Benutzer:E rulez
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
de | Diese Person hat kaum oder keine Deutschkenntnisse. |
en-2 | This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English. |
All "automatic" bot activities under this name are actually semi-automatic (every step of the bot is manually approved). Bot functionality is just used to speed up otherwise manual editing!
ArchivBot | BLUbot | CyroBot | Forrester-Bot | Horst Fuchs | KatBot | OlliBot | PixelBot | PortalBot | QS-Bot | RKBot | Sebbot | SpBot | Zwobot
Bots, die nur oder überwiegend Interwikis bearbeiten:
.anacondabot | Chlewbot | Chobot | ConBot | CyeZBot | DodekBot | Escarbot | Eskimbot | FlaBot | Gpvosbot | KocjoBot | LeonardoRob0t | RCBot | Robbot | RobotE | RobotQuistnix | Slobot | | Ugur Basak Bot | YurikBot