Arthur Daley
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Arthur Daley was a character in the UK TV series Minder and the name has become synonymous in Britain with a wide boy (e.g. what an Arthur Daley etc.) Daley is a lovable rogue, very much perceived as a hero, someone getting away with foiling the system. Daley would align himself with Margaret Thatcher, seeing himself as the prime example of the self-made/self reliant man that Thatcher advocated in the 1980s.
Arthur Daley always referred to his wife as 'Er indoors
The role of Arthur Daley was played with much aplomb by George Cole between 1979-1993 reprising the spiv character he had developed throughout his career.
He inspired the single Arthur Daley E's Alright by The Firm which reached No14 in the UK charts in 1982.
[edit] Famous quotes
The character of Arthur Daley established many phrases in the English vernacular. These included:
" 'Er indoors. "
" A nice little earner."
" The world's your lobster. "