User:Erik the Appreciator
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[edit] Routine joke featureFire Emblem: Path to Insanity What better way to commemorate my completing Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance than some joking around about it? Here's some improper-ish ones from elsewhere that I merely substitute character names for in order to qualify them as Fire Emblem jokes. Here's an interaction between the archers Shinon and Rolf:
So some Beast tribe laguz - demi-humans with the ability to transform into powerful tigers - met in the jungle and discussed what they had to eat. One said, "So I went up this river and found a couple of beorc [human] monks strolling around. I took them home, boiled them, and they tasted terrible." The other one said, "Oh wait, you boiled them?" "Yes, why?" "Those were friars." The sage Bastian approached the swordsmaiden Lucia and inquired, "Would you desire to copulate in that house?" Lucia answered, "No, I do not believe in pre-marital sex." To which Bastian replied, "Oh, but you misunderstand; it is only pre-marital sex if you are planning to get married." If "Mad King" Ashnard were learning how to drive a car in the modern world and were involved in a lot of accidents, here are some of the sorts of summaries of his accidents he would fill out in his insurance reports:
So Rhys was dissatisfied with the collection he was getting every Sunday morning, so he decided to do some research into the mechanics of Sleep staffs to study hypnotism. He then perfected the art of preaching his sermon in sort of a monotone voice while dangling a Sleep stone on a chain so that to get the amount of gold he wanted he just had to conclude his sermon with one word: "Give." Tens of thousands of gold were accumulated this way, and it went on like this for weeks until one day when he was swinging the watch to the crowd, it banged against the side of the pulpit, the chain broke, the Sleep stone dropped to the floor, and he said "Crap." [edit] IntroductionAhoy, and hello to you! Yes, this is my user page, the one I have set up as my outpost on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can fiddle around with. I am Erik Jensen, a 20-year-old white male editing from California where times are registered 7 hours late by this site’s time scale, but you can just call me Erik wherever I appear. My ethereal visage can be found here, which is a link to my college multimedia teacher's own site. You’ll find a Quicktime movie starring me and all my classmates that teaches the effects of drugs on our various psychoses. I'm the first guy in the montage waving the pencil, and also the one at the end with the beautiful yellow teeth... Okay, I'll just leave it at that! Now for some elaboration on what I actually do as a Wikipedian. Formerly, I did heavy editing work on Wikipedia on various Pokémon articles and other Nintendo-related subjects, including Golden Sun (my favorite franchise) and Super Smash Bros. Recently, I discovered the joys of editing on separate, smaller Wikis that are free from the hardcore constraints of Wikipedia, and they are the Golden Sun Wiki and the Smash Bros. Wiki. Therefore, the majority of my time online is now spent trying to make these ultimate references to truly great games. I'll continue with Wikipedia itself to a degree. See my editing statistics for better details. My anticipation for the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl can best be described as obsessive, bordering on insane and, perhaps... psychotic. Brawl will be the One Game, the last game any individual will ever need to buy and play; there will be no need to buy any other game from any company, and there will likewise be no need for any company to develop another game after Brawl's release. Erik the Appreciator has been deprived of new information about the game for far too long for the sake of his health. Once he has played Brawl, he will no longer be afraid of Death itself, for he will have been fulfilled. In the meantime... watch your backs now, folks. :O |
[edit] Bunch of MiscellanyNow Playing on /Erik's Sandbox: Mock-up of a mega-merged Pokémon page. Now Playing on /Erik's Rationale: My own essay on Wikipedia Policy; Editing Philosophies. Now Playing on /Keepers: Now open for submissions. Found a gem? Drop it here.
[edit] A sampler from my Keepers subproject
[edit] Wiki Berries (Articles rewritten)A Wiki Berry is an item in the GBA Pokemon games that increases health but has a chance to leave its consumer confused. Now I know there's a connection between that and this online encyclopedia that's on everybody's mind constantly, but is the berry named after the 'pedia or is it the other way around? Whatever the case, in an attempt to get into character, I invented my own term for giving an article a much-needed expansion, which is "giving it a Wiki-Berry." The resulting scope for confusion can safely be left to the imagination. Well anyway, this is a list of my most major rewrites on Wikipedia. For clarity, I have all non-Pokemon-related articles arranged up here: Non-Pokemon pages:
As for all the Pokémon creature articles, I have made my more major rewrites to the ones in the following Pokedex-ordered list below, so that each one of them is now next to complete. Though I worked on many more pages, they were just card info in general, but these are huge rewrites of biology sections, video game info, and reorganizations of entire sections, in addition to any missing card info. All Pokemon in bold are the ones that are the most recent (they have been done since the start of August 2006): First Generation:
Second Generation
Third Generation
Fourth Generation |