This user would support a solution of the Naming Issue for FYROM in the form of:
- or simply
[edit] *********************What is FYROM?*********************
This is a country which was a part of Yugoslavia, where a lot of people are Albanians, where they speak a bulgarian dialekt, and they want to have a greek name(makos in ancient greek means tall).
- Truth 3: in FYROM speak a bulgarian dialect - I speak bulgarian and I speak FYROM's dialect and I know the difference! It is very funny to say that it is another language. How can you think that you can make a new language by changing 2 letters in the alphabet and 10 words in the vocabulary? The Greek Macedonian dialect (95% Greek) we speak in my village in Macedonia in Greece has much more differences with Greek than your dialect with Bulgarian (5%).
- Truth 5: FYROM is Tito's invention - what can I say about it? The history of this absurdity started last century and of course the FYROMians try with every way to convince that they have right, but they only can make a blid propaganda (see you: [1] ).
The nations which don't have history or forget their history, don't have futur!
- Macedonia is also part of Greece (Greek: "Εστίν ούν Ελλας και η Μακεδονία" )
- "Stravon-geographer 1st century B.C."
[edit] This is copy von Asteraki´s page. ( - for me ASTERARA )