G-punkt (kønsorgan)
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
G-punkt (Gräfenberg-punkt) er et område ca. 2-4 cm inde i kvindens skede i væggen ud mod kønsbenet, som specielt kan stimuleres seksuelt, hvor ved en g-punkts-orgasme kan opnås.
Der findes dog intet anatomisk holdepunkt for at stedet findes, hverken makro- eller mikroskopisk.
Det påstås, at det er mellem 10% (en kilde) og op til 50% (en anden kilde) af hunkøn som kan blive stimuleret via g-punktet.
Nogle kvinder ejakulerer ved g-punktsorgasmer.
Andre mener, det er en myte skabt i 1944 af den tyske gynækolog Ernst Gräfenberg.
Hvad man imidlertid regner for at være sikkert er, at manden i anus også har et g-punkt.
[redigér] Se også
[redigér] Kilder/referencer
- Kilde (1950 version): 1950, in The International Journal of Sexology. Vol. III, No. 3, p. 145-148: 1950, The Role of Urethra in Female Orgasm By Ernest Gräfenberg, M.D. New York, A Side-By-Side Comparison of Two Versions of "The Role of Urethra in Female Orgasm" by Ernest Gräfenberg, M.D. Editing and Commentary by John D. Perry, Ph.D. (læs også adressens noter - artiklen er jo fra 1950) Citat: "...I have seen two girls who had stimulated themselves with hair pins in their urethra...In contrast to this statement by Kinsey, Hardenberg mentions that nerves have been demonstrated only inside the vagina in the anterior wall, proximate to the base of the clitoris. This I can confirm by my own experience of numerous women. An erotic zone always could be demonstrated on the anterior wall of the vagina along the course of the urethra....As was mentioned there is no spot in the female body, from which sexual desire could not be aroused..."
- From Berlin to New York, konferenceindlæg på 5th Congress of the EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF SEXOLOGY, Berlin, June 29 - July 2, 2000, "For a Millennium of Sexual Health"
- New book hits G-Spot on female ejaculation Citat: "...Many women do not even allow themselves to feel pleasure or have an orgasm because they are afraid they are going to ejaculate...Sundahl believes most women ejaculate, but not all are aware of it...."
- September 30 2004, iol: New book hits the G-spot Citat: "... A new book reveals that women have four G-spots... dubs them the U-spot, C-spot and A-spot..."