Gelling agent
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Gelling agents are food additives used to thicken and stabilize various foods, like jellies, desserts and candies. The agents provide the foods with texture through formation of a gel. Some stabilizers and thickening agents are gelling agents. See also gel.
Typical gelling agents include natural gums, starches, pectins, agar-agar and gelatin. Often they are based on polysaccharides or proteins.
Examples are:
- Alginic acid (E400), sodium alginate (E401), potassium alginate (E402), ammonium alginate (E403), calcium alginate (E404) - polysaccharides from brown algae
- Agar (E406, a polysaccharide obtained from red seaweeds)
- Carrageenan (E407, a polysaccharide obtained from red seaweeds)
- Locust bean gum (E410, a natural gum from the seeds of the Carob tree)
- Pectin (E440, a polysaccharide obtained from apple or citrus-fruit)
- Gelatine (E441, made by partial hydrolysis of animal collagen)
In petrochemistry, gelling agents, also called solidifiers, are chemicals capable of reacting with oil spills and forming rubber-like solids. The gelled coagulated oil then can be removed from the water surface by skimming, suction devices, or nets. Calm or only moderately rough sea is required.