Euromed Marseille Ecole de Management
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Created in 1872 by the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Marseille – Provence, Euromed Marseille Ecole de Management is located in Marseille, France.
This Management School offers 3O programmes out of which
- Bachelor Programmes,
- Masters Programmes,
- executive education
- post graduate program: International M.Sc. in NGO Management and Good Governance
[edit] Positioning
Euromed Marseille believes in diversity and difference as a source of progress. It believes in human values, and in the mosaic of experience and intuition which make up our Euro-Mediterranean culture. It believes in strength of personality and in responsibility. It believes in a pedagogical approach that offers a complement to the "Anglo-Saxon model"; an approach based in diversity, decision-making, action and personal development.
In Euromed Marseille, the world is considering as a mosaic rather than a melting-pot. This is no longer possible to conceive an organization based on a single culture, a single pattern of thought like in the Anglo-Saxon model. At Euromed Marseille, we have chosen the option of diversity. Euromed Marseille promotes a management style that is capable of integrating intellectual, social and economic differences, and of blending these into a common goal. Euromed Marseille is not turning its backs on the "Anglo-Saxon model" but tries to improve it. This model has proved its efficiency in numerous fields, and you will study it for what it has to offer: efficiency in finance, organizational planning, marketing, management, professionalism, competition, short-term efficiency... These are what we refer as the basics. However, you will soon come to realize that this model has its limitations; it is based on systems, probabilities, ratios, generalizations, and that its notion of time is rather single-tracked. The reference to the Euro-Mediterranean world will also introduce other kinds of decision processes, a more flexible notion of time management, an approach where experimentation and tuition play an important role. the objective is to integrate all this in the studies at Euromed Marseille. You will learn to think in different ways, adapted to each situation. Outsourcing, relocating, just-in-time, risk management, sustainable development... Diversity is the core of companies concerns. You will learn to manage and conduct business without preconceived ideas. If tou are convinced that what makes the difference lies on one's personality, one's ability to manage diversity and take action, then you may progress and reach personal accomplishment.
Diversity is a source of creativity and innovation. As it has already been said innovation is possible in a world where new ideas, critics represent possibilities to create and improve techniques and process. Initiatives creates progress. It means that innovation is tied closely to managing creativity. that's why, a fundamental lecture is dedicated to innovative strategy et speak about clusters, entrepreneurship for instance.
In a holistic approach of management, sustainable development is an obligatory subject. A man and so a manager is in constant interaction with his natural and human environment, and all his decisions and choices can't be taken without measuring the impact on his environment. In Euromed Marseille, this responsibility is a founding aspect of management. today's economy, where profit is the objective, will survive only if it is the driven by responsible managers. Learning concerned to make the most of the resources at hand, as yet unexploited, to bring out untapped creativity and to take into account fundamental needs, as yet ignored. Social responsibility is also a core matter by knowing and improving our relations with colleagues and future generation and environment. Practically, Euromed Marseille involvement in sustainable development is visible at different levels. First of all, students are becoming aware of these stakes during lectures, international seminary, conferences, etc. It existing different lectures such as "corporate social responsibility", "social entrepreneurship", "financial project manager" (non-profit orientation). Hence forth, Euromed Marseille is the first establishment to deliver Global compact Label on specific scholar routes. Regular conferences are taking places to inform on tradable emissions market, companies' best practices, responsible consumption. A plentiful research allows students to be involved on innovative projects, and prove their wondering and creativity. Moreover, a lot of actions are undertaken by the administration and above all students. there are bins for Selective sorting, electricity, water and paper are saved. Recycled paper should be used more and more. Solar Panels will be implemented on the roofs of Euromed Marseille because the campus has been elected pilot green campus by the Greenpeace Campaign: Solar Generation. Euromed Marseille is implementing a scholar Agenda 21, meaning that an action programme for 21st century, thanks to a student action.
Euromed Marseille is one of the scarce schools around the world to teach complexity to students. This approach gives an other world perception to students et teaches them to manage in a complex situations: in an uncertain environment where constant aleas can change the planning, aone must learn how to adapt and be reactive.
[edit] Accreditations / Network
Euromed Marseille is accredited Equis since 2005.
- Global Compact
Euromed Marseille adhere to Global Compact of ONU since May 2005. It also delvers a Global Compact Label on specific scholar routes of ESC programs and on all student diplomas of the International M.Sc in NGO management and Good Governance