Talk:French Republican Calendar
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Note: Emacs M-x calendar groks the French Revolutionary Calendar. In case you needed to consult French Revolutionary dates while using the one true text editor (sorry vi folks).
The calendar also put them out of step with everyone else in Europe.
- Though of course they would have said that the rest of Europe was out of step with France. (If I used smilies I'd add one here.)-- Jmabel 14:30, Jul 10, 2004 (UTC)
I have some questions: It what way was this calendar incompatible with having an Emperor and nobility?
I don't see how it was incompatible with setting dates for fairs and markets. (anonymously asked in July 2004)
- It would be good if someone who knows more than me about the Napoleonic era could address this. -- Jmabel 15:17, Jul 10, 2004 (UTC)
I'm not sure. Employing my unfortunately modest powers of mind-reading, I think the person who wrote that was thinking along these lines: The architects of the calendar were trying to abolish everything that was not in keeping with Reason and Liberty, so the introduction of the new calendar came to symbolize the entire Jacobin remodelling of revolutionary society. Napoleon's coronation represented a very sharp turn away from that remodelling. However, I really think we could fairly cut the words "but mainly because he had crowned himself Emperor of the French in December 1804 and had created the new Empire's Nobility during the year 1805. These were both concepts that were incompatible with the fundamental tenets of the calendar", not just because it's unclear what they're supposed to mean, but because they're based on conjecture about Napoleon's motives. The Concordat with Rome was the immediate impetus for abolishing the calendar. QuartierLatin1968 06:13, 27 Oct 2004 (UTC) (Sniff sniff. Such a lovely calendar.)
"Perhaps the most famous" : then what about 9 thermidor ? Starting of a year : isn't it supposed to be on the day of the proclamation of the First Republic ?
- Yes, article now says that. It was one day after the abolition of the monarchy. -- Jmabel 15:17, Jul 10, 2004 (UTC)
I seem to remember reading somewhere that this calendar was first proposed almost immediately upon the establishment of the Republic. Does anyone have a citation for this? -- Jmabel 14:30, Jul 10, 2004 (UTC)
I've removed the passive-voiced, unattributed statement "It was argued that the calendar was scientifically flawed." It was not backed up by any further explanation, not even by a time period in which this was argued. I'd love to see this expanded upon, explained, and back in the article, but as a sentence standing along it's useless. -- Jmabel|Talk 21:18, Oct 12, 2004 (UTC)
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[edit] Move to "Republican"?
Oh, I thought of something else. Would it be possible to move this article to "French Republican Calendar"? Both names are in use, but it seems to me that Republican is used more -- at least in real, published books (and in French) if not in cyberspace. Also, it is a technically better name, as the Revolution begins in 1789, while a Republic is only declared in 1792, and it's from the proclamation of the Republic that the calendar starts counting. QuartierLatin1968 06:25, 27 Oct 2004 (UTC)
- I'm happy with either, as long as the redirect is maintained. -- Jmabel | Talk 06:47, Oct 27, 2004 (UTC)
[edit] suggestions
I suggest that
- the 'days' section be changed by moving the lists to sub-articles or separate articles (each month to get its own article, allowing the Month's name to be referenced by a search, and 360 redirects or disambiguation page entries, as appropriate for the individual names of the months) (whew, I know that's asking a lot, but if you want some help with the grunt work of doing that, I Pedant would be happy to assist, drop me a message) -- replace the lists with some examples of day names, and how they got their name/what they mean?
- move article to French Republican Calendar or similar as mentioned above
- there seem to be a lot of lists, suggest converting to prose where possible or create sub-articles from them as suggested for the 'days' section... anything to make this more easily readable while preserving the information.Pedant 16:59, 2004 Oct 28 (UTC)
- I would be happy to help move the lists of days' names into the pages that already exist for the individual months, as I agree that those lists clutter up the page a little bit. The other lists, however, I think are appropriate. I would not like to read through a prose paragraph just to find the name of the sixth day of the French Republican week.
If anyone has any suggestions as to the format of the current "Days of the year" section after the lists have been moved, please let me know. I'm not sure whether I would be breaking Wikipedia convention to include something like, "Lists of the days in each month can be found on the individual months pages." --Anakolouthon 19:08, 11 Nov 2004 (UTC)
[edit] Aaron's rod???
The link to Aaron's rod (Baton d'Or) was almost certainly wrong. I moved it to point to Aaron's rod (disambiguation) because I don't know which of the several plants by that name would be the right one. If anybody knows for sure, could you please fix the link to point to the right place? --RoySmith 1 July 2005 15:06 (UTC)
[edit] Leap years
The years III, VII, and XI were observed as leap years, and the years XV and XX were also planned as such.
I've seen this statement more ofter - I've also seen a website claim that they had already decided to switch to the 4000-year rule after XX. Just curious: what is the historical basis for this assertion? Had the French already printed calendars in advance, or is there some other document that legislated this? squell 21:12, 31 August 2005 (UTC)
- In the year III, a report by Romme was submitted with a proposal for a decree to change leap years to be observed in years divisible by 4, except secular (century) years not divisible by 400 and years divisible by 4000: ART. 4. Il en sera ainsi de quatre en quatre siècles, jusqu’au quarantième, qui se terminera par une année commune.
- In the original decree, leap years occurred whenever 366 days passed between successive autumnal equinoxes, which happened in the years III, VII, XI, and would have happened in the year XV and five years later in XX. Since XX would have been a leap year also in Romme's revised plan, supposedly the new rule would take effect after that, although I don't know where this was actually stated. The problems with the original rule was that sometimes five years would pass between leap years, and that in some years it was not possible to predict with certainty whether the equinox would occur before or after midnight. --Nike 09:32, 1 September 2005 (UTC)
This makes sense, but as I read the report (through Babelfish), I think he was advocating making an IV the first leap year: ARTICLE PREMIER. La quatrième année de l’ère de la République sera la première sextile. Since the report is dated 19 Floreal an III (8th May 1795), however, this appears to have left little time to implement this proposal. It's also notable that Romme was sentenced to death 1 month after the date of this report, which might be a good indication of political support for it. squell 21:06, 1 September 2005 (UTC)
- I was referring to the historical basis for the 4000-year rule. I do not know what the source is for changing the leap-year rules after year XX, or if it is even true, although it is reasonable, given that both methods would coincide for several decades, so that would be a good time to do it. I, also, would like more information about it. --Nike 04:32, 3 September 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Gregorian correspondence
I deleted the following (added by Caerwine);
- Year CCXIV = September 22, 2005 to September 22, 2006 (leap year) Year CCXV = September 23, 2006 to September 22, 2007 Year CCXVI = September 23, 2007 to September 21, 2008 Year CCXVII = September 22, 2008 to September 21, 2009 Year CCXVIII = September 22, 2009 to September 22, 2010 (leap year)
Adding a correspondence section is tempting, but... some date convertors use the '4000' leap year rule after the year 20; one convertor used some other adaptation of that rule and made the year 19 a leap year; one convertor strictly keeps to the 1 day in 4 years rule; Even if you (reasonably) assume the autumnal equinox rule would have prevailed, there is bound to be some discrepancy depending on the astronomical algorithms chosen. To illustrate this; Calendrica says the year -14 was a leap year. John Walker's Calendar Convertor considers it an ordinary year. I have tried looking at the dates used by the 1848 Paris commune, but they were inconclusive (could have been either rule). If a correspondence is added here I'd like to see someone with an astronomical background having analysed this, like Borkowski did for the Persian calendar. squell 08:02, 7 October 2005 (UTC)
- What we could do is, in this section, explain the different methods used extend the calendar to the present day, and provide a table showing when several years start in each method. For instance:
- Equinoctal: Original observational leap-year rule of 1793, all years begin on day of autumnal equinox observed in Paris.
- Romme's Reform: Modified arithmetic rules proposed by Romme in 1795 but never implemented, similar to the Gregorian calendar, with most years divisible by four being leap years.
- Continuous Reform: Romme's rules shifted forward by one year so as to be continuous with leap years observed while the calendar was in force, with most years divisible by four minus one being leap years, e.g. 3, 7, 11, 15, etc.
Year | Equinoctal | Romme's Reform | Continuous Reform |
CCXIV (214) |
September 22, 2005 S |
CCXV (215) |
September 22, 2006 S |
CCXVI (216) |
September 22, 2007 S |
CCXVII (217) |
S = Sextile (leap) year, extra day added at end of year
- The method I labelled "continuous reform" is used on a number of French-language web sites, which make every four years from III, VII, XI, leap years, except years preceding century (secular) years, that is, one year before leap years in Romme's modified rules. (See Brumaire - Calendrier Républicain) I recently raised the subject of leap years on the CALNDR-L list, and also on the decimal time board. --Nike 05:44, 8 October 2005 (UTC)
The major objection I have to this is that I believe "continuous reform" is just a modern invention by a programmer of calendar software (does any other software than Salut et Fraternite use it?). It contradicts the article claiming the year 20 would be a leap year, and it doesn't agree with any of the 18th century sources. Second, if we cite equinoctial dates, we need a source for them. squell 17:47, 8 October 2005 (UTC)
- I don't know of much software for the FRC, period. However, a number of people in France must be using the same software. The calendars at Décadi are based on this, so An 211 was sextile, and 212 started on September 23, 2003. I am not saying that I agree with this use, just that people are using it. Since it's already on the web, this article could provide a reference to explain what surfers are encountering, if only to say that it is a modern invention.
- If it's a significant use, then yes. Is there a way to determine this? squell 16:17, 10 October 2005 (UTC)
- As for equinoctial dates, there are many sources. Tables with dates and times for equinoxes have been published numerous places many years in advance, such as the US Naval Observatory, and the algorithms are widely available for one to do the calculations oneself. Just add 9.35 minutes for Paris. H.M. Nautical Almanac Office displays equinoxes with hour/minute offsets, so -0009 would produce equinoxes in Paris for any year, such as "September Equinox 2100 Sept. 22 22:09...(GMT + 0.15 hours)". (Click "I accept" and "Eqnx_Sol" to access.) --Nike 06:08, 9 October 2005 (UTC)
One issue was raised that I had not thought of, of whether time was reckoned according to apparent or mean time. I had assumed that the hours were temps moyen de Paris, but I could be wrong. This would only affect dates on which the equinox occurs near midnight. The last time was 1997, the next won't be until at least 2026. --Nike 06:04, 10 October 2005 (UTC)
- I think it's logical to assume apparent time. The links you came up will do fine as sources, and I also like your table layout. squell 16:17, 10 October 2005 (UTC)
Well, how do you define "significant use"? The number of sites using it? The number of hits those sites receive? Maybe there are thousands of French reinacting the Revolution, just like Civil War reinactors in the US, but I don't speak French. Perhaps none of the methods are correct since the calendar was officially abolished, so we can consider any method merely an academic exercise. Personally, I find Romme's proposed rules to be convenient, since they make every year start on September 22 for the entire current century, since the extra day is added a few months after every February 29. As for the equinoxes, whether we use LAT or LMT won't matter for a least a couple of decades, since the difference is about 7 or 8 minutes, with LAT about 17 minutes ahead of UTC. (I think) --Nike 04:59, 11 October 2005 (UTC)
Perhaps it is significant that the French-language Wikipedia article, fr:Calendrier républicain, gives three alternate assumptions for leap years:
- Continuing every four years from historical leap years, i.e. years divisible by 4, minus 1
- All years divisible by four, starting with year 20
- Using the equinox
No mention is made of any century rule, although the reference cited does mention it. The article fr:Concordance des dates des calendriers républicain et grégorien, seems to describe the "4th year minus 1" rule, although apparently only for historical years, i.e. before 1806. "Le Jour bissextile était donné en fin d'années républicaines précédant les années multiple de quatre."
It's interesting that nobody seems to have suggested simply making the years always start on September 22. --Nike 03:01, 13 October 2005 (UTC)
- Possibly, that is a little too conformant for people interested in an alternative calendar? :) The every-4-years rule is, by the way, what is implemented by CDAY. squell 03:37, 13 October 2005 (UTC)
I know that program. It says that October 12, AD 2005 is Ventose 13, 205, which is obviously horribly wrong. My own web site uses Romme's rules, which give the date as CCXIV/1/21. See also Javascript utile et agréable - Calendrier républicain. --Nike 06:52, 13 October 2005 (UTC)
- My understanding of French leaves much to be desired. About the only thing I can make out of that page is that the names of the months are Occitan, not French, in origin. squell 20:01, 13 October 2005 (UTC)
You don't need to understand French to read the date, "Primidi 21 vendémiaire 214", or the JavaScript code, but you can always used Google's language tools to translate the page. --Nike 20:12, 13 October 2005 (UTC)
- I read French fluently; if I can be of some assistance, don't hesitate to leave me a note of ma talk page. Rama 22:18, 16 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Hats off
I want to compliment the author of this article on the French Republican Calendar. It is accurate and incredibly detailed. There has since the eighteenth century been controversy about the way to establish the first day of the year. I have always said that I need to figure out exactly what the problem is, but I've always put it off. Now I won't have to take the trouble as it is fully and clearly discussed in the Wikipedia article. Hats off!
[edit] Fiction
The removal of the Exalted calendar, while leaving the Liavek calendar, is debatable. If one has naught to do with the French Republican Calendar, neither does the other. - Arasaka, February 27, 2006
- The Liavek calendar shares the structure (12 30-day months + extra days), and the names of the months are simple translations of the French ones. There are no striking similarities to the Exalted one. squell 01:03, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
- I thought a number of fixed-length months, made so that there is no week overlap, with extra days, was similar enough. My appologies - Arasaka, 01:16 28 February 2006 (UTC)
- Actually, only the month names are really important; other than those, the French calendar is a near clone of the Egyptian calendar. The calendar of the Exalted RPG might have been inspired by the Positivist calendar instead. Note that the Exalted article doesn't at present mention it; I suggest adding it there. — squell 04:12, 1 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Dibble
30 Ventose is given as Plantoir (Dibble). That link goes to a city in Oklahoma. What SHOULD it be linking to? 04:49, 25 June 2006 (UTC)
- Dictionary says, "A pointed gardening implement used to make holes in soil, especially for planting bulbs or seedlings." --Nike 08:19, 25 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Criticism
In the paragraph called "Criticism" all other dates are converted except 9 Thermidor. Any reason? Dunnhaupt 19:09, 5 August 2006 (UTC)
- Better? --Nike 09:28, 6 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Year XX as sextile
Steinbach wrote:
- correct me if I'm wrong, but XX seems very unlikely (probably a mistake)
You are wrong. Squell is right. "XX was really intended to be a leap year, historically." As the edited paragraph states, there were rules "requiring the year to start at the autumnal equinox". (More precisely, the year started on the day that the true equinox was observed at the Paris Observatory.) Since there would have been 365 days between the first day of XIX and XX, XIX was not a leap year. (sextile) Since there would have been 366 days between the first days of XX and XXI, XX was sextile. The fact that there would have been more than four years between the sextile years XV and XX was the problem which this paragraph was talking about. This could be made more clear. --Nike 00:00, 15 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] "Azerole" translation is not "Acerola"
Acerola is a tropical fruit unknowed in french revolutionary times. Azerole is in fact Crataegus azarolus (in english "Azarole Hawthorn" ?) a pomaceous fruittree very common in France and Spain in old times but now became rare. It is not strange that in the french wikipedia version there is not an article for this item and in the english the link is not correct. The spanish name "acerola" (from aragonese language) was given to a only morphological related tropical specie of plant.--Victor M. Vicente Selvas 21:45, 6 December 2006 (UTC)