List of newspapers
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The following is a list of newspapers, divided by country and region.
[edit] Afghanistan
- Kabul Weekly (Kabul City)
- Daily Annis (Kabul City)
- Daily Cheragh (Kabul City)
- The Outlook Afghanistan (Kabul City)
- Eqtedaare Melli Weekly (Kabul City)
[edit] Algeria
- Liberté [1]
- North Africa Journal
- Ech-Chaab[2]
- El Watan [3]
- Le Soir d'Algérie [4]
- El Khabar [5]
- Al Fadjr [6]
- El Massa [7]
- Le Quotidien d'Oran [8]
- La Nouvelle République [9]
- La Tribune [10]
[edit] Argentina
- Clarín (Buenos Aires) [11]
- La Nación (Buenos Aires) [12]
- Página 12 (Buenos Aires) [13]
- Ámbito Financiero (Buenos Aires) [14]
- Buenos Aires Herald (English-language daily) [15]
- La Capital (Rosario) [16]
- Los Andes (Mendoza) [17]
- La Nueva Provincia (Bahía Blanca), [18]
- Diario Río Negro (Río Negro Province and Neuquén) [19]
- La Voz del Interior (Córdoba) [20]
- Argentinisches Tageblatt (German-language newspaper) [21]
[edit] Australia
- The Advertiser
- The Age
- The Australian
- The Australian Financial Review
- Blue Mountains Gazette
- The Cairns Bulletin[22].
- The Cairns Northern News[23].
- The Canberra Times
- The Courier-Mail
- The Daily Telegraph
- Green Left Weekly
- The Herald Sun
- The Illawarra Mercury
- The Mercury
- The Southern Herald[24].
- The Sun-Herald
- The Sunday Telegraph
- The Sunday Times
- The Sydney Morning Herald
- The West Australian
[edit] Austria
- Kleine Zeitung
- Kronenzeitung
- Kurier
- Linzer Zeitung
- Die Presse
- Salzburger Nachrichten
- Der Standard
- Tiroler Tageszeitung
- Wiener Zeitung
- Oberösterreichische Nachrichten
[edit] Azerbaijan
- Xalg Gazeti
- Azadlig
- Uch nogta
- Sharg
- Musavat
- Echo
- Bakinski rabochi
- Vyshka
- Bakinskie vedomosti
- Baku Sun
- Baku Today
- The Azeri Times
Bilingual (Azeri–Russian)
- Ayna–Zerkalo
Trilingual (Azeri–Russian–English)
- Bizim Asr–Nash Vek–Our Century
- 525ci
[edit] Bahrain
[edit] Bangladesh
- The Daily Star
- New Age
- The Bangladesh Observer
- The New Nation
- Sangram
- Ittefaq
- Prothom Alo
- Manavzamin
- Inqilab
- Janakantha
- Aajker Kagoj
- Jugantor
- Naya Diganta
- Amar Desh
- Bhroer Kagoj
- Din Kal
- Sangbad
- Purbanchal
- Independent
- Uttaranchal
- Shakti
- Daily Azadi (Bangla)
[edit] Barbados
- The Daily Barbados
- The Daily Nation
- The Barbados Advocate
[edit] Belarus
- Russian language:
- 7 Dney (7 дней; Seven Days) [30]
- BDG (БДГ) [31]
- Belaruski Chas (Беларускi час; Belarussian Hour) [32]
- BelGazeta (БелГазета) [33]
- Belorusskaya Lesnaya Gazeta (Белорусская лесная газета; Belarussian Forest Newspaper) [34]
- Belorusy i Rynok (Белорусы и Рынок; Belarussians and the Market) [35]
- Bobruyskiy Kurier (Бобруйский курьер) [36]
- Dnyaprovets (Дняпровец) [37]
- Minskiy Kurier (Минский Курьер) [38]
- Muzykalnaya Gazeta (Музыкальная газета; Music Newspaper) [39]
- Respublika (Рэспубліка; The Republic) [40]
- Sovetskaya Belorussia (Советская Белоруссия; Soviet Belarussia) [41]
- Vecherniy Brest (Вечерний Брест; Evening Brest) [42]
- Vecherniy Grodno (Вечерний Гродно; Evening Grodno) [43]
- Vecherniy Minsk (Вечерний Минск; Evening Minsk) [44]
- Vitebskiy Kurier (Витебский Курьер) [45]
- Vo Slavu Rodiny (Во славу Родины; To the Glory of the Motherland) [46]
- Bilingual newspapers:
[edit] Belgium
- Dutch language:
- De Gentenaar (VUM), Ghent
- De Morgen (De Persgroep)
- De Standaard (VUM)
- De Tijd (Uitgeversbedrijf Tijd)
- Gazet Van Antwerpen (Regionale Uitgeversgroep)
- Het Belang van Limburg (Regionale Uitgeversgroep)
- Het Laatste Nieuws (De Persgroep)
- Het Nieuwsblad (VUM)
- Het Volk (VUM)
- French language:
- La Libre Belgique
- Le Soir
- La Dernière Heure
- Le Peuple
- Vers l'Avenir
- La Meuse
- L'Echo de la Bourse
[edit] Belize
[edit] Bhutan
- Kuensel
- The Bhutan Times
- Bhutantimes
- The Bhutan Times
[edit] Bolivia
[edit] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- BH Dani
- Dnevni Avaz
- Dnevni List
- Oslobođenje
- Nezavisne Novine
- Ljiljan
- Slobodna Bosna
[edit] Brazil
- Correio Braziliense
- O Dia
- Diário do Nordeste
- Folha de São Paulo
- Jornal do Brasil
- O Estado de São Paulo
- O Globo
- O Povo
- The Weekly Herald Angels Sing, Glory To The New Born King
- Rudge Ramos Jornal
- Zero Hora
- Tribuna da Imprensa
- O Estado de Minas
- Correio Popular
- Diário do Povo
[edit] Brunei Darussalam
[edit] Bulgaria
- Dnevnik
- Kapital
- Novinar
- Sega
- Pari
- Banker
- 7 dni sport
- Evrofutbol
- Meridian Mach
- Noshten Trud
- Standart
- Monitor
- Dneven Trud
- 24 Chasa
[edit] Cambodia
- The Cambodia Daily
- Koh Santepheap Daily
- Phnom Penh Post
- The Voice of Cambodia
- The Search(published in English and Khmer
[edit] Canada
- Calgary Herald
- Calgary Sun
- Chronicle-Herald
- The Creston Valley Advance
- The Daily News (Halifax)
- The Globe and Mail
- Edmonton Journal
- Edmonton Sun
- Kingston Whig Standard - The country's oldest daily newspaper, founded in 1834
- Kitchener-Waterloo Record
- La Presse
- Le Devoir
- Le Droit
- Le Soleil
- Metro International
- Monday Magazine
- Montreal Gazette - The country's oldest newspaper, founded in 1777
- National Post
- Ottawa Citizen
- Ottawa Sun
- Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph
- Toronto Star
- Toronto Sun
- Vancouver Courier
- Vancouver Province
- Vancouver Sun
- Victoria Times-Colonist
[edit] Chile
- El Mercurio de Valparaíso (oldest Spanish-language newspaper in circulation)
- El Mercurio
- El Sur (Concepción)
- La Tercera
- Las Últimas Noticias
[edit] China, People's Republic of
- Beijing Youth Daily
- China Daily (English language)
- Oriental Sports Daily
- People's Daily
- Guangzhou Daily
- Nanfang Daily
- Yangcheng Evening Post
- Shanghai Daily
- Shanghai Xinmin Evening News
- Ta Kung Pao
- Trust Post
- Wen Wei pao
- Xinhua
- Xinmin Wanbao
See below for Hong Kong and Macao newspapers
[edit] Colombia
- The Daily Journal [49]
- Bogotá
- El Tiempo
- El Espectador
- El Nuevo Siglo
- El Espacio
- Barranquilla
- El Heraldo
- Bucaramanga
- Vanguardia Liberal
- Cali
- Medellín
- El Colombiano
- El Mundo
- Valledupar
- El Pilon
- Cartagena
- Montería
- El Meridiano de Cordoba
[edit] Costa Rica
- Al Día
- Diario Extra
- El Heraldo
- La Nación
- La Prensa Libre
- La República
- Semanario Universidad
- The Tico Times
[edit] Croatia
- La Voce del Popolo
- Feral Tribune
- Glas Koncila
- Globus
- Jutarnji list
- Glas Slavonije
- Novi list
- Novi Plamen
- Slobodna Dalmacija
- Sportske novosti
- Večernji list
- Vjesnik
[edit] Cuba
- El Economista
- Granma
- Juventud Rebelde
- La Nueva Cuba
- Periódico 26
- Trabajadores
[edit] Cyprus
Main article: List of newspapers in Cyprus
- Afrika
- Cyprus Mail
- Cyprus Weekly
- Financial Mirror
- Haravgi
- Kibris
- Phileleftheros
- Politis
- Simerini
[edit] Czech Republic
- Blesk
- Hospodářské Noviny
- Lidové Noviny
- Mladá fronta DNES
- The Prague Daily Monitor
- The Prague Post
- Právo
[edit] Denmark
- B.T.
- Berlingske Tidende
- Dagbladet Arbejderen
- Dagbladet Børsen
- Dagbladet Information
- Dagbladet Politiken
- Ekstra Bladet
- Erhvervsbladet
- Kristeligt Dagblad
- metroXpress
- Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten
- Politiken
- Urban
- Weekendavisen
[edit] Dominican Republic
- Listín Diario
- Periódico Hoy
- El Día
- El Caribe
- Diario Libre
- Clave
[edit] Djibouti
- La Nation
[edit] Ecuador
- Guayaquil
- El Universo, Web Site El Universo
- Expreso, Web Site Diario Expreso de Guayaquil
- Diario Extra, Web Site Diario Extra
- Diario Super
- El Telegrafo,Web Site Diario El Telegrafo
- El Meridiano,Web Site Diario El Meridiano
- El Metro,Web Site Diario El Metro de Guayaquil
- La Segunda del Meridiano
- El Financiero, Web Site El Financiero
- Quito
- El Comercio (Ecuador), Web Site El Comercio
- La Hora, Web Site La Hora
- Hoy, Web Site Diario Hoy
- Ultimas Noticias, Web Site Diario El Telegrafo
- Metro Hoy, Web Site Metro Hoy
- Cuenca
- El Mercurio, Web Site El Mercurio
- EL Tiempo, Web Site Diario El Tiempo
- La Tarde, Web Site Diario La Tarde
- Loja
- El Siglo
- Cronica de la tarde, Web Site Cronica
- Ibarra
- Diario del Norte, Web Site Diario del Norte
- La Verdad
- Manta
- EL Mercurio de Manta, Web Site Mercurio de Manta
- El Metropolitano
- Milagro
- Prensa La Verdad, Web Site de Prensa La Verdad
- Quevedo
- El Planeta
- Ecos
- Bahía de Caráquez
- El Globo
- Galápagos
- El Colono
[edit] Egypt
- Al-Ahram
- Middle East Times
- Al-Waqae'a Al-Masreya
- Al-Masry Al-Youm
- Al-Wafd
- Al-ghad
- Al-Ahly
- Al-Akhbar (Egypt)
- Gomhoria
- AL-Dostour
- Al-Esboo'e
- El-Arabi
[edit] El Salvador
- Diario Co Latino
- El Diario de Hoy
- Diario El Mundo
- El Faro
- La Prensa Gráfica
- Raíces
[edit] Estonia
- Äripäev
- Eesti Ekspress
- Eesti Päevaleht
- Postimees
- SL Õhtuleht
[edit] Finland
[edit] France
- Le Canard enchaîné
- Courrier International [50]
- La Croix (Catholic)
- Les Échos
- L'Équipe
- Le Figaro
- L'Humanité
- Libération
- Le Monde
- Le Monde diplomatique
- Ouest-France
- Le Parisien
- La Tribune
[edit] Germany
- Badische Zeitung
- Berliner Morgenpost
- Berliner Zeitung (BZ)
- BILD - (best-selling newspaper in Europe and sixth-largest circulation worldwide)
- Kölner Express
- Financial Times Deutschland
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)
- Frankfurter Neue Presse
- Frankfurter Rundschau (FR)
- Hamburger Abendblatt
- Hamburger Morgenpost
- Hürriyet (Turkish German newspaper)
- Neues Deutschland (ND)
- Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ)
- Neue Westfälische (NW)
- NEWS Frankfurt
- Rheinische Post (RP)
- Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ)
- Der Tagesspiegel
- die tageszeitung (taz)
- Trierischer Volksfreund (TV)
- Die Welt
- Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ)
- Westfalenblatt (WB)
- Die Zeit (weekly, but in newspaper format)
[edit] Gibraltar
- Gibraltar Chronicle (The world's second oldest English language newspaper, established in 1801) [51]
[edit] Greece
- , including Greek-speaking regions.
- Angelioforos of Thessaloniki
- Apogevmatini (the Afternoon Paper)
- Avgi (Dawn)
- Eleftheros Kosmos (Free World)
- Eleftheros Typos (Free Press)
- Eleftherotypia (Press Freedom)
- Estia (Hestia)
- Ethnos (Nation)
- Hrisi Avgi (Golden Dawn)
- Kathimerini (Daily) (In Greek)
- Kathimerini (Daily) (In English)
- Makedonia (Macedonia)
- Orthodoxos Tipos (Orthodox Press)
- Rizospastis (Radical)
- Stilos Orthodoxias (Orthodox Pillar)
- Stohos (Target)
- Ta Nea (The News)
- To Vima (The Tribune)
- Vradini (the Evening Paper)
- Athens News weekly (In English)
[edit] Guatemala
- Prensa Libre, the most widely circulated newspaper in Guatemala
- Siglo XXI
- El Periódico
- La Hora
[edit] Honduras
- Honduras This Week (in English)
[edit] Hong Kong
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
- English
- South China Morning Post
- The Standard (formerly, the HK-iMail, Hong Kong Standard)
- Asia Times (ceased publication in 1997, although the name has been revived for the internet-only Asia Times Online)
- Chinese
- Free Tabloid
- am730
- Express Post
- Headline Daily
- Metropolis Daily
[edit] Hungary
- Magyar Hírlap
- Magyar Nemzet (MN)
- Népszabadság
- Népszava
- Nemzeti Sport
- Budapest Sun (English)
[edit] Iceland
- DV
- Fréttablaðið
- Morgunblaðið
- Blaðið
[edit] Headline text
[edit] India
- Aaj
- Jag Bani(Punjabi)
- Aajeet(Punjabi)
- Afternoon
- Ananda Bazar Patrika
- Asian Age
- Business line
- Business Standard
- Deccan Chronicle
- Deccan Herald
- Deepika
- Financial Express
- Free Press Journal
- Kashmir Post
- Mid-Day
- Mint
- Published from bathinda Punjab
- Pioneer
- The Statesman
- The Economic Times
- The Hindu
- The Hindu Business Line
- The Hindustan Times
- The Indian Express
- The Morning Quick
- The New Indian Express
- The Stageman International (Hindi Weekly)
- The Telegraph
- The Times of India
- The Tribune
- Aaj Kal
- Bartaman
- Dainik Bhaskar
- Dainik Jagran
- Dainik Sahara
- Dinakaran (Tamil)
- Dina Malar (Tamil)
- Dina Bhoomi (Tamil)
- Dina Thandi (Tamil)
- Makkal Kural (Tamil)
- MaalaiMalar (Tamil)
- Maalai Murasu (Tamil)
- Eenadu (Telugu)
- Vaartha (Telugu)
- Andhra Jyothi (Telugu)
- Andhra Bhoomi (Telugu)
- Andhra Jyothi (Telugu)
- Gana Shakti
- Gujarat Samachar
- Janathavani (Kannada)
- Jansatta
- Kannada Prabha (Kannada)
- Loksatta
- Maharashtra Times
- Malayala Manorama
- Mathrubhumi
- Navbharat Times
- Prabhat Khabar
- Praja Vani (Kannada)
- Prati Din
- Punjab Kesari
- Saamna
- Sakal(Marathi)
- Saymukta Karnataka (Kannada)
- Udaya Vani (Kannada)
- Usha Kirana (Kannada)
- Vaartha Bhaarathi (Kannada)
- Vijaya Karnataka (Kannada) also e-paper
- Vijay Times (English) also e-paper
- Vyapaar
[edit] Indonesia
- Indonesian
- Kompas
- Bisnis Indonesia
- Indo Pos
- Seputar Indonesia
- Jawa Pos
- Koran Tempo
- Media Indonesia
- Sinar Harapan
- Republika
- Suara Pembaruan
- Tribun Kaltim
- English
- Chinese
- Indonesia Shang Bao
- Guo Ji Ri Bao
- Re Ji Ri Bao
[edit] Iran
- Tehran Times
- Abrar
- Aftab Yazd
- Asr-e Azadegan
- Donyaye eqtesad
- Entekhab
- Ettelaat Int.
- Etemad
- Fath
- Hambastegi
- Hamshahri
- Hamvatan salam
- Hayat-e nou eco.
- hizbollah
- Iran
- Javan
- Jomhoury
- Kayhan
- Khane Mellat
- Khorasan
- Khordad
- Quds
- Resalat
- Shargh
- Tous
- Vaghaye Etefaghyeh
- Yas-e-no
[edit] Ireland
[edit] Israel
[edit] Italy
- Corriere della Sera
- La Repubblica
- La Stampa
- Il Sole 24 Ore
- Il Messaggero
- La Gazzetta dello Sport
- Il Corriere dello sport
- Il Tempo
- Il Manifesto
- L'Unità
- Libero
- Il Resto del Carlino
- Il Giornale
- L'Informazione della Valconca
- La Provincia
- L'Eco di Bergamo
- Ecostiera
- Il Foglio
- L'Espresso
- Il Risorgimento
- Corriere dell'Umbria
- Affari Italiani
- Corriere delle Alpi
- Avvenire
- Chiamami Città
- Il Centro
- Alto Adige
- Dolomiten (German language)
- Gazzetta di Mantova
- Gazzetta di Modena
- Gazzetta di Reggio
- Gazzetta del Sud
- Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
- Giornale di Brescia
- Giornale di Sicilia
- Il Golfo
- ItaliaOggi
- Libertà
- Il Mattino
- Milano Finanza
- La Nuova Sardegna
- Nuova Ferrara
- La Padania
- Il Piccolo
- Positanonews
- Primorski Dnevnik (Slovenian language)
- La Sicilia
- Il Tirreno
- Ultime Notizie
- L'Unione Sarda
- Il Giornale di Vicenza
- Giornale del Popolo
[edit] Jamaica
- The Gleaner
- Jamaica Observer
[edit] Japan
- Japanese,National,General
- Japanese,National,Business
- Japanese,National,Sports and entertainment
- Daily Sports
- Hochi Shimbun
- Nikkan Sports
- Sankei Sports
- Sports Nippon
- Tokyo Sports
- English
[edit] Jordan
- Al Ra'ee (Newspaper)
- Alghad
- Al-Watan
- Ad-Dustour
- Jordan Times (English version published by Al Ra'ee (Newspaper))
- Shihan
[edit] Kenya
- Daily Nation
- East African Business Week [52]
- East African Standard
- Kenya Times
- The East African
[edit] Korea, North
- Rodong Sinmun
- Minju Joson
[edit] Korea, South
- English
- Korean, National
- Chosun Ilbo
- Dong-a Ilbo
- Joongang Ilbo
- Hankook Ilbo
- The Hankyoreh
- Gyeonghyang Shinmun
- Kookmin Ilbo
- Seoul Shinmun
- Moon-hwa Ilbo
- Sege-Ilbo
- Sports enternationment general "Sports Shinmun"
- Good Day
- Sports Seoul
- Sports Chosun
- Sports Today
- Ilgan Sports
- Business
- Herald Economy (Gyeong-jae)
- Maeil Gyeongjae
- Seoul Gyeongjae
- Hankook Gyeongjae
- Financial News
- Stock Daily
- Money Today
- Junja Shinmun (an electronics-specialised newspaper)
- Korean, Provincial
- Daejeon Ilbo
- Chungcheong Maeil
- Dongyang Ilbo
- Gangwon Ilbo
[edit] Kuwait
- Al Arabi
- Al Qabas
- Al Raialaam
- Al Seyassah
- Al Talea
- Al-Watan
- Al-Arabimag
- Arab Times'
- Desert Voice
- Kuwait Times
- Daily Star (Lebanon) - Kuwait Edition
[edit] Kyrgyzstan
- Russian language
- Vecherniy Bishkek
- Slovo Kyrgyzstana
- Delo №
- Obschestvennyi reyting
- Kyrgyz language
- Agym
- Asaba
[edit] Laos
[edit] Latvia
- Diena
- The Baltic Times
- Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze
- Rīgas Balss
- Lauku Avize
- Rīgas Balss
- Neatkarigas Tukuma Zinas
[edit] Lebanon
- Al-Akhbar
- Daily Star
- Monday Morning
- An-Nahar
- Assafir
- AdDyar
- Al-Anwar
- Al-Mustakbal
- l'Orient le Jour
[edit] Libya
- Al-Amal
- Al-Bait
- Kol Al-Fenoun
- Al-Jamahiria EL-Youm
- Al-Jamahiria
- Al-Fajr Al Jadeed
- Al-Zahf Al Akhdar
- Alshames
[edit] Liechtenstein
- Liechtensteiner Vaterland
- Liechtensteiner Volksblatt
[edit] Lithuania
- Lietuvos Rytas - the biggest quality newspaper in Lithuania
- Respublika
- Voruta - weekly historical newspaper
- Kauno diena - daily newspaper in Kaunas
- Vakarų ekspresas - daily newspaper in Klaipėda
[edit] Macao
Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
[edit] Malaysia
[edit] Maldives
[edit] Malta
- In-Nazzjon / Il-Mument (Maltese)
- L-Oriżżont / It-Torċa (Maltese)
- The Malta Independent / The Malta Independent on Sunday (English)
- The Times of Malta / The Sunday Times (English)
- Il-Ġens (Maltese)
- Kullħadd (Maltese)
- MaltaToday (English)
- Illum (Maltese)
- Malta Business Weekly (English}
[edit] Mauritania
- Rajoul-Echaree
[edit] Mexico
- El Universal
- Milenio
- El Economista
- El Excélsior
- El Financiero
- La Jornada
- El Norte
- Reforma
- La Crónica de hoy
- Rumbo de México
- The News of Mexico City (in English, now defunct)
- Frontera (Newspaper)
[edit] Morocco
- In Amazigh:
- Tawiza
- Amadal Amazigh
- In Arabic:
- In French:
- Multi-language:
[edit] Netherlands
Of all these newspapers, full content is available on the internet. Some require a fee.
- Algemeen Dagblad
- De Telegraaf
- De Volkskrant
- Het Parool
- Nederlands Dagblad
- NRC Handelsblad
- Reformatorisch Dagblad
- Trouw
[edit] New Zealand
[edit] Nicaragua
- La Prensa (Managua)
[edit] Norway
- Adresseavisen
- Aftenposten
- Bergens Tidende
- Bergensavisen
- Dagbladet
- Norway Post (English)
- Stavanger Aftenblad
- Verdens Gang
[edit] Oman
- TheWeek
- Times of Oman
[edit] Pakistan
[edit] English newspaper
- Dawn
- The News (newspaper)
- The Nation
- The Frontier Post
- Daily Times
- Business Recorder
- The Star
- Pakistan Observer
- Pakistan Times
- Friday Times
- Balochistan Post
[edit] Urdu newspaper
- Al Qamar Online (القمرآن لائن)
- Daily Jang (روزنامہ جنگ)
- Nawa-i-Waqt (روزنامہ نواے وقت)
- Daily Express (روزنامہ ایکسپریس)
- Daily Ummat (روزنامہ امت)
- Daily Jasarat (روزنامہ جسارت)
- Daily Khabrain (روزنامہ خبریں)
- Daily Mashriq (روزنامہ مشرق)
- Daily WIZMEN
- Daily Intekhab[56]
- Daily Pakistan
- Daily Din
- Daily Ausaf
- Daily Jinnah
- Daily Awaz
- Daily Asaas
- Daily Akhbar
[edit] Newspaper in regional languages
- Daily Kawish, (Sindhi: روزانه ڪاوش)
- Daily Ibrat, (Sindhi: روزانه عبرت)
- Daily Mehran (Sindhi: روزانه مهراڻ)
- Kook, (Seraiki: ست روزہ كوک)
- Khabran, (Punjabi: روزوار خبراں)
- Sajjan, (Punjabi: روزوار سجن)
- Daily Wahdat, (Pashto: روزنامہ وحدت)
- Nawai Watan, (Balochi: روزنامہ نوای وطن)
[edit] Palestinian Territories
- Al Ayyam (Arabic: الأيام)
- Al Quds (Arabic: القدس)
- Al Hayat Al Jadida (Arabic: الحياة الجديدة)
- Jerusalem Times
- Palestine Times
[edit] Panama
- Critica En Linea
- El Panamá América
- El Siglo
- La Estrella de Panama
- La Prensa
- Mi Diario
- Dia a Dia
[edit] Paraguay
- ABC Color
- La Nación
[edit] Peru
- El Comercio from Lima
- El Tiempo from Chiclayo
- Expreso from Lima
- Gestion from Lima
- La República from Lima
- Ojo from Lima
[edit] Philippines
- Abante Tonite [57]
- Abante Una Sa Balita [58]
- Bohol Bantay Balita
- Business Mirror
- BusinessWorld
- The Bohol Standard
- Cebu Daily News
- Chinese Commercial News
- Daily Tribune
- Malaya
- Manila Bulletin
- Manila Times
- Mindanao Daily Mirror
- Mindanao Gold Star Daily
- Mindanao Times
- Moro Information Agency
- Newsline
- Philippine Daily Inquirer
- Philippine Headline News
- Philippine News
- Philippine Star
- Sunday Punch
- Sunstar Daily
- Tempo
- The Freeman
- Today
- Visayan Daily Star
[edit] Poland
- Gazeta Wyborcza
- Rzeczpospolita
- Dziennik Polska-Europa-Świat
- Polityka
- Gazeta Pomorska
- Życie Warszawy
- Najwyższy Czas
- Dziennik Bałtycki
- Gazeta Prawna
- Puls Biznesu
- Wprost
- Nasz Dziennik
- Gazeta Polska
- Fakt
[edit] Portugal
- O Independente
- Público
- Correio da Manhã
- Diário de Notícias
- Jornal de Notícias
- 24 horas
- Expresso
- O Primeiro de Janeiro
- Diário Económico
- Jornal de Negócios
- Comércio do Porto
- A Bola
- Record
- Correio do Minho
- Destak
- 1x2
- Tal & Qual
- Jornal do Fundão
- Sol
- O Jogo
[edit] Qatar
[edit] Romania
[edit] Romanian language
National Broadsheets and Berliners
- Adevărul (The Truth)
- Cotidianul (The Daily Newspaper)
- Jurnalul Naţional (The National Journal)
- Evenimentul Zilei (The Daily Event)
- Gândul (The Thought)
- Gardianul (The Guardian)
- România liberă (Free Romania)
- Ziua (The Day)
National Tabloids
- Libertatea (Freedom)
- Ziarul (The Newspaper)
- Averea (Wealth)
Free Newspapers
- Compact
Financial and Economics
- Capital
- Ziarul Financiar (The Financial Newspaper)
- Săptămâna Financiară (The Financial Week)
- ProSport
- Gazeta Sporturilor (The Sports Gazette)
Local and Regional Newspapers
- Gazeta de Sud (The Southern Gazette)
- Gazeta de .... (The .... Gazette - A national chain of regional newspapers)
- Monitorul de .... (The .... Monitor - Another national chain of regional newspapers)
- Cuget Liber (Free Thought - Constanţa)
- Timpolis (Timişoara)
[edit] Hungarian language
- Krónika, Chronicle, generic,
- Új Magyar Szó, New Hungarian Word, generic,
Local and Regional
[edit] English language
[edit] Russia
- Argumenti i fakti
- Gazeta
- In Our Country's Defense
- Izvestia
- Kommersant
- Komsomolskaya Pravda
- Krasnaya Zvezda
- Moscow News
- Moscow Times
- Moskovskiy Komsomolets
- Moskovskiye Novosti
- Nezavisimaya Gazeta
- Novaya Gazeta
- Novye Izvestia
- Novoye Vremya
- Pravda
- Rossiyskaya Gazeta
- Russkii Kurier
- Sovetskaya Rossiya
- Sovetskiy Sport
- Tribuna
- Trud
- Vremya (MN)
- Vremya Novostei
Vedomosti (Wall Street Journal/FT Partnership)
[edit] San Marino (Republic)
- L'Informazione di San Marino[59]
[edit] Saudi Arabia
- Arab News
- Riyadh Daily
- Saudi Gazette
[edit] Serbia
- Politika (1904)
- Vecernje novosti
- Blic
- Danas
- Glas javnosti
- Borba
- Ekspres Politika
- Dnevnik
- Kurir
- Magyar Szo
- Dan
- Sport
- Press
- Sportski zurnal
[edit] Singapore
- Chinese
- Lianhe Zaobao
- Lianhe Wanbao
- Xinmin Ribao
- My Paper (我报)
- English
- The New Paper
- The Straits Times
- Today
- Streats (now merged with Today newspaper)
- Malay
- Berita Harian
- Tamil
[edit] Slovakia
[edit] Slovenia
- Delo (Ljubljana)
- Dnevnik (Ljubljana)
- Večer (Maribor)
- Slovenske novice (Ljubljana)
- Primorske novice (Koper)
- Primorski dnevnik (Trst)
- Finance (Ljubljana)
[edit] South Africa
- English
- Cape Times
- The Citizen
- City Press
- Mail & Guardian
- The Sowetan
- Sunday Independent
- The Sunday Times
- J News
- Afrikaans
- Zulu
[edit] Spain
- El Mundo
- El País
- La Razón
- La Vanguardia
- Gara (Basque)
- Marca
- As
- Sport
- El Mundo Deportivo
- Berria
[edit] Sri Lanka
- English
- The Sunday Times
- Daily Mirror
- Daily News
- Sunday Observer
- The Island
- Sinhala
- Lankadeepa
- Divayina
- Silumina
- Tamil
[edit] Sweden
- Aftonbladet
- Expressen
- GT
- Kvälls-Posten
- Göteborgs-Posten
- Dagens Nyheter.
- Metro International
- Norrköpings Tidningar
- Svenska Dagbladet
- Sydsvenska Dagbladet
[edit] Switzerland
- 20 Minuten
- Aargauer Zeitung
- Agefi
- Appenzeller Zeitung
- Basellandschaftliche Zeitung
- Basler Zeitung
- Berner Zeitung
- Bieler Tagblatt
- Blick
- Corriere del Ticino
- Le Courrier
- Der Bund
- L'Express
- Freiburger Nachrichten
- Giornale del Popolo
- L'Impartial
- Journal du Jura
- laRegione Ticino
- Le Matin
- Le Nouvelliste
- Neue Luzerner Zeitung
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung
- Le Quotidien Jurassien
- St. Galler Tagblatt
- Die Südostschweiz
- Tages Anzeiger
- Le Temps
- Thurgauer Zeitung
- Tribune de Genève/24 heures
- Die Weltwoche
[edit] Sudan
[edit] Syria
[edit] Taiwan
- See also: List of newspapers in Taiwan
- Apple Daily (Pingguo Ribao)
- Central Daily News (Zhongyang Ribao)
- China Post (English)
- China Times (Zhongguo Shibao)
- Economic Daily News (Jingji Ribao)
- Independent Evening News (Zili Wanbao)
- Kinmen Daily News
- Liberty Times (Ziyou Shibao)
- Mandarin Daily News (Guoyu Ribao)
- Matsu Daily
- Min Sheng Bao (Min Sheng Bao)
- Taipei Times (English)
- Taiwan Daily (Taiwan Ribao)
- Taiwan News (English)
- Taiwan Times (Taiwan Shibao)
- United Daily News (Lianhe Bao)
[edit] Tanzania
- Daily News
- East African Business Week [60]
- The Citizen
- This Day
[edit] Thailand
- Bangkok Post (English)
- The Nation (English)
- Thai Rath
- Daily News
- Post Today
- Manager
- Matichon
- Thai Post
[edit] Trinidad and Tobago
- Showtime
- Sunday Punch
- The Blast
- TNT Mirror
- Tobago News
- Trinidad and Tobago Express
- Trinidad and Tobago Newsday
- Trinidad and Tobago Review
- Trinidad Guardian
[edit] Turkey
- Akşam
- BirGün
- Cumhuriyet
- Dünden Bugüne Tercüman
- Dünya
- Evrensel
- Fanatik
- Fotomaç
- Güneş
- Halka ve Olaylara Tercüman
- Hürriyet
- Milli Gazete
- Milliyet
- Ortodoğu
- Radikal
- Sabah
- Star
- The New Anatolian
- Turkish Daily News
- Türkiye
- Vakit
- Vatan
- Yeni Asya
- Yeni Çağ
- Yeni Mesaj
- Yeni Şafak
- Zaman
[edit] Uganda
- East African Business Week [61]
- The Monitor
- The New Vision
- The Weekly Observer
[edit] Ukraine
- Den
- Delovaya Stolitsa
- Fakty i Kommentarii
- Holos Ukrayiny
- Intelnews
- Kyiv Post
- Korrespondent
- Segodnya
- Silski Visti
- Ukrayina Moloda
- Ukrayinska Pravda
- Uryadovy Kuryer
- Vecherniye Vesti
- Zerkalo Nedeli
[edit] United Arab Emirates
- Gulf News
- Khaleej Times
- Al bayan
- Emirates Today
Middle East Economic Digest
[edit] United Kingdom
[edit] National
- Daily Express
- Financial Times
- The Guardian
- The Guardian Weekly
- The Observer
- The Independent
- Daily Mail
- Daily Mirror
- The Morning Star
- Daily Star
- The Sun / News of the World
- Daily Telegraph
- The Times
[edit] Scotland
- The Courier
- Daily Record / Sunday Mail
- The Herald / Sunday Herald
- The Press and Journal
- The Scotsman / Scotland on Sunday
- The Sunday Post
[edit] Wales
- The Western Mail / Wales on Sunday
- South Wales Echo
[edit] Northern Ireland
[edit] United States of America
- The Columbus Dispatch
- USA Today
- The Wall Street Journal
- The New York Times
- International Herald Tribune
- New York Daily News
- Los Angeles Times
- The New York Post
- Chicago Tribune
- The Washington Post
- The Washington Times
- The Hartford Courant
- Newsday
- Sun-Sentinel
- The Miami Herald
- Chicago Sun-Times
- Houston Chronicle
- The Dallas Morning News
- The Daily Texan
- The Seattle Times
- The Boston Globe
- The Newark Star-Ledger
- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- The Post and Courier
- The San Francisco Chronicle
- The Arizona Republic
- The Star Tribune
- The St. Paul Pioneer Press
- The Philadelphia Inquirer
- The Philadelphia Daily News
- The Baltimore Sun
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
- The Cavalier Daily
- The East Carolinian
- Cleveland Plain Dealer
- Boston Herald
- The Detroit Free Press
- The Detroit News
- The Lansing State Journal
- Orange County Register
- The San Diego Union-Tribune
- The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
- The Oregonian
- The Virginian-Pilot
- Belleville News-Democrat
- "Knoxville News-Sentinel"
[edit] Vatican City
[edit] Venezuela
- Caracas
- 2001
- Diario VEA
- El Diario de Caracas (free newspaper)
- El Nacional
- El Mundo
- El Nuevo País
- El Universal
- Meridiano
- Primera Hora (free newspaper)
- Tal Cual
- The Daily Journal
- Últimas Noticias
- Barquisimeto
- Diario HOY
- El Impulso
- El Informador
- Ciudad Guayana
- Correo del Caroní
- Maracay
- El Aragüeño
- Maracaibo
- La Verdad
- Panorama
- Porlamar
- El Sol de Margarita
- La Hora
- San Cristóbal
- La Nación
- Valencia
- El Carabobeño
- Notitarde
[edit] Vietnam
- Công An Police
- Lao Động Labour
- Sài Gòn Giải Phóng Liberated Saigon
- Thanh Niên website (en) Youth
- Tuổi Trẻ Youth
- Nhân Dân The People
- Lãnh đạo trong kỷ nguyên mới Leadership E-Magazine
- Viva Vietnam VivaVietnam
- VietNamNet VietNamNet
- VnExpress VnExpress
- Báo Điện tử Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam Communist Party of Vietnam Website
- Trang tin Điện tử Chính phủ CHXHCN Việt Nam Vietnam Government Portal
[edit] Yemen
[edit] Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia)
- The Financial Gazette [62]
- The Herald [63]
- The Sundaymail [64]
- The Zimobserver [65]
- The Independent [66]
- The Zimmirror [67]
- The Zimstandard [68]
- The Zimbabwean [69]
- Movement for Democratic Change [70]
- The Newzimbabwe [71]
[edit] External links
- - Comprehensive directory of over 6000 online newspapers from around the world
- Newspaper Index - A qualitative index of the few most important, free newspapers in all countries
- Quiosc — Compilation and databases of digital newspapers and magazines
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