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Azaouad or Azawad is a name for parts of northern Mali, mainly made up of Sahelian and Saharan geography. It does not correspond to any single administrative region of Mali.
The area is dominated by Touareg tribal populations, as well as nomadic minorities, including Hassaniyya-speaking Moors close to the Mauritanian border. Traditionally, there has been some resentment of central Malian control over the region, and several separatist or other rebel groups have been active in the region, notably in the civil war in Mali of the early 1990s.
Some of these movements have claimed it as part of a wider pan-Saharan Touareg homeland, while others have been content to demand improved services and/or autonomous status for the region. In late 2006, a flare-up in fighting in the Kidali Province was ended by Algerian mediation between the central government and Touareg rebels.