Talk:Egyptian calendar
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If you delete this from discussion, it will be put in the main article, and i will write congress and the senate to close Wikipedia. This following statement is an outright lie, and although sources neglegiently once thought this 100 years ago, people like AnonMoos like to worship such lies and then pretend nothing has never corrected it in our schools. It shows a lack of respect for the scholars who have corrected it and published it. It shows arrogance when he is one man in millions.
quote: From this it is possible to calculate that the previous occasion on which this occurred was 1322 BCE, and the one before that was 2782 BCE. This latter date has been postulated as the time when the calendar was invented, but Djer's reign preceded that date. Other historians push it back another whole cycle, to 4242 BCE.
TRUTH: not my truth but published truth, go find an astronomer rather than prove yourself this arrogant evil person you are. Fact, 1322 BC July 20 is Thoth 1, heliacal-rise occurred 2 days earlier on July 18. (fact) In, 1314 BC July 18 is Thoth 1 (it WANDERS bcause of 2 leap days) and heliacal-rise occurs. Truth, Richard Parker famed Egyptologist who AnonMoos despises by deleting Parkers research and astronomy, 1872 BC heliacal-rise occurs on July 17 at Memphis not July 20. Truth, Richard Parker therefore corrects 2782 BC Thoth 1 July 20 as the 3rd day after July 17 heliacal-rise, 2770 BC July 17 is Thoth 1.
quote: The heliacal rising of Sothis returned to the same point in the calendar every 1460 years (a period called the Sothic cycle).
That is false, the New YearThoth 1 returns in 1460 years not Sothis prior to 139 AD. It has been 1460 years only since 139 AD where no one has used Egypts calendar but rather the Julian calendar which is absolutely Sothic since 139 AD.
quote: The difference between a seasonal year and a civil year was therefore 365 days in 1460 years, or 1 day in 4 years.
This is false, a Sothis year is not seasonal. any Mayan scholar will tell you taht 1508 haab is 1508 egyptian years or 1507 Gregorian years which are seasonal. That means that in 1460 years or 1507 years or 1508 years is 377 days not 365 days. The seasonal year is 12 days less than the sothic julian year and so the egyptian calendar has to WANDER back another 12 days in 48 years.
How come AnonMoos is allowed to ruled. How come he isn't forced to consult an accurate scholar. This country has had three attacks on Egyptian dates including Thoth 1 September 11 and i will write President Bush and ask if AnonMoos is involved. I am serious. The FBI will be on your ass if you think you can twist pertinent information that China has to question should be banned or not, and you think our children should go to your twisted almighty lies as reference material.
—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 14:16, 7 February 2007 (UTC).
What evidence is there for the following statement?
It was used by astronomers in the Middle Ages because of its mathematical regularity.
This sounds very dubious. —Nefertum17 23:01, 18 Feb 2005 (UTC)
How do you calculate what today's date would be in this calendar? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).
- Use Calendrica listed in External links. It is in the ninth row. — Joe Kress 19:32, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
- Answer: You use the date July 20 of 1599 AD as Thot 1 and retreat one date back every 4 years, or 30 days back in 120 years. Example, 240 years is 60 days back to May 21 of 1839 AD, or Apr 21 of 1959 AD, then add 13 days in our 1900 or 2000 century to have Gregorian May 4 in 1959 AD. Another 44 years to 2003 AD and 11 leap days takes all the dates back to April 23. Then 2004-2007 is April 22. In reply to the post below which says the Coptic calendar is not Egyptian, the answer is our September 11 as Thot 1 is Julian August 29. Though the Coptic calendar (Egyptian with leap days) was accepted in 284 AD (which Era of Diocletion is the Era of Christian Martyrs so coincidentally the year 6000 of Adam in the Jewish book of Josephus published in Rome), this calendar leap day was created in 27 BC by Augustus Octavius Caesar who inaugurated it in 25 BC when Thoht 1 becomes August 29. Therefore, the Coptic calendar is Julian (not Gregorian). Events against America have been on Egyptian dates. The August 2 invasion of Kuwait is Julian July 20 and the invasion takes place at 30 degrees where the rise of Sothis occurs on that date only at that latitude; this implying Saddam chose the rise to invade. However, they felt world trade controlling oil was USA blame. Another date is Thoth 1 was Feb 26 in 747 BC. In 1993 the world trade was bombed on Gregorian Feb 26 not taking into account that Julian Feb 26 is March 11 (March 10 in leap year). The Coptic calendar honors this date as the half year placing Pamenot 1 on March 10 and the internet terrorists attempt to destroy world trade by constantly revising the March 10 virus. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).
[edit] Still used?
In my opinion, any reference that the Egyptian calendar is still used appears to be a misunderstanding, written by people who think that the Coptic calendar is the Egyptian calendar. The Coptic calendar differs from the Egyptian calendar by adding a leap day every four years, a feature that the Egyptian calendar never had. I can only accept a reference that it is still used if the writer knows of this difference or if the writer knows that the Egyptian New Year's Day differs from the Coptic New Year's Day by five months. In the Gregorian year labeled 2006 the Egyptian New Year's Day (1 Thoth) was 22 April, whereas the Coptic New Year's Day was 11 September. The reference to Saint's days (never used in Ancient Egypt) and the Youssef reference by a linguist proves this misunderstanding. — Joe Kress 00:00, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
- You assume incorrectly that the author is unaware of this rather trivial detail. The change introduced under the Ptolemies (the so-called "Alexandrian calendar") represents a simple reform to the Egyptian calendar. The Coptic calendar is a direct continuation of the Egyptian calendar with the addition of Euergetes' leap day that was adopted later. That the Egyptian calendar prior to the Graeco-Roman period did not have that feature is entirely irrelevant to the simple statement I added, which I am now going to re-add with further additions to the article. Furthermore, the population at large, who is mostly Muslim, technically does not use the official Coptic calendar, whose dating begins with the Christian 'Era of the Martyrs'. That detail did not prevent you, however, from stating that that Coptic calendar is used by "the Egyptian populace in general". This is true only in the sense that the calendar used by Egyptian Muslims is a continuation of the Coptic calendar, in turn with roots in ancient Egypt. The agricultural calendar used by Egyptian farmers today is simply the Egyptian agricultural calendar, same Egyptian seasons, same Egyptian months. — [zɪʔɾɪdəʰ] · ☥ 11:08, 17 December 2006 (UTC)
Your additions to the article are very good, but I must insist that that "trivial detail", the Alexandrian reform, be mentioned relative to the modern version of the Egyptian calendar. Accordingly I am adding the one word "reformed". Your previous wording did not delimit who was using what calendar, especially the misleading sentence "It is associated with many local saint festivals throughout Egypt." There was no discussion of who uses what eras, and there still is none. I consider that a critical detail. If Egyptian Muslims don't use an era with their Egyptian calendar, then state so—but they may use a modified Hijra era, like that used in association with the Turkish version of the Julian calendar for over a century immediately prior to its adoption of the Gregorian calendar [4]. — Joe Kress 21:29, 17 December 2006 (UTC)