Europa (warcraft)
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Europa is a strategy-based map for Warcraft III. The game feautures 12 countries (or groups) in the 1200s-1459 and they are as follows: England, France, Hungary, The Northern Italian City-States, the Byzantine Empire (in older Europa maps this country was Egypt), the Almohads, the Seljuk Turks, The Kingdom of Castile-Leon, The Kingdom of Sweden, Polish-Lithuanian Union, Kievan Rus', and the Holy Roman Empire. The countries are listed in descending order as the color-coded players apply in game.
Note: some information of this article may not apply to the version of Europa you are comparing this article to, it is in the process of being revised for Europa on Warcraft 3 (Europa Revolutionized) by BlinkBoy.
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[edit] History
The map was originally created by Lkl, under the name Diplomacy. The map eventually evolved and was renamed Europa. The map underwent various changes by different authors, until the most well-known version made by BlinkBoy was released. The version number is debatable, but the latest release is dubbed Europa Revolutioned Release 2.
[edit] Gameplay
The goal of the game is to control cities on the map. A player wins the game by controlling 100 cities until the next tax income.
Most people on Warcraft 3's play the map with 12 players, as any open slots provide an unfair advantage (as empty, easily taken expansion areas) for nearby human players.
Players in the game that have been defeated, losing all cities and troop production buildings, can continue to observe the match, despite having lost.
[edit] Income/Resources
[edit] Cities
- There are two models for the cities in Europa. They are the Human Castle and the Human Arcane Observatory from the Warcraft III Human melee and Human campaigns of respectively.
- To capture a city one must attack the city down to 1/4 of its health points. Usually this amount is 500 health points out of 2000.
- Every tax income a player will receive 100 gold and 10 lumber resource units for each city they control.
- Once a player controls a large number of cities they will have an empire tax where they will have to pay a sum of 200 gold for owning that many cities. If a player controls an even larger amount of cities they will receive a grand empire tax where they will pay a sum of 400 gold.
- The number of cities controlled by players, are shown at the left-top corner of the map. Once a player takes control of 100 cities or more, he will be victorius.
[edit] Resource Management
- Players can trade resources for equal amounts by building a market, specifically in ratios of 100, 250, and 500 of lumber to gold, and vice-versa.
- Players may spend gold and wood to construct buildings, upgrade town halls and towers, train an army and more.
- Players may lend or give money to an ally if they need or require it through the Allies menu on the standard Warcraft III interface.
- If the player surrenders to another player ("-sue color") they must pay a default tax to the empire they surrendered to. The default tax amount is 30% of a player's income but the person the player surrendered to can change this at his or her will. The conqueror is able to set the tax percentage between 10-70%.
[edit] Kings and Heroes
- Every country starts out with a King. It is modeled after the Paladin model in Warcraft 3. The king has 4 skills: Evasion (% chance for an enemy to miss an attack), Fame, Critical Blow (% chance to deal extra damage), and Combat Skills. A king starts out with a crown in his inventory in regards to the country he rules. If a king gets another crown from a different king, he receives an item stat bonus.
- If a king dies, his crown will drop to the ground. Also, all units of his respective country will receive a 20% handicap on their health, meaning that they will have a maximum 80% of their health if a king were present. The units are not damaged with the ability to be healed, their health value maximum is actually lowered to 80% of the original.
- Also if you give a crown that was from another country to a special unit as named in the Help Log, you will obtain a secondary hero. Each secondary hero is unique to their country. This process cannot be done again and you cannot obtain a third hero.
Each hero has a specific name which refers to well-known generals and kings of the era Note: this list is incomplete
- English Longbowman for England (Henry V)
- Frankish Knight for France (Cyrano, Jean D'Mess)
- Hungarian Infantry for Hungary (Leath Balonish)
- Italian Pikeman for Italy (Genoese)
- Greek Hoplite/Hyplist for the Byzantine Empire (Teodorico)
- Morroco Mereven Leather for Almohads
- Sipahi for Seljuq Turks (Enver Pasha)
- Conquistador for Castile-Leon (Bernardo del Carpio
- Scandinavian Warrior for Sweden (Beowulf)
- Russian Cossack for Kievian Rus (Alexander Nevsky)
- Hissar Knight for Poland-Lithuania
- German Heavy Infantry for the Holy Roman Empire (Sigisfrith)
- It should be noted that secondary heroes possess noticeably much greater health than most units. Also that they are similar to kings, they possess the fame spell, which grants an aura of armor bonus. And a default battle aura, and a spell similar to roar, which increases attack speed and/or damage.
[edit] Countries
[edit] England
England is isolated from all other player countries at the beginning by land, but not boat. Players normally expand to Scotland, Ireland, and Iceland. English players possess two special units, the Longbowman, one of the most effective archers in the game, and English Militia, which are cheap and weak and available when you have a Tier-1 base. They also possess the ability Rush and are able to upgrade and obtain pillage. Also if England captures Scotland and Ireland its name becomes Great Britain.
[edit] France
Its special units are the Frankish Knight and the Frankish Crossbowman. It has the only special-unit crossbowman in the game. France usually expands into Northeastern France, Calais, and the small strip of hostile territory west of it. It is also common for players of France to take Switzerland.
[edit] Hungary
Hungary's two special units are the Hungarian Knight and the Hungarian Infantry. Both units are merely upgraded versions of basic troops. Hungary typically should the Byzantine Empire unless they are allied. If not Poland-Lithuania or Italy is the next best target, followed by the Holy Roman Empire.
[edit] Italian States
Italy has 2 revered special units: the Italian Pikeman and the Italian Priest. Italy has the only special unit priest in the game, healing 3 times more health than normal healer units. The Italian Pikeman is the strongest pikeman in the game and can usually defeat an army of cavalry unless the calvalry possess much higher upgrades to their armor and attack damage. Italy usually expands into the Mediterranean Sea, southern Italy or Switzerland, occasionally invading France, Hungary or the Holy Roman Empire.
[edit] Byzantine Empire
The Byzantine Empire starts with the largest army in the game. The army is split in half with half in Turkey and half in the Balkans area. The Byzantine Empire's units are the Cataphract (a variation of the knight) and the Hoplite. Players usually expands into Hungary, Kievan Russia or the Seljuk Empire.
[edit] Seljuk Turks
The Seljuk Turks are centered in Arabia, with their capital in Babylonia. It has 2 special units - the Turkish Janissary and the Spahi. The player either invades the Byzantine Empire or expand into North Africa or north of Arabia. Also, if the player captures the area the Byzantine Empire controls in Turkey, their name changes to the Ottoman Empire.
[edit] Almohads
The Almohads are a generally isolated player located at northwestern Africa. It also has some territory in Spain but that can be easily taken by Spain itself. In Africa though present-day Morroco remains largely unopposed. It has a vast hostile territory separating it from the Seljuq Turks. Its two special units are the Moorish Raider and the Moorish Spearmen. Players usually expands into Africa although if Spain does not oppose Almohads, the player may expand into the Iberian Peninsula. If the Almohads player takes over all of Iberia, their name will change from Almohads to Islamic Invaders, which has no historical truth of taking over Spain.
[edit] Castile-Leon
Castile-Leon is a generally strong country at start. It also has two special units: the Spanish Scout and the Spanish Conquistador. The Spanish Scout is generally like the English Militia. However the Conquistador is a genuinely special unit. It cannot be built/trained until 1459 and if upgraded is a strong force. It is a gunman on a horse. Spain usually expands into Portugal and the Moorish territories in Spain. If that is done it may expand into the sea or into France. If Spain takes all of the actual Spain it is name transforms to Christian Spain.
[edit] Sweden
Sweden is a generally isolated country. It remains unopposed at first. If it takes the hostile territory in Norway and Finland it is name transforms to Scandinavia, which is where Sweden will most likely expand. Its special units are the Scandinavian Warrior and the Swedish Knight. The knight is a variation of a regular knight. The Scandinvaian Warrior though is a very strong variation of normal medium infantry.
[edit] Kievan Rus'
Kievan Rus' can be a formidable country to fight. It has much of the actual Russia to expand to unopposed. Its 2 special units are the Cossack and the Russian Infantry. The Infantry is typically another copy of the English Militia or vice-versa. The Cossack, though, is a formidable knight variation, however often losing the Rally Troops ability for a Pillaging attack. If Kievan Rus' capture major Russian territories and cities (the city of Kurgan in particular) its name transforms to Russia.
[edit] Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Poland-Lithuania is a country bordered to the west by the Holy Roman Empire, the east by Kievan Rus' and the south by Hungary. It typically expands into other countries or the hostile territory north/northeast of it. It is special units are the Hissar Knight and the Polish Infantry. Both are variations of base troops, specifically Polish Infantry being stripped of most other special abilities in exchange for a Taunt ability that forces nearby enemy units to attack it, possibly protecting more valuable units from damage.
[edit] Holy Roman Empire
The Holy Roman Empire is generally considered a spot to be played by people who are skilled at the game. This reason is because it has little NPC land to expand into, and will typically be attacked by multiple players. It's special units are the Heavy German Infantry and the Teutonic Knight. The Heavy Infantry is a slow-moving strong unit with Defend. The knight is another variation of its base-unit counterpart.
[edit] Other units
If you capture a nation's original capital you can choose one of their two spec. units after a menu comes up, the actual country retains both of its 2 spec. units through the entirity of the game. The Egyptian capital, Alexandria, offers the Egyptian Infantry and the Egyptian War Elephant. Scotland's capital, Edinburgh, only offers one special unit: the Scottish Highlander. These two cities are not owned by any players at start, and can be considered bonus units.
[edit] Army
(special units excluded) Units the player train can normally be obtained through building a barracks.
Units the player picks normally have some major weakness and strength, resulting in a complex, almost rock, paper, scissors method of unit construction. It should be noted, that these are not absolute, and a player who has a much higher level of upgraded units will find it much easier to stop an army of its "counter unit" of a lower upgraded level.
European Army: Light Infantry, Short Bowman, Medium Infantry, Composite Bowman, Pikeman, Feudal Knight and the Crossbowman.
European Navy: European Transport Vessel, Mercenary Ships, Frigate, and the Capital Ship.
Islamic Army: Axeman, Arabian Murderer, Javelineer, Islamic Warrior, Composite Bowman, Light Infantry, Pikeman, Light Cavalry
Note for Islamic Army: Axemen and Javlineers can switch between each other and both cost 90 gold
Islamic Navy: Cargo Vessel, Mercenary Frigate, Frigate, Flag Ship.
Note for Navy: The Cargo Vessel and the European Transport Vessel act as transporters for infantry so they can sail across oceans and board coastlines.
Builders: There are 2 builders by which you construct buildings: the peasant and the military engineer. The peasant generally builds all necessary buildings while the Military Engineer constructs walls and defenses although generally neglected.
There are two mechanized siege units. The ballista and then the catapult; an upgraded and more expensive variation of it.
There are two gunpowder units, the hand cannoneer and the mortar team.
Healers: There are many variations of this unit but they all do the same job. Some of them are the Muslim Tribal Doctor, the Italian Priest and the Christian Missionary.
The Diplomat generally serves as a spy being able to enter other countries undetected unless the countries have sentries on their towers.
The Caravan acts as a mobile source of mana that is able to restore an archer's Fire Arrow supply. Can be invaluable to an archer army.
[edit] Comparison to Real-World
The Europa map has countries placed according to what they were in the 1200s, with a major exception to the Holy Roman Empire, which at the time held most of the Italian States and large portions of France, and to Poland-Lithuania, which united around 1480. However, the expansion and the eventual power of each country depends solely on the player and their respective allies and/or enemies or lack thereof.