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I'm making some tests of a new layout for the European Union Portal that is more like the Wikipedia main page, and nicer than the actual one (in my opinion). Tell me what you think about it.
EU Portal Prototype
[edit] UserBoxes bug
I've found a nasty CSS floating bug with the UserBox template! To solve it I propose to add a clean:right to an userbox aligned to the right, and a clean:left to an userbox aligned to the left; clean:both works too, and it's the code I use on this page. I'm wondering if editing the template will break al the pages using it (an they ar a lot I think), but meanwhile you can use a workaround as I do on this page:
{{Boxboxtop|My UserBox|extra-css=clear:both;}}
As you can see, here all the userboxes are correctly on the right side of the page.
[edit] Life path template
I'm trying to create a template to display a table with all the countries you've been, and the countries you would like to go. I need your help because I'm just starting with this template creation, anyway this is my work so far: This code:
{{Life path
| {{flag|ITA}}
| {{flag|USA}}
| {{flag|GBR}} {{flag|FIN}} {{flag|AUT}} {{flag|CZE}} {{flag|FRA}}
| {{flag|JPN}}
Gives this result:
It's not yet really user friendly, I think I could do more to make it easier to use, but it's a start. I need your help! For now you find it on its page with some documentation.
To add:
<img src="" alt="My visited countries" /><br/>
<a href="">create your own visited country map</a>
[edit] Uploaded images
RAI official logos in SVG (vector) format:

Computer languages
mysql |
This user writes programs that access MySQL. |
Europe & politics
This user comes from Italy. |
Religion & philosophy
This user believes the world would be a happier, safer and saner place without religion. |