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This gallery contains the flags of states that were (at least de facto) independent in the past. The independence of many of these states has not been acknowledged, but the flags had been used as their state/national flags. Several of these flags are currently used, either by secessionist movements or officially by regional authorities.
[edit] Africa
Flag of Anjouan (de facto independent 1997-2002)
Flag of Bophutatswana (independent 1977-1994; recognized by South Africa)
Flag of Cabinda (de facto independent 1975-1976; current flags of independence movement FLEC are different)
Flag of Ciskei (independent 1981-1994; recognized by South Africa)
Flag of Moheli (de facto independent 1997; current local flag is different)
Flag of Transkei (independent 1976-1994; recognized by South Africa)
Flag of Venda (independent 1979-1994; recognized by South Africa)
Flag of Suvadiva (de facto independent 1959-1963)
Flag of Tibet (de facto independent 1912-1950, flag still used by the government-in-exile)
[edit] Australia/Oceania
[edit] Europe
Flag of Corsica (independent 1753-1769)
Flag of Patriarch State of Friuli (independent 1077-1420)
[edit] North America
[edit] See also