behavioral Science at Montgomery Hospital Medical Center in Norristown, Pennsylvania. There, he provided Temple University-affiliated family medicine residents with clinical training and experience in behavioral medicine.
Simultaneously, he served as a mental health consultant for the Job Corps program in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, doing site reviews and evaluating medical, dental, mental health and substance abuse programs for twenty Job Corps centers spread over six states.
Dr. Kraybill has maintained a private psychotherapy practice in North Wales, Pennsylvania since 1988.
Since joining the Accreditation Field Staff of the ACGME in February, 2002, Kraybill has conducted 200 site visits of residency programs.
Krabill is married with three college-age children. He lives in Harleysville, Pennsylvania.