aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Die englischsprachigen Begriffe der folgende Liste sind den Core Concepts in Library and Information Science von Birger Hjørland entnommen. Stand: 2006-12-16
Die Liste sollte mit den existieren Artikel aus dem BID-Bereich abgeglichen werden und jeweils bei Bedarf ein Wikilink angelegt werden.
[Bearbeiten] A
- 80/20 rule 80/20-Regel
- AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2. edition) AACR
- Aboutness
- Abstract
- Academic librarian see Research librarian
- Academy (Epistemological Lifeboat)
- Access
- Accession
- Activity theory (Cultural Historical Activity Theory, CHAT)
- edit: Activity theory
- Algorithm
- Alphabetical order
- Alternative literature
- Analysis
- Anaphora
- Annotation
- Anthology
- APA Studies
- Applied Library and Information Science
- Archive
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- "ASK" ("Anomalous State of Knowledge")
- Atlas of Science
- Audience
- Author
- Authority (Cognitive)
- Authority control
- Automation
- Availability
[Bearbeiten] B
- Bar-Hillel, Y. (1915-1975)
- Behaviorism in Information Science
- Best match
- Bias
- Bibliographer. See Subject bibliographer
- Bibliographic coupling
- Bibliographic control
- Bibliographic essay. See: Essay
- Bibliographic guide
- Bibliographic paradigm
- Bibliographic reference
- Bibliography
- Bibliometrics
- Bioinformatics
- BIT (Binary Digit)
- Bliss Bibliographic Classification (BC 1 and BC2) (Lifeboat for KO)
- Blog. See Weblog
- Book
- Book House System ("Boghuset") (Lifeboat for KO)
- Book review
- Boolean search
- Bradford's law see Scattering
- Browsing (Information exploration)
- BSO (Broad System of Ordering) (Lifeboat for KO)
- Bulletin Board System (BBS)
- Bush, Vannevar (1890-1974)
- Business information
[Bearbeiten] C
- Canon
- Case study
- Category (Epistemological Lifeboat) to be edited: Categories
- CCL (Common Command Language)
- Censorship and intellectual freedom
- Character set
- Chemoinformatics
- Citation Indexing
- Citation network
- Classics (subject literature)
- Classification (Lifeboat for KO)
- Classification of the sciences
- Clearinghouse
- Cleverdon, Cyril William
- Clippings See: Partial text representation
- Cluster, clustering & cluster analysis
- Co-citation
- Co-word analysis
- Cognitive authority (see Authority, cognitive)
- Cognitive views in LIS
- Cognitive science(s)
- Collection management & evaluation
- Colon Classification (CC) (Lifeboat for KO)
- Command languages
- Commercialization
- Communication
- Community information
- Community of practice
- Compactness versus diffuseness of literatures
- Composition Studies
- Computer
- Computer science, theoretical
- Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
- Compatibility
- Concentration see Scattering
- Concept (see epistemological lifeboat)
- Conduit metaphor
- Consensual domains
- Consensus
- Consistency (Lifeboat for KO)
- Content
- Content analysis
- Content management
- Controlled vocabulary (Lifeboat for KO)
- Coverage
- Cranfield experiments
- Criticism
- Critical classification
- Crude knowledge fields
- Cumulative literature
- Curation
- Cutter, Charles A.
- Cybernetics
- Cyberspace
[Bearbeiten] D
- Dansk Forening for Information og Dokumentation. See: Dansk Teknisk Litteraturselskab.
- Dansk Teknisk Litteraturselskab (DTL) /
- Dansk Forening for Information og Dokumentation (DFID)
- Data / datum
- Data archive
- Data bank
- Database
- Data curation See Curation
- Data mining
- Data retrieval
- Databases (Electronic)
- Datum / data
- Decision theory
- Definition (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Descriptive cataloging (Lifeboat for KO)
- Descriptor
- Dewey Decimal Classification, DDC (Lifeboat for KO)
- Dewey, Melvin
- Diagram
- Dialog
- DIANE Center
- Dictionary
- Diffusion of innovations (Epistemological Lifeboat)
- Digital library
- Discipline (Epistemological Lifeboat)
- Discourse analysis
- Discourse community
- Dissertation
- DK5 (Lifeboat for KO)
- Document
- Document architecture. See: Information architecture
- Document Management
- Documentalist
- Documentation
- Documentation Center
- Documents, electronic
- Documents functional categories
- Document quality
- Document delivery
- Document representation
- Document typology
- Domain (Edit: Domain)
- Domain analysis
- Domain knowledge
- Downloading
[Bearbeiten] E
- Editing & editor
- Electronic journal
- Electronic mail
- Ellipsis
- Empiricism (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Encyclopedia (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Enduser
- Entropy
- Enumerative classification systems (Lifeboat for KO)
- Epistemology (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Essay
- Ethical problems in LIS
- Evaluation
- Everyday life information seeking
- Exact match
- Experiment in Information Science
- Expert system
- Exploding
[Bearbeiten] F
- Facet and facet analysis (Lifeboat for KO) Facettenklassifikation
- Fact (Epistemological Lifeboat)
- Fact retrieval
- Fact sheet
- False drop
- Fashion in knowledge production
- Feedback
- File
- Film
- Filter & filtering of information
- Findability see Visibility (and findability)
- Flow chart
- Footnote Fußnote
- Forecasts in information science
- Form
- Fragmentation
- Frame
- Free text searching
- Full text databases
- Full text searching
- Functional analysis
- Futility point criterion
- Fuzzy logic Fuzzy Logic
[Bearbeiten] G
- Eugene Garfield
- Gatekeeper
- General education & general knowledge
- Genre (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Geographical Information System
- Glossary
- Goldberg, Emanuel (1881-1970)
- Grey literature
- Grounded theory
[Bearbeiten] H
- Half life. See: Obsolescence
- Hard science versus soft science
- Heritology
- Hermeneutics (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Heuristics
- Historical informatics
- Historicism (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Help system
- Human-Computer Interaction and Ergonomics
- Humanities information
- Hypertext/Hypermedia
[Bearbeiten] I
- Icon
- Iconoclastic research
- Idea
- Identifier
- Ideology
- Ignorance
- Impact factor
- Index
- Indexing
- Indexing phrase
- Individuality in information use
- Info-mapping
- Informal communication
- Informatics
- Information
- Information analysis
- Information Analysis Centre
- Information centre
- Information department
- Information economics
- Information explosion
- Information filtering. See: Filter & filtering
- Information ideology
- Information literacy
- Information market
- Information management
- Information need
- Information politics
- Information processing
- Information professional See Information specialist
- Information psychology
- Information quality
- Information Resources Management (IRM)
- Information retrieval (IR)
- Information retrieval, evaluation
- Information retrieval language
- Information retrieval manually v. automated
- Information Science (IS)
- Information science, biography
- Information science, borderlands
- Information science, methodology
- Information Science, methods
- Information Science, structure
- Information science, theory
- Information science, timeline
- Information scientist
- Information search strategy. See: Search strategy
- Information seeking
- Information services
- Information society
- Information sociology
- Information source
- Information specialist
- Information storage and retrieval
- Information storage and retrieval for the individual researcher
- Information structures
- Information system
- Information systems, design
- Information systems, evaluation
- Information systems, typology
- Information Technology
- Information Technology, ethical aspects
- Information Technology, timeline
- Information theory
- Informetrics
- In-house databases
- Innovation
- Integrative mechanism
- Integrated library system. See Library system
- Interactive media
- Interdisciplinarity (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Interface
- Intermediary
- Internationalization
- Internet
- Internet filter. See: Filter & filtering
- Internet Archive (Lifeboat KO)
- Intertextuality
- Interview
- Intranet
- Inverted file
- Invisible College
- ISO (International Standard Organization) see Standardization
- Iterative searching
[Bearbeiten] J
- Journal
[Bearbeiten] K
- Knowledge
- Knowledge centre
- Knowledge, forms of
- Knowledge & Technology Utilization
- Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Organization (Lifeboat KO)
- Knowledge Production
- Knowledge Production, Quality of
- edit: Knowledge Representation
- Knowledge sharing
- Knowledge Shop
- Known item search
- KWIC / KWAC / KWOC (Lifeboat for KO)
[Bearbeiten] L
- Label effect
- Lancaster, Frederick Wilfrid (1933-)
- Language code
- Laws (in information science)
- Legal informatics
- Lexicon (Lifeboat for KO)
- Lexicography
- Librarian Bibliothekar
- Library Bibliothek
- Library and Information Science (LIS)
- Library and information science in fiction
- Library economy
- Library Science & Librarianship
- Library system
- Library technique
- Linguistic aspects of information science
- Link analysis
- Literacy
- Literary warrant (Lifeboat for KO)
- Literature
- Literature list
- Lix see Readability
- Logic
- Logical positivism (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Logistics
- Lotka's law
- Hans Peter Luhn (1896-1964)
[Bearbeiten] M
- Management Information System (MIS)
- Manuscript
- Map of knowledge See: Atlas of Science
- Masking
- Mass-communication
- Material
- Materialism (Epistemological Lifeboat)
- Match
- Meaning. See Meaning (Epistemological Lifeboat)
- Mediating/Intermediating
- Medium
- Medical informatics
- Memory
- Memory Institutions. See: Repositories of public knowledge
- Message
- Meta analysis (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Meta-information
- Meta-science
- Metabibliography
- Metadata (Lifeboat for KO)
- Metaphor
- Mikhailov, Alexander Ivanovich (1905-1988)
- Microform
- Mirror metaphor (Knowledge representation)
- Modularity
- Monograph
- Mooers, Calvin Northrup (1919-1994)
- Mooers' law
- Multimedium
- Museum (Lifeboat for KO)
- Music librarianship & -documentation
- Namedropping
- National bibliography
- Natural language
- Network
- Neural network
- Newspaper
- Newsletter
- Nomenclature
- Nominalism (-> Epistemological Lifeboat)
- Notation (Lifeboat for KO)
- Obsolesence
- Office of Research Integrity
- On-line database
- Ontology (Lifeboat for KO)
- Open access. See Access
- Open access publication. See Public Library of Science
- Operations Research
- Order
- Ostwald, Wilhelm (1853-1932)
- Otlet, Paul (1868-1944)
- Outsourcing
- Overload
[Bearbeiten] P
- Pamphlet
- Paradigm
- Paraprofessional
- Parasciences
- Paratext (Lifeboat for KO)
- Parser
- Partial match see Match
- Partial text representation
- Patent
- Paternalism
- Peer-review
- Periodical
- Personal Information Manager
- Pertinence see Relevance
- Phenomenology (Epistemological Lifeboat)
- Philosophical problems in LIS
- Physical paradigm
- Pertinence see Relevance
- "Picture theory". See Mirror metaphor
- Pictures
- Piece
- Plagiarism. See: Bibliographic reference
- Polyrepresentation
- Populism
- Positivism (Epistemological Lifeboat) edit: Positivism
- Post-coordinative indexing
- Potential
- Practice-Theory relation See: Applied Library and Information Science
- Pragmatism
- Pre-coordinative indexing
- PRECIS (Lifeboat for KO)
- Precision
- Preprint (& e-print)
- Price, Derek J. de Solla
- Pricing model / -policy
- Primary Information System
- Primary literature
- Principles
- Printing
- Problem
- Proceedings
- Profession
- Professional aspects of LIS
- Program
- Progress
- Project register
- Prolegomena
- Provenance (Lifeboat for KO). See also Order
- Proximity operator
- Public Library of Science
- Publication
- Publications, forms of
- Publications, normative guidelines
- Publishing
[Bearbeiten] Q
- Quality
- Query Expansion and reformulation
- Query / Question
- Quest-Quorum
- Ranganathan, S. R.
- Rank (DIALOG command) See Zoom
- Ranking
- Rationalism (Epistemological lifeboat)
- RDF (Resource Description Framework)
- Realia
- Realism (Epistemological lifeboat) Edit: Realism
- Recall
- Reception studies (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Readability
- Reading
- Record
- Reductionism (Epistemological Lifeboat)
- Redundancy
- Reference
- Reference managers see Information storage and retrieval for the individual researcher
- Reference work
- Relevance (Epistemological Lifeboat). To be edited: Relevance
- Relevance feedback
- Repacked literature
- Repositories of public knowledge / Memory institutions
- Representation in LIS
- Reprint
- Research
- Research evaluation
- Research front
- Research information
- Research institution
- Research librarian
- Research processes, information seeking in
- Resource Description Framework (RDF)
- Review article
- Salton, Gerard
- SAP-Indexing
- Satisfice
- Scanning. See Browsing
- Scanning persistence. See: Futility point criterion
- Scattering (with Bradford's law)
- Schema
- Scholarly edition
- School (Scientific) (Epistemological Lifeboat)
- Science (Epistemological Lifeboat). Edit: Science
- Science & Technology Information
- Science cities / science parks
- Science studies (Epistemological Lifeboat)
- Scientific communication
- Scientific and scholarly communication (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Scientific Documentation
- Scientometrics
- Search diagram. See Algorithm
- Search language
- Search profile
- Search strategy
- Search term
- Secondary information systems
- Secondary literature
- Selection
- Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
- Self citation
- Semantic condensation
- Semantic factoring
- Semantic network
- Semantics
- Semiotics
- Sense-making theory
- Serendipity
- SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
- Shannon, Claude E
- Sign
- Signal
- Social informatics
- Social relevance
- Social Science Informatics
- Sociological-epistemological paradigm
- Software
- Sound book
- Sound documentation
- Source literature
- Sources of information
- Spang-Hanssen, Henning
- Sparck Jones, Karen
- Special librarianship
- Specialization
- Specificity (Lifeboat for Knowledge Organization)
- Standardization
- Statistics (domain) (Epistemological lifeboat)
- Statistics (methods of LIS)
- Statutory delivery of publications see Bibliographic control; National bibliography
- Stopping behavior. See: Futility point criterion
- Stop words
- String search
- Subject
- Subject analysis
- Subject bibliographer
- Subject data
- Subject expertise
- Subject headings
- Subject literature
- Subject relatedness
- Subject searching
- Subject specialist
- Subject terms / subject words
- Subjects, simple versus complex
- Subjects, Trades, disciplines
- Summarization See Abstracts; Semantic condensation.
- Survey literature see Tertiary literature
- Switching languages
- Symbol
- Synergy
- Syntactical devices
- Systems analysis
- System-oriented approach. See Physical paradigm
- Systems theory
- Table of Contents (TOC). See: Content
- Technical communication
- Technological criticism
- Technometrics
- Tertiary information system
- Tertiary literature (Survey literature)
- Test Collection
- Text
- Text categorization
- Text-retrieval see Information retrieval
- Textbook
- Theme
- Theological information
- Theory (Epistemological Lifeboat) To be edited: Theory
- To be edited: Theory of science
- Theory-practice relations in LIS. See Applied Library and Information Science
- Terminology
- Thesaurus (Lifeboat for KO)
- "Text summarization" See Abstracts; Semantic condensation
- Think tank
- Title
- Tool
- Topic and topicality
- Topic Maps (Lifeboat for KO)
- Translation
- Translation, Machine (MT)
- Transparency
- Transcription
- TREC (Text REtrieval Conference)
- Tree of Knowledge
- Trial and error
- Truncation
- TT (Top Term) (See thesauri and metathesauri)
- Tutoring systems (See help systems)
- Uncitedness
- Uniform Resource Identifier
- UNISIST model of information dissemination
- Universal classification systems (Lifeboat for KO)
- Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) (Lifeboat for KO)
- Universal model
- University
- Updating
- URI. See: Uniform Resource Identifier
- User
- User education
- User friendly information system
- User modelling
- User relations
- User studies
- Vector space
- Venn diagram see Boolean search
- Verification
- Video
- Videotex
- Virtual library
- Virtual reality. See Virtual library
- Visibility (and findability)
- Weblog (blog)
- Webometrics
- Weighting
- Wersig, Gernot (1942-)
- Wilson, Patrick (1928-2003)
- Work (Lifeboat for KO)
- World Wide Web. See: Internet
- World brain
- Written communication
- Wüster, Eugen
- Z39.50
- Zipf, Georg Kingsley (1902-1950)
- Zipf's law
- Zoom