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Welcome to my User Page.
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About me.
Let me welcome you first. All of you:
Welkom! - mirësevini - ghini vinitù - مرحبا - добре дошъл - degemer mat - benvingut - 欢迎 - vítáme vás - velkommen - welkom - bonvenon - tere tulemast - خوش آمديد - tervetuloa - bienvenue - wolkom - fáilte - willkommen - καλώς ορίσατε - ברוך הבא - स्वागत - velkommin - selamat datang - benvenite - ようこそ - 잘 오셨습니다 - salve - laipni lūdzam - wëllkëmm - witaj - bem-vindo - bine ai venit - добро пожаловать - bienvenido - karibu - välkommen - hoş geldiniz - räxim itegez - xin chào - vekömö - croeso - namkelekile
װילקום - isibingelelo
I registered this account in January of 2005, and I am willing to help if needed :-) I have two interests which would be of use here: history and languages. In fact, I sincerely wish I could know every bit of human history, and every language spoken or that has been spoken. Really can't think of more to say: so I'll quote some great thinker to say "I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' - And God granted it."
Any thing else that needs to be known can be found here.
A "goofy" picture of me is here.
Somos Wikipedistas
Are you new here?; see below, and you'd might like to look at this as well. I am not an admin, so you may be able to look for one if you need help. I have designed this portion of the page to aid newcomers, along with adding some of my personal thoughts and advice. Please leave me a message if you need help immediately. Welcome!
Wikipedia is a bloated and pretentious collection of advertisements, conceits, PR blurbs, wacky politics, ephemera, base perversions, and irrelevant pop culture with frequent delusions of grandeur. Wikipedia, despite purporting to be an encyclopedia, is actually a parody of Uncyclopedia (though Wikipedia claims the reverse). It is actually a database including such things as: lists of trains, Mortal Kombat characters, one-time villains from Mario games, road intersections, boring suburban schools, garage bands, cats, dead flounders, webcomics, Bionicle characters, webforums, characters from English soap operas, Mortal Kombat characters that don't exist, and a thing they call articles. Wikipedia is a complete waste of time ruled by Dr.Phil, live from a soundstage in Hollywood California.
Wikipedia was the creation of internet 'penuer Jimbo Wales without the help of anyone, especially Larry Sanger. Mr. Wales concieved of Wikipedia after reading Herman Hesse's Magister Ludi (The Glass Bead Game) and William Golding's Lord_of_the_Flies in one single weekend. He envisioned Wikipedia as an Internet Amusement Park that would combine the best aspects of both novels. Wikipedia has encountered some difficulties with the implementation of this vision as the cannibal children keep eating the scholars.
The history of Wikipedia begins in 1865 at the height of the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln, in a stroke of genius, realized that if encyclopedias were written collectively on the internet, then encyclopedia editors would be unemployed, and he could round them up and send them off to fight the Confederacy. Unfortunately, his vision of a publicly edited encyclopedia failed, largely because neither computers nor the internet had yet been invented. However, the all-editor 53rd Light Cavalry Regiment (the "Encyclopedic 53rd") was a smashing success; its most celebrated accomplishment was routing a division of gossip columnists defending Atlanta (this was widely viewed as a vindication after an earlier failure to capture Savannah, when the Confederates distracted the regiment with poorly composed, grammatically incorrect encyclopedia articles strewn about on the battlefield).
However, the concept of a disinformation encyclopedia began with a group of Hungarian rebels, who decided that the best tool to use against the Communist government's spies and informants was misinformation. Infiltrating the offices of the Encyclopedica Hungarica, the rebels typeset a monstrous 53-volume tome (weighing almost 1300 lbs.!), which collected every piece of misinformation, lie, rumor, and mindless drivel they could fit on paper(assembling this misinformation is particularly impressive when one considers that Fox News had yet to be invented).
In the next year, the Hungarian government nearly ground to a halt due to the chaos. As a result, letters and important correspondence went astray due to inaccurate addresses printed in the encyclopedia. KGB spies attempted to round up the heads of the rebel group, but inquiries for "I.C. Weiner", "Ben Dover", and "I.P. Freeley" (listed as the leaders of the rebels by volume 23) produced nothing but puzzlement and smirks. Infuriated, the Hungarian president attempted to fly to the Kremlin to consult with the Soviet Union about the problem, only to find that his pilot had flown him to Moosejaw, Saskatchewan (which the sabotaged Encyclopedia Hungarica described as the capital of the USSR). To this day, much of the damage has yet to be undone: for instance most of the western half of the country still believes that Pi is equal to seven (which accounts for the strangely shaped wheels on the cars there).
In 1999, as a result of a five-dollar bet made over a bottle of bad tequila, this sabotaged version of the 1973 Encyclopedia Hungarica was digitized, placed online, and dubbed "Wikipedia". The term "Wiki" derives from the Hawaiian "wiki-wiki" which means "Some random guy on the Internet said it, so it must be true".
Today the Wikipedia is growing exponentially, defying any Malthusian forces. Considering that it has grown from 3 to 500 000 pages in only 4 years, it is predicted that there will be 117 billion pages in 2007; by 2010, Wikipedia will be able to answer any question ever (some of these answers may, by coincidence, actually be correct). By 2012, Wikipedia will be six and a half times more powerful than God. By 2020 Wikipedia will gain total control of existence as we know it, and will have destroyed/enslaved god by this point. The incredible popularity of Wikipedia is evident in the fact that one in 10 male children born in 2005 were named "Jimbo" (the statistic is one in six for newborn girls). Calculations suggest that at some point in 2027, the total number of servers required to store this (mis)information will exceed the mass of all the hydrogen atoms in the Universe. There is, however, no reason to worry about this. Long before this scenario comes to pass Wikipedia will collapse in on itself to form a massive black hole and then proceed to consume the entire solar system.
All right, the above was my futile attempt to make you smile - to get something honest go to this article - or better yet here to know about us!. Want more anti-Wikipedian laughs? Go to this perverted, but hilarious site, that you can find here.
How do you like these tips? Tell me:); remember there are a lot of things you can explore aside from this page !
Copyrights and the "Fair use policy"
Copyright law of the United States
U.S. Copyright Law, Title 17, Chapter 1, § 107
Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—
1.the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
2.the nature of the copyrighted work;
3.the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
4. the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.
Follow this link to find critical information regarding the GNU Free Documentation License.
Wikipedia News
- Poll finds people think Wikipedia "somewhat reliable"
- Wikipedia biographical errors attract more attention
- Association of Members' Advocates nominated for deletion
- Reference desk work leads to New York Times correction
- WikiWorld comic: "Charles Lane"
- News and notes: Alexa, Version 0.5, attribution poll
- Wikipedia in the news
- Features and admins
- Bugs, Repairs, and Internal Operational News
- The Report on Lengthy Litigation
- Two passengers remain unaccounted for after the Greek cruise ship M/S Sea Diamond (pictured) ran aground off Santorini in the Aegean Sea and sank.
- The 15 Royal Navy personnel accused of trespassing into Iranian waters return to the United Kingdom after a two-week detention.
- TGV POS trainset number 4402 sets a new world speed record for railed vehicles at 574.8 km/h (357 mph) during test runs conducted in Champagne, France.
- Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko dissolves the parliament and calls for an early parliamentary election, a move denounced by the parliament as unconstitutional.
- A tsunami triggered by an earthquake strikes the Solomon Islands, killing at least 20, destroying around 900 homes and leaving thousands homeless.
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Dictionary and thesaurusWikibooks
Free textbooks and manualsWikiquote
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Directory of speciesWikinews
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Shared media repositoryMeta-Wiki
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(Noli me vocare, ego te vocabo: ) )
Contact me:
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What is Africa to me:
Copper sun or scarlet sea,
Jungle star or jungle track,
Strong bronzed men, or regal black
Women from whose loins I sprang
When the birds of Eden sang?
One three centuries removed
From the scenes his fathers loved,
Spicy grove, cinnamon tree,
My Awards Gallery is here
Here at Wikipedia, several awards are given to those who have shown great efforts and have made excellent contributions to the encyclopedia. Please see here for all of mine.
Δεν μιλώ Ελληνικά, μόνο Ισπανικά Πορτογαλικά και Αγγλικά.
Είναι Ελληνικά σε μένα.
Κύριε ελέησον - επίκληση που απαγγέλλεται ή ψάλλεται σαν επωδός στις ακολουθίες της Ορθόδοξης και της Ρωμαιοκαθολικής εκκλησίας. Τη συναντούμε σε διάφορα βιβλία στην Παλαιά Διαθήκη καθώς και στην Καινή Διαθήκη.
Από την εκκλησιαστική γλώσσα εισήχθη και στην καθομιλουμένη ελληνική ως επιφώνημα προς δήλωση έκπληξης, απορίας, θαυμασμού επί υπερβολικών και απίθανων ακουσμάτων ή και αναγνωσμάτων.
Ως επωδός επαναλαμβανόμενη, για παράδειγμα 40 φορές στο Μεγάλο Απόδειπνο.
To end my user page I have posted numerous last words:
- All is lost! Monks, monks, monks! -- last words of Henry VIII
- Josephine!... --last words of Napoleon
- Either the wallpaper goes or I do!--last words of Oscar Wilde
- It's beautiful over there... -- last words of Thomas Edison
- I'd rather be fishing... --last words of Jim Glass, murderer
- Is it not meningitis?-- last words of Louisa Alcott
- Last words are for fools that haven't said enough! -- last words of Karl Marx
- Shoot me in the chest and don't make a mess of it. -- last words of Benito Mussolini
- Don't let it end like this...tell them I said something. -- last words of Pancho Villa
- Pardonnez-moi, Monsieur, I did not do it on purpose. - last words of Marie Antoinette
- Tis well -- last words of George Washington.
- Let's cool it brothers -- last words of Malcolm X
- Why do you weep? Did you think I was immortal? -- last words of Louis XIV
- Am I dying or is it my birthday? -- last words of Lady Nancy Astor
- It is finished. -- last words of Jesus
The End!
This is a Wikipedia user page.
This is not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself. The original page is located at |