Wikipedia:Music encyclopedia topics/33
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Please remove only when the content contains musical information. Please redirect places to [[Music of ...]]
- Nazib Gayanovich Zhiganov - gebwp
- Nazib Gayazovich Zhiganov - gebwp
- Nazife Güran - gebwp
- Nazir A. Jairazbhoy - gebwp
- Music in Nazi Germany - gebwp
- Nazzareno de Angelis - gebwp
- Nazzareno De Angelis - gebwp
- Anders Hillborg - gebwp
- Tapio Nevanlinna - gebwp
- NCB - gebwp (dab page, no music topics apparent
- N. Clark Smith - gebwp
- N. de Caux de Cappeval - gebwp
- Ndugu - gebwp
- Ndugu Chancler - gebwp
- Neale - gebwp
- Neal Hefti - gebwp
- Neal Kirkwood - gebwp
- Neal Zaslaw - gebwp
- Neapolitan school - gebwp - needs disambig: a composer school, a harpsichord construction school, and maybe a bel canto tradition
- Nebel - gebwp (Rammstein song, redirects to the album, presumably something else is meant. anyone know German?)
- Nebendreiklang - gebwp
- Nebenklang - gebwp
- Nebenlinie - gebwp
- Nebennote - gebwp
- Nebensatz - gebwp
- Nebenstimme - gebwp
- Nebentonarten - gebwp
- Necil Kâzım Akses - gebwp
- Neck - gebwp (i.e. neck of a guitar?)
- Nederlandse Opera - gebwp
- Nederlands Jazz Archief - gebwp
- Nederlands Kamerkoor - gebwp
- Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest - gebwp
- Nedra Wheeler - gebwp
- Ned Rothenberg - gebwp
- Neely Bruce - gebwp
- Negra - gebwp
- Negrilla - gebwp
- Negro minstrelsy - gebwp
- NEH - gebwp
- Neighbour note - gebwp
- Neil Burton Rolnick - gebwp
- Neil Howlett - gebwp
- Neil Jenkins - gebwp (article is on a rugby player)
- Neill Archer - gebwp
- Neil Rosenshein - gebwp
- Neil Shicoff - gebwp
- Neil Swainson - gebwp
- Neil Warren-Smith - gebwp
- Neil Wilson - gebwp
- Neischl - gebwp
- Nelbeland - gebwp
- Nélée et Myrthis - gebwp
- Nell Gotkovsky - gebwp
- Nellie Stewart - gebwp
- Nelli Grigor'yevna Shakhnazarova - gebwp
- Nello Santi - geb contemporary opera conductor. wp
- Nelly Miricioiu - gebwp
- Nelly Moretto - gebwp
- Nelson - gebwp (dab, includes a minor hair metal band and several places, none of which appear to be notable enough for a "Music of...")
- Nelson Boyd - gebwp
- Nelson Freire - gebwp
- Nelson Symonds - gebwp
- Nelson Williams - gebwp
- Nemesio Otaño - gebwp
- Nenia - gebwp (wiktionary candidate at the moment, funeral song or elegy)
- Néocor - gebwp
- Neo-Gallican chant - gebwp
- Neo-romantic - gebwp
- Nepotis - gebwp
- Népszínmű - gebwp
- Nera - gebwp (dab, several rivers and an Irish mythological warrior)
- Nero - gebwp (Roman Emperor, allegorically fiddled while Rome burned, not sure if there's a music-related topic on nero) Boito opera Nerone Monteverdi opera L'Incoronazione di Poppea
- Néron - gebwp
- Nerone - gebwp
- Nessa - gebwp (some Tolkien thing)
- Nestor Roqueplan - gebwp
- Netherlands Vocal Ensemble - gebwp
- Netherlands Wind Ensemble - gebwp
- Ne tol’ko lyubov’ - gebwp
- Netty Simons - gebwp
- Neue Bach-Gesellschaft - gebwp
- Neue Einfachheit - gebwp
- Neue Händel-Gesellschaft - gebwp
- Neue Sachlichkeit - gebwp (redirects to New Objectivity, which doesn't mention music)
- Neues vom Tage - gebwp
- Neuhoff - gebwp
- Neuma - gebwp
- Neumatic notations - gebwp
- Neumatic style - gebwp
- Neupert - gebwp
- Neupma - gebwp
- Neuschel - gebwp
- Neusidler - gebwp
- Neutralization - gebwp (chemistry stuff)
- Nevada Opera - gebwp
- Neva Krasteva - gebwp
- Nevel - gebwp
- Nevěsta messinská - gebwp
- Neville Butler Challoner - gebwp
- Neville Fletcher - gebwp
- Nevit Kodallı - gebwp Turkish classical musician
- Nevit Kodallι - gebwp
- New Air - gebwp
- New and Used - gebwp
- Music of Newark - gebwp
- New Artists - gebwp
- New Artists Guild - gebwp
- Newberry-Oscott Partbooks - gebwp
- New Black Eagle Jazz Band - gebwp
- Newburgh Hamilton - gebwp
- Music of Newcastle upon Tyne - gebwp
- New College Motet Fragments - gebwp
- New Complexity - gebwp
- New Dalta Ahkri - gebwp
- Neweland - gebwp
- Newell Jenkins - gebwp
- New German School - gebwp
- Music of New Guinea - gebwp
- Music of the New Hebrides - gebwp (redirects to music of Vanuatu, not removed because that's a pretty terrible stub)
- New Herd - gebwp
- New Hot Players - gebwp
- New Jazz - gebwp
- New Jazz Orchestra - gebwp
- New Jersey State Opera - gebwp
- New Jungle Orchestra - gebwp
- Newk - gebwp
- New London Consort - gebwp
- Newman - gebwp (dab, includes Alfred Newman, Thomas Newman and Randy Newman, various places probably not worthy of a "Music of...")
- Newman Taylor Baker - gebwp
- New Music - gebwp
- New Musical Fund - gebwp
- New Note - gebwp
- New Opera Company - gebwp
- New Orchestra Workshop - gebwp
- Music of New Orleans - gebwp
- New Orleans Bootblacks - gebwp
- New Orleans Feetwarmers - gebwp
- New Orleans Jazz Club - gebwp
- New Orleans Jazz Club of California - gebwp
- New Orleans Opera Company - gebwp
- New Orleans Wanderers - gebwp
- Newport Jazz Festival - gebwp (not removed due to being very stubby)
- New Queen’s Hall Orchestra - gebwp
- Newsidler - gebwp
- New South Wales Conservatorium of Music - gebwp
- New Thing - gebwp
- New Violin Family - gebwp
- New Winds - gebwp
- New World - gebwp (aside from the obvious meaning, not sure what this might be)
- New Year - gebwp (about the holiday, maybe should be about music at various New Years traditions?)
- New York Art Quartet - gebwp
- New York Composers Orchestra - gebwp
- New York Contemporary Five - gebwp
- New Yorkers - gebwp (now redirects to New York, not sure what is meant)
- New York Hardbop Quintet - gebwp
- New York Jazz Quartet - gebwp
- New York Jazz Repertory Company - gebwp
- New York Jazz Sextet - gebwp
- New York Pro Musica Antiqua - gebwp
- New York Recording Laboratories - gebwp
- New York Saxophone Quartet - gebwp
- New York School - gebwp (school of poets and painters, doesn't mention music)
- New York Voices - gebwp
- New Zealand Opera Company - gebwp
- New Zealand Symphony Orchestra - gebwp
- Neyschl - gebwp
- Neysidler - gebwp
- Nfīr - gebwp
- N. Golodnova - gebwp
- Ngoma - gebwp
- Nguni music - gebwp
- Nguyên Lê - gebwp
- Nguyen Thuyet Phong - gebwp
- Music of Nias - gebwp (Indonesian island near Sumatra)
- Nicanor Abelardo - gebwp
- Nicanor Zabaleta - gebwp
- Nicasio Zorita - gebwp
- Nicasius Weyts - gebwp
- Niccolino - gebwp
- Niccolò Castiglioni - gebwp
- Niccolò Coluzzi - gebwp
- Niccolò da Perugia - gebwp
- Niccolò di Neri de’ Soldanieri - gebwp
- Niccolo Pasquali - gebwp
- Niccolò Patavino - gebwp
- Niccolò Peretti - gebwp
- Niccolò Piccolomini - gebwp
- Niccolò Piffaro - gebwp
- Niccolò Soldanieri - gebwikitwp
- Niccolò Tassi - gebwp
- Music of Nice - gebwp
- Niceta of Remesiana - gebwp
- Nicholas Bessaraboff - gebwp
- Nicholas Bessaraboff Bodley - gebwp
- Nicholas Braithwaite - gebwp
- Nicholas Brodszky - gebwp
- Nicholas Brothers - gebwp (tap dancers, pretty stubby)
- Nicholas Carleton - gebwp
- Nicholas Carlton - gebwp
- Nicholas Charles Bochsa - gebwp
- Nicholas de Merques - gebwp
- Nicholas Desaides - gebwp
- Nicholas de Wisme - gebwp
- Nicholas Didkovsky - gebwp
- Nicholas Georgiadis - gebwp
- Nicholas Guy - gebwp
- Nicholas Howchyn - gebwp
- Nicholas Huchyn - gebwp
- Nicholas Kenyon - gebwp
- Nicholas Levasseur - gebwp
- Nicholas Ludford - gebwp
- Nicholas Matheis - gebwp
- Nicholas McGegan - gebwp
- Nicholas Payton - gebwp (jazz trumpeter, very stubby)
- Nicholas Piquigny - gebwp
- Nicholas Sackman - gebwp
- Nicholas Strogers - gebwp
- Nicholas Strowger - gebwp
- Nicholas Temperley - gebwp
- Nicholas Young - gebwp
- Nicholas Zinzendorf Nayo - gebwp
- Nicholo del Proposto - gebwp
- Nicholson - gebwp (various places, also Clan Nicholson, which redirects to John Doe for no apparent reason, no music stuff apparent)
- Nick Brignola - gebwp
- Nick Ceroli - gebwp
- Nickel Schmidt - gebwp
- Nickel von Hof - gebwp
- Nick Fatool - gebwp
- Nick’s - gebwp
- Nick Stabulas - gebwp
- Nick Travis - gebwp
- Nico Assumpção - gebwp
- Nico Dostal - gebwp
- Nicola Antonio Manfroce - gebwp
- Nicola Benois - gebwp
- Nicola Benvenuti - gebwp
- Nicola Bonifacio Logroscino - gebwp
- Nicola Calandra - gebwp
- Nicola Conforto - gebwp
- Nicola d’ Arienzo - gebwp
- Nicola D’Arienzo - gebwp
- Nicola da Siena - gebwp
- Nicola de Giosa - gebwp
- Nicola De Giosa - gebwp
- Nicola de Grecis - gebwp
- Nicola De Grecis - gebwp
- Nicola de Pirro - gebwp
- Nicola De Pirro - gebwp
- Nicolae Beloiu - gebwp
- Nicolae Brândus - gebwp
- Nicolae Brânzeu - gebwp
- Nicolae Bretan - gebwp
- Nicolae Filimon - gebwp
- Nicolae Herlea - gebwp
- Nicola Fago - gebwp (very stubby composer)
- Nicola Fiorenza - gebwp
- Nicola Francesco Haym - gebwp
- Nicola Giovo - gebwp
- Nicola Giuvo - gebwp
- Nicolai Ustinoff - gebwp
- Nicola Ivanoff - gebwp
- Nicola Juvo - gebwp
- Nicola LeFanu - gebwp
- Nicola Martinucci - gebwp
- Nicola Matteis - gebwp
- Nicola Mestrino - gebwp
- Nicola Moscona - gebwp
- Nicolao Dias Velasco - gebwp
- Nicolao Dorati - gebwp
- Nicola Paris - gebwp
- Nicola Piovani - gebwp
- Nicola Pisano - gebwp (sculptor, no music)
- Nicola Rescigno - gebwp
- Nicola Rossi-Lemeni - gebwp
- Nicolas - gebwp (dab, no music topics apparent)
- Nicola Sabatino - gebwp
- Nicola Sabbatini - gebwp
- Nicola Sabini - gebwp
- Nicola Sabino - gebwp
- Nicola Sala - gebwp
- Nicolas-Antoine Bergiron - gebwp
- Nicolas-Antoine Bergiron de Briou - gebwp
- Nicolas Autheman - gebwp
- Nicolas Bacri - gebwp
- Nicolas Baudiot - gebwp
- Nicolas Bergier - gebwp
- Nicolas Bertrand - gebwp
- Nicolas Capron - gebwp
- Nicolas Chemyn - gebwp
- Nicolas de La Crotte - gebwp
- Nicolas de la Grotte - gebwp
- Nicolas de La Grotte - gebwp
- Nicolas de Marle - gebwp
- Nicolas de Merville - gebwp
- Nicolas Derosiers - gebwp
- Nicolas Desrosiers - gebwp
- Nicolas Dezède - gebwp
- Nicolas D’Hautell - gebwp
- Nicolás Doizi de Velasco - gebwp
- Nicolas Du Chemin - gebwp
- Nicolas Dupont - gebwp
- Nicolà Setaro - gebwp
- Nicolas Etienne Framery - gebwp
- Nicolas Ferdinand Le Grand - gebwp
- Nicolas Formé - gebwp
- Nicolas Francisque Caroubel - gebwp
- Nicolas François Guillard - gebwp
- Nicolas-François Guillard - gebwp
- Nicolas Gélin - gebwp
- Nicolas Gistou - gebwp
- Nicolas Goupillet - gebwp
- Nicolas Haultemant - gebwp
- Nicolas Hautman - gebwp
- Nicolas Hotman - gebwp
- Nicolas Isouard - gebwp
- Nicolas-Jean Froid de Méreaux - gebwp
- Nicolas-Jean Le Froid de Méreaux - gebwp
- Nicolas-Jean, Le Froid de Méreaux - gebwp
- ? Nicolas-Joseph Chartrain - gebwp (not sure about ?, presumably a character that get unrendered somewhere, no article on Nicolas-Joseph Chartrain either)
- Nicolas-Joseph Hüllmandel - gebwp
- Nicolas-Joseph Platel - gebwp
- Nicolas Kasanda - gebwp
- Nicolas Kynaston - gebwp
- Nicolas Lavaux - gebwp
- Nicolas Lebègue - gebwp
- Nicolás Ledesma - gebwp
- Nicolas Levasseur - gebwp
- Nicolas Liégeois - gebwp
- Nicolas Lupot - gebwp
- Nicolas Maline - gebwp
- Nicolas-Marie Dalayrac - gebwp
- Nicolas Martin - gebwp
- Nicolas Martin de La Vigne - gebwp
- Nicolas-Médard Audinot - gebwp
- Nicolas-Médard Odinot - gebwp
- Nicolas-Médard Oudinot - gebwp
- Nicolas Medtner - gebwp
- Nicolas Merques - gebwp
- Nicolas Métru - gebwp
- Nicolas Millot - gebwp
- Nicolas Montier - gebwp
- Nicolas Nabokov - gebwp
- Nicolas Obouhow - gebwp
- Nicolas Otteman - gebwp
- Nicolas Payen - gebwp
- Nicolas Picart - gebwp
- Nicola Spinelli - gebwp
- Nicolas Racot de Grandval - gebwp
- Nicolas Regnier - gebwp
- Nicolas Remi Maire - gebwp
- Nicolas Renier - gebwp
- Nicolas Roussakis - gebwp
- Nicolás Ruiz Espadero - gebwp
- Nicolas Saboly - gebwp
- Nicolas Scherer - gebwp
- Nicolas Séjan - gebwp
- Nicolas the Serb - gebwp
- Nicolas Valet - gebwp
- Nicolas Vallet - gebwp
- Nicolas Vibert - gebwp
- Nicolas Volcyr - gebwp
- Nicolas Wolquier - gebwp
- Nicola Tacchinardi - gebwp
- Nicola Tortamano - gebwp
- Nicolau Manent - gebwp
- Nicolaus Adam Strungk - gebwp
- Nicolaus A. Huber - gebwp
- Nicolaus Benoist - gebwp
- Nicolaus Bleyer - gebwp
- Nicolaus Borbonius - gebwp
- Nicolaus Bourbon - gebwp
- Nicolaus Burtius - gebwp
- Nicolaus Cracoviensis - gebwp
- Nicolaus de Buccellanito - gebwp
- Nicolaus de Capua - gebwp
- Nicolaus de Perugia - gebwp
- Nicolaus de Radom - gebwp
- Nicolaus de Senis - gebwp
- Nicolaus Erich - gebwp
- Nicolaus Faber - gebwp
- Nicolaus Gotschovius - gebwp
- Nicolaus Haccourt - gebwp
- Nicolaus Herman - gebwp
- Nicolaus Niedt - gebwp
- Nicolaus Polonus - gebwp
- Nicolaus Richter de Vroe - gebwp
- Nicolaus Roggius - gebwp
- Nicolaus Rost - gebwp
- Nicolaus Rosthius - gebwp
- Nicolaus Stenger - gebwp
- Nicolaus Vetter - gebwp
- Nicolaus Weisbeck - gebwp
- Nicolaus Weissbeck - gebwp
- Nicolaus Wollick - gebwp
- Nicolaus Wolzanus - gebwp
- Nicolaus Zacharie - gebwp
- Nicola Vaccai - gebwp
- Nicola van Westerhout - gebwp
- Nicolay Obukhov - gebwp
- Nicolay von Wilm - gebwp
- Nicola Zaccaria - gebwp
- Nicole Henriot-Schweitzer - gebwp
- Nicole Lachartre - gebwp
- Nicole Regnes - gebwp
- Nicolini - gebwp (castrato, pretty stubby)
- Nicolino - gebwp
- Nicolo - gebwp
- Nicolò - gebwp
- Nicolo Basset - gebwp
- Nicolò Beregan - gebwp
- Nicolò Bergani - gebwp
- Nicolò Borboni - gebwp
- Nicolo Brocco - gebwp
- Nicolò Burzio - gebwp
- Nicolò Dalla Casa - gebwp
- Nicolo da Perugia - gebwp
- Nicolò Farfaro - gebwp
- Nicolò Fontei - gebwp
- Nicolò Gabrielli - gebwp
- Nicolò Giovanardi - gebwp
- Nicolò Isoiar - gebwp
- Nicolò Isouard - gebwp
- Nicolo Liprandi - gebwp
- Nicolò Marchioni - gebwp
- Nicolò Massa - gebwp
- Nicolò Melchioni - gebwp
- Nicolò Minato - gebwp
- Nicolo Parma - gebwp
- Nicolo Pifaro - gebwp
- Nicolò Rubini - gebwp
- Nicolò Stamegna - gebwp
- Nicolò Tebaldini - gebwp
- Nicolò Toscano - gebwp
- Nicolò Tricarico - gebwp
- Nicolò Tuscano - gebwp
- Nicolò Zanardi - gebwp
- Nico Schuyt - gebwp
- Nidaros - gebwp (former name of Trondheim in the Middle Ages, not sure if music of Trondheim is meant, or something else)
- Niederrheinisches Musikfest - gebwp
- Nie Er - gebwp (Chinese composer, very stubby)
- Niegehoff - gebwp
- Nieh Êrh - gebwp
- Niehoff - gebwp
- Niels Foss - gebwp
- Niels Lan Doky - gebwp
- Niels Martin Jensen - gebwp
- Niels Rosing-Schow - gebwp
- Niels Schiørring - gebwp
- Niels Viggo Bentzon - gebwp (Danish composer, very stubby)
- Niesle - gebwp
- Nigel Butterley - gebwp
- Nigel Douglas - gebwp
- Nigel Hitchcock - gebwp
- Nigel North - gebwp
- Nigel Osborne - gebwp
- Nigel Westlake - gebwp
- Nighthawk Orchestra - gebwp
- Night Horn - gebwp
- Nightingale - gebwp (bird, Tunde Nightingale, Jenny Lind was the Swedish Nightingale, also the Sensational Nightingales)
- Nihon Ongaku-gakkai - gebwp
- Nijazi - gebwp
- Nijazi Zul'fagarovich Tagi-zade-Hajibeyov - gebwp
- Nijazi Zul’fagarovich Tagi-zade-Hajibeyov - gebwp
- Nikhil Jyoti Ghosh - gebwp
- Nikhil Ranjan Banerjee - gebwp
- Nikita Magaloff - gebwp
- Nikita Vladimirovich Bogoslovsky - gebwp
- Nikodem Biernacki - gebwp
- Nikoghayos Fadeyi Tigranyan - gebwp
- Nikola Atanasov - gebwp
- Nikola Ghiuselev - gebwp
- Nikola Gyuzelev - gebwp
- Nikola Hercigonja - gebwp
- Nikolai Badinski - gebwp
- Nikolai Berezowsky - gebwp
- Nikolai Filaretovich Kolessa - gebwp
- Nikolai Kaufman - gebwp
- Nikolai Lopatnikoff - gebwp
- Nikolaj Bentzon - gebwp
- Nikolaos Hadjiapostolou - gebwp
- Nikolaos Halikiopoulos Mantzaros - gebwp
- Nikolaos Mantzaros - gebwp (Greek songwriter, substub)
- Nikolaos Scalcotas - gebwp
- Nikola Strmić - gebwp
- Nikolaus Betscher - gebwp
- Nikolaus Decius - gebwp
- Nikolaus Deeg - gebwp
- Nikolaus Degius - gebwp
- Nikolaus Gengenbach - gebwp
- Nikolaus Heinrich - gebwp
- Nikolaus Henricus - gebwp
- Nikolaus Kropstein - gebwp
- Nikolaus Lehnhoff - gebwp
- Nikolaus Listenius - gebwp
- Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf - gebwp (barely mentions hymnwriting, maybe expand on that before removing)
- Nikolaus Maass - gebwp
- Nikolaus Sales - gebwp
- Nikolaus Selnecker - gebwp
- Nikolaus Stein - gebwp
- Nikolaus Tech a Curia - gebwp
- Nikolaus von Krakau - gebwp
- Nikolaus Zange - gebwp
- Nikolaus Zangius - gebwp
- Nikolaus Zmeskall, Edler von Domanovecz - gebwp
- Nikolay Al'bertovich Gubert - gebwp
- Nikolay Al'bertovich Hubert - gebwp
- Nikolay Aleksandrovich Sokolov - gebwp
- Nikolay Alexandrovich L’vov - gebwp
- Nikolay Andreyevich Roslavets - gebwp
- Nikolay Avksent'yevich Martïnov - gebwp
- Nikolay Bol'shakov - gebwp
- Nikolay Borisovich Galitzin - gebwp
- Nikolay Cherepnin - gebwp
- Nikolay Demidenko - gebwp
- Nikolay Dmitriyevich Kashkin - gebwp
- Nikolay Dmitriyevich Uspensky - gebwp
- Nikolay Feopemptovich Solov'yov - gebwp
- Nikolay Feopemptovich Solov’yov - gebwp
- Nikolay Fyodorovich Findeyzen - gebwp
- Nikolay Girshevich Kapustin - gebwp
- Nikolay Ivanovich Aleksandrov - gebwp
- Nikolay Ivanovich Kazanli - gebwp
- Nikolay Ivanovich Peyko - gebwp
- Nikolay Ivanovich Speransky - gebwp
- Nikolay Karetnikov - gebwp
- Nikolay Levinovsky - gebwp
- Nikolay Malko - gebwp
- Nikolay Miaskovsky - gebwp
- Nikolay Mikhaylovich Karamzin - gebwp (author, no mention of music)
- Nikolay Nikolayevich Churkin - gebwp
- Nikolay Nikolayevich Figner - gebwp
- Nikolay Nikolayevich Karetnikov - gebwp
- Nikolay Nikolayevich Lodïzhensky - gebwp
- Nikolay Nikolayevich Sidel'nikov - gebwp
- Nikolay Orlov - gebwp
- Nikolay Panov - gebwp
- Nikolay Petrov - gebwp
- Nikolay Petrovich Rakov - gebwp
- Nikolay Semyonovich Golovanov - gebwp
- Nikolay Semyonovich Klenovsky - gebwp
- Nikolay Sergeyevich Korndorf - gebwp
- Nikolay Sergeyevich Zhilyayev - gebwp
- Nikolay Tcherepnin - gebwp
- Nikolay Vasil'yevich Gogol - gebwp (author, no mention of music)
- Nikolay Vital'yevich Lisenko - gebwp
- Nikolay Vital’yevich Lïsenko - gebwp
- Nikolay Vladimirovich Shcherbachov - gebwp
- Nikolay Yakovlevich Afanas'yev - gebwp
- Nikolay Yakovlevich Myaskovsky - gebwp
- Nikolla Zoraqi - gebwp
- Nikomachos - gebwp
- Nikos Mamangakis - gebwp
- Niko Sulkhanishvili - gebwp
- Nikša Gligo - gebwp
- Nilo Rodríguez - gebwp
- Nils Andersson - gebwp
- Nils-Eric Fougstedt - gebwp
- Nils-Eric Ringbom - gebwp
- Nils Grevillius - gebwp
- Nils Henrik Asheim - gebwp
- Nils Landgren - gebwp (trombonist, substub)
- Nils Lindberg - gebwp
- Nilson Matta - gebwp
- Nils Petter Molvaer - gebwp (trumpeter, very stubby)
- Nils Schiørring - gebwp
- Nilva - gebwp
- Nimbus - gebwp (presumably Nimbus Records, very stubby)
- Music of Nîmes - gebwp
- Nina - gebwp (redirects to NiNa, very recent band, probably not what is meant)
- Nina Grieg - gebwp (substub)
- Nina Koshetz - gebwp
- Nina Rautio - gebwp
- Nineteenth - gebwp
- Nine Winds - gebwp
- Nini Bulterijs - gebwp
- Nini Giani - gebwp
- Ninna - gebwp
- Ninon de L’Enclos - gebwp
- Ninon Vallin - gebwp
- Nino Piccaluga - gebwp
- Nino Pirrotta - gebwp
- Niño Ricardo - gebwp
- Nino Sanzogno - gebwp
- Ninot le Petit - gebwp
- Nippon Columbia - gebwp
- Nippon Gakki Seizo KK - gebwp
- Nisle - gebwp
- Nisse “Bagarn” Lind - gebwp
- Nisse Sandström - gebwp
- Nissle - gebwp
- Nîthart - gebwp
- Nitrowski - gebwp
- Nitteti - gebwp
- Nixa - gebwp (redirects to small town in Missouri, presumably something else is meant
- Nizhegorodtsï - gebwp
- Music of Nizhniy Novgorod - gebwp
- NJF - gebwp
- NJSO - gebwp
- N. Mikhaylova - gebwp
- N. Natalis - gebwp
- Nnenna Freelon - gebwp
- Noah Greenberg - gebwp
- Noah Howard - gebwp
- Noailles Chansonnier - gebwp
- Noam Sheriff - gebwp
- Nobat - gebwp
- Nobby Totah - gebwp
- Nobility Opera - gebwp
- Nobilmente - gebwp
- Noblement - gebwp
- Noble Sissle - gebwp (jazz composer, substub)
- Noble Watts - gebwp
- Nobuko Imai - gebwp
- Nobuo Hara - gebwp
- Nobuyoshi Ino - gebwp
- Noch’ pered rozhdestvom - gebwp
- Nocturnae orationes - gebwp
- Nocturns - gebwp (redirect to nocturne?)
- Nodar Gabunia - gebwp
- Nodar Mamisashvili - gebwp
- Node - gebwp (dab, no music topics apparent)
- Noeane formulae - gebwp
- Noë Faignient - gebwp
- Noel - gebwp (redirects to Christmas, maybe means Christmas music?)
- Noël - gebwp (redirects to Christmas, maybe means Christmas music?)
- Noël Akchoté - gebwp
- Noel Balbun - gebwp
- Noel Balduin - gebwp
- Noel Bauldeweyn - gebwp
- Noel Baulduin - gebwp
- Noël Chiboust - gebwp
- Noel Cibot - gebwp
- Noel Cirot - gebwp
- Noel Da Costa - gebwp
- Noël Eadie - gebwp
- Noël Gallon - gebwp
- Noël Lee - gebwp
- Noel Mander - gebwp
- Noel Mangin - gebwp
- Noel Rawsthorne - gebwp
- Noel Rosa - gebwp
- Noe Valdovin - gebwp
- Nohain - gebwp
- Noire - gebwp
- NOJC - gebwp
- NOJCC - gebwp
- Nōkan - gebwp
- Noko Khurtsia - gebwp
- Nollet - gebwp
- Nomos - gebwp (dab, no music topics apparent)
- Nonantola - gebwp
- None - gebwp (redirects to nothing, no music topics apparent)
- Non-harmonic note - gebwp
- Non-harmonic relation - gebwp
- Nonna pastorale - gebwp
- Nonnengeige - gebwp
- Nonnosus Madlseder - gebwp
- Non-quartal harmony - gebwp
- Noordsche balk - gebwp
- Norbert Burgmüller - gebwp
- Norbert Dufourcq - gebwp
- Norbert Hadrava - gebwp
- Norbert Kuźnik - gebwp
- Norbert Linke - gebwp
- Norbert Moret - gebwp
- Norberto Almandoz - gebwp
- Norbert Rosseau - gebwp
- Norbert Schultze - gebwp
- Nordheimer - gebwp
- Nordiska Musikförlaget - gebwp
- Nordisk Copyright Bureau - gebwp
- Nordskog - gebwp
- Music of Norfolk - gebwp English county
- Norgran - gebwp
- Norio Maeda - gebwp
- Norma Beecroft - gebwp
- Norma Burrowes - gebwp
- Norman Allin - gebwp
- Norman & Beard - gebwp
- Norman & Beard Hill - gebwp
- Norman Bailey - gebwp
- Norman Brown - gebwp (redirects to Norman O. Brown, no apparent relation to music)
- Norman Cazden - gebwp
- Norman Del Mar - gebwp
- Norman Demuth - gebwp
- Normand Lockwood - gebwp
- Norman John Clayton - gebwp
- Norman Keenan - gebwp
- Norman Lloyd - gebwp
- Norman O’Neill - gebwp
- Norman Platt - gebwp
- Norman Simmons - gebwp
- Norman Stenfalt - gebwp
- Norman Treigle - gebwp
- Norman Tucker - gebwp
- Norman Walker - gebwp
- Norman Welsby - gebwp
- Normaphone - gebwp
- Norma Winstone - gebwp
- Norris Turney - gebwp
- Norsk Jazzarkiv - gebwp
- Norsk Jazzforbund - gebwp
- Norsk Jazzforum - gebwp
- Norsk Musikforlag - gebwp
- Norsk Musikkforskerlag - gebwp
- Music of Northern Ireland - gebwp (redirects to music of Ireland, maybe needs its own article)
- Northern Sinfonia Orchestra - gebwp
- Norwegian Jazz Archive - gebwp
- Norwegian Jazz Federation - gebwp
- Norwegian Jazz Forum - gebwp
- Norwegian Musicological Society - gebwp
- Music of Norwich - gebwp English city)
- Norwich sol-fa ladder - gebwp
- No Supper No Song - gebwp
- Nota - gebwp (aussie car maker, presumably refering to Hungarian nota music)
- Nota cambiata - gebwp
- Nota procellaris - gebwp
- Nota sensibile - gebwp
- Notation monogammique - gebwp
- Notched flute - gebwp
- Note cluster - gebwp
- Note de rechange - gebwp
- Note sensible - gebwp
- Notes portées - gebwp
- Note values - gebwp
- Not for Love Alone - gebwp
- Notker Labeo - gebwp
- Nottetempo - gebwp
- Music of Nottingham - gebwp
- Notturno - gebwp
- Notula - gebwp
- Nouvelles aventures - gebwp
- Nova Scotia Choral Federation - gebwp
- Novello - gebwp
- Novello & Co. - gebwp
- Novello Bonis - gebwp
- Novelty piano - gebwp
- Novembergruppe - gebwp (artists, no music apparent)
- Music of Novi Sad - gebwp (Serbian city)
- Novi Singers - gebwp
- Novissimo - gebwp
- Music of Novosibirsk - gebwp (Russian city)
- Novus - gebwp (redirects to Discover Card)
- NOW - gebwp (dab, Steve Roach album caled Now and also Now That's What I Call Music!, presumably something else is meant)
- Noye’s Fludde - gebwp
- Nozze istriane - gebwp
- NRG Ensemble - gebwp
- NSA - gebwp (redirects to National Security Agency)
- N. Scherrer - gebwp
- N. Sturgeon - gebwp
- Ntemi Piliso - gebwp
- Nuccia Focile - gebwp
- Nucella - gebwp (a gastropod)
- Nuceus - gebwp
- Nucleus - gebwp (dab, only music topic is jazz band Nucleus)
- Nueva Manteca - gebwp
- Nugetre - gebwp
- Number opera - gebwp
- Numbers and music - gebwp (not sure what to do with this, presumably related to whatever the numerology entry is supposed to be about)
- Numerology - gebwp (no music relation apparent)
- Numitore - gebwp
- Nuntio Ciccarello - gebwp
- Nunziato Porta - gebwp
- Nunzio Rotondo - gebwp
- Nunzio Todisco - gebwp
- Nuova Consonanza - gebwp
- Nuovo - gebwp
- Nur Ali Borumand - gebwp
- Music of Nuremberg - gebwp
- Nuria Espert - gebwp
- Music of Nürnberg - gebwp (redirect to music of Nuremberg)
- Nürnberger - gebwp (maybe also redirect to music of Nuremberg?)
- Nury Hoimamedov - gebwp
- Nüssle - gebwp
- Nut - gebwp (dab, no music topics apparent)
- Nyai Tumenggung Mardusari - gebwp
- Nycasius de Clibano - gebwp
- Nydia Pereyra-Lizaso - gebwp
- Nyeuwenhuys - gebwp
- N.Y. Hardbop Quintet - gebwp
- NYJRC - gebwp
- NYRL - gebwp
- N.Z. Cracoviensis - gebwp
- Music of Oakland - gebwp
- O Antiphons - gebwp
- Obadiah Shuttleworth - gebwp
- Obadiah the Proselyte - gebwp (cleanup, doesn't appear to be related to music)
- Obbligo - gebwp (redirect to Obbligato?)
- Oberek - gebwp
- Music of Oberhausen - gebwp
- Oberklang - gebwp
- Oberlender - gebwp
- Oberon - gebwp (opera)
- Oberquintteiler - gebwp
- Obersattel - gebwp
- Obertas - gebwp
- Oberwerk - gebwp
- Obligate Lage - gebwp
- Obligato - gebwp
- Obligatory register - gebwp
- Obligo - gebwp
- Oblique motion - gebwp
- obmanshchik i svat Mel’nik – koldun - gebwp
- Oboe basso - gebwp
- Oboe d’amore - gebwp
- Oboe grande - gebwp
- Oboezug - gebwp
- Obra - gebwp (canal, no music apparent)
- Obrucheniye v monastïre - gebwp
- Obterre - gebwp
- Occhio - gebwp
- Occide Jeanty - gebwp
- Oceàna - gebwp
- Music of Oceania - gebwp
- O Chalaça - gebwp
- Ochetus - gebwp
- Ocquet - gebwp
- Octatonic - gebwp
- Octave - gebwp
- Octave courte - gebwp
- Octave divider - gebwp
- Octave dividers - gebwp
- Octave Dua - gebwp
- Octave Séré - gebwp
- Octave transfer - gebwp
- Octavia - gebwp
- Octavian Nemescu - gebwp
- Octavin - gebwp
- Octet - gebwp
- Octobans - gebwp
- Octobass - gebwp
- October - gebwp
- October Revolution in Jazz - gebwp
- Octuor - gebwp
- Oda - gebwp
- Odaline de la Martinez - gebwp
- Oda Slobodskaya - gebwp
- Oddo - gebwp
- Oddvar S. Kvam - gebwp
- Ode - gebwp
- Ōdē - gebwp
- Odean Pope - gebwp
- Oded Zehavi - gebwp
- Odell - gebwp
- Odell Rand - gebwp
- Odense - gebwp There are red music links there. Also, the Odense Symphony of W.A.Mozart
- Odeon - gebwp
- ,strikeoder Das Rosenfest von Kaschmir Nurmahal - gebwp Nurmahal oder Das Rosenfest von Kaschmir by Gaspare Spontini, premiere Berlin 1823
- Odessa - gebwp
- Odette Florelle - gebwp
- Odin - gebwp
- Odissi - gebwp
- Odo - gebwp
- Odoardo Ceccarelli - gebwp
- Ödön Farkas - gebwp
- Ödön Mihalovich - gebwp
- Odorannus of Sens - gebwp
- Odyssey - gebwp
- Oede de la Couroierie - gebwp
- Oedipe - gebwp
- Oedipe à Colone - gebwp Oedipus at Colonna, opera by Antonio Sacchini Œdipe à Colone
- Oedipus - gebwp
- Oedipus rex - gebwp
- Oedoen Partos - gebwp
- O. Escravo - gebwp
- Oettingen - gebwp
- Oett Mallard - gebwp
- Oeuvre - gebwp
- Ofelia Hambarcumian - gebwp
- Ofelia Nieto - gebwp
- Offbeat - gebwp
- Off-beat - gebwp
- Offerenda - gebwp
- Offererius - gebwp
- Offertory - gebwp
- Off-note - gebwp
- Oficleide - gebwp
- Ogier - gebwp
- Ogiński - gebwp
- Ognennïy angel - gebwp
- Ogun - gebwp
- Ohan Dourian - gebwp