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![]() Typical MySpace profile (MySpace co-founder Tom Anderson's profile shown here) |
URL | |
Commercial? | Yes |
Type of site | Social network service |
Registration | Required |
Owner | News Corporation |
Created by | Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe |
MySpace is a social networking website offering an interactive, user-submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos. It is headquartered in Beverly Hills, California, USA,[1] while its parent company, News Corporation, is headquartered in New York City.
According to Alexa Internet, Myspace is currently the world's fifth most popular English-language website and the fifth most popular website in any language,[2] and the third most popular website in the United States, though it has topped the chart on various weeks[3] (it is possible that other websites have a greater number of unique visitors). The service has gradually gained more popularity than similar websites to achieve nearly 80% of visits to online social networking websites.[3] It has become an increasingly influential part of contemporary popular culture, especially in English speaking countries.
The company employs 300 staff[4] and does not disclose revenues or profits separately from News Corporation. With the 100 millionth account being created on August 9, 2006 ,[5] in The Netherlands[6] and a news story claiming 106 million accounts on September 8, 2006,[7] the site reportedly attracts new registrations at a rate of 230,000 per day.[4]
The current MySpace service was founded in July 2003 by Tom Anderson (an alumnus of both the University of California, Berkeley and the University of California, Los Angeles), the current president and CEO; Chris DeWolfe (a graduate of University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business); and a small team of programmers. It was partially owned by Intermix Media, which was bought in July 2005 for US$580 million by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation (the parent company of Fox Broadcasting and other media enterprises).[8] Of this amount, approx. US$327m has been attributed to the value of MySpace according to the financial advisor fairness opinion.[9]
The corporate history of MySpace as well as the status of Tom Anderson as a MySpace founder has been a matter of some public dispute.
In January 2006, Fox announced plans to launch a UK version of MySpace in a bid to "tap into the UK music scene"[10] which they have since done (see MySpace International). They also plan to launch in China and possibly other countries.[11]
Contents of a MySpace profile
Blurbs, blogs, multimedia
Profiles contain two standard "blurbs": "About Me" and "Who I'd Like to Meet" sections. Profiles also contain an "Interests" section and a "Details" section. However, fields in these sections will not be displayed if members do not fill them in. Profiles also contain a blog with standard fields for content, emotion, and media. MySpace also supports uploading images. One of the images can be chosen to be the "default image," the image that will be seen on the profile's main page, search page, and as the image that will appear to the side of the user's name on comments, messages, etc. Flash, such as on MySpace's video service, can be embedded. Also there is a "details" section which allows the user to provide personal information on the user such as his/her race, religion, and sexual orientation.
Friend Space
The User's Friends Space contains a count of a user's friends, a "Top Friends" area, and a link to view all of the user's friends. Users can choose a certain number of friends to be displayed on their profile in the "Top Friends" area. The "Top Friends" used to be restricted to eight friends, commonly called the "Top 8". People bypassed this limitation by using third-party tools to emulate a "Top X" friends. Currently, MySpace allows four, eight, twelve, sixteen, twenty, or twenty-four friends to be displayed in the "Top Friends" area. Before this, the friends list was eight people.
Below the User's Friends Space (by default) is the "comments" section, wherein the user's friends may leave comments for all viewers to read. MySpace users have the option to delete any comment and/or require all comments to be approved before posting. If a user's account is deleted, every comment left on other profiles by that user will be deleted, and replaced with the comment saying "This Profile No Longer Exists".
Profile customization (HTML)
MySpace allows users to customize their user profile pages by entering HTML (but not JavaScript) into such areas as "About Me", "I'd Like to Meet", and "Interests". Videos, and flash-based content can be included this way. Users also have the option to add music to their profile pages via MySpace Music, a service that allows bands to post songs for use on MySpace.
A user can also change the general appearance of his page by entering CSS (in a <style> ... </style> element) into one of these fields to override the page's default style sheet. This is often used to tweak fonts and colors, but it has its limitations due to poorly-structured HTML used on the profile page. The fact that the user-added CSS is located in the middle of the page (rather than being located in the <head> element) means that the page will begin to load with the default MySpace layout before abruptly changing to the custom layout.
There are several independent web sites offering MySpace layout design utilities which let a user select options and preview what their page will look like with them.
MySpace profiles for musicians are different than normal profiles in that artists are allowed to upload up to four MP3 songs. The uploader must have rights to use the songs (e.g their own work, permission granted, etc). Unsigned musicians can use MySpace to post and sell music, which has proven popular among MySpace users.
MySpace features
The company's servers are all running Microsoft IIS 6.0 on the Windows Server 2003 OS.[12]
Bulletins are posts that are posted on to a "bulletin board" for everyone on a MySpace user's friends list to see. Bulletins can be useful for notifying an entire, but usually a portion of the friends list (depending on how many friends are added), without resorting to messaging users individually. Some users choose to use Bulletins as a service for delivering chain messages about politics, religion, or anything else.[13] Bulletins are deleted after ten days.
MySpace has a Groups feature which allows a group of users to share a common page and message board. Groups can be created by anybody, and the moderator of the group can choose for anyone to join, or to approve or deny requests to join.
Since early 2006 MySpace has offered the option to access the service in different regional versions. The options offered are: Global site, Australia, Canada (in English), Canada (in French), France (currently in beta), Germany (currently in beta), Ireland, Japan (currently in beta), Spain (currently in beta), Mexico (currently in beta), UK, and US (although this last is in fact identical to the "global" site).
The alternative regional versions present automated content according to locality (e.g. UK users see other UK users as "Cool New People", and UK oriented events and adverts, etc.), offer local languages other than English, or accommodate the regional differences in spelling and conventions in the English-speaking world (e.g. United States: "favorites", mm/dd/yyyy; the rest of the world: "favourites", dd/mm/yyyy).
MySpace IM
In early 2006, MySpace introduced MySpaceIM, an instant messenger that uses one's MySpace account as a screen name. A MySpace user logs in to the client using the same e-mail associated with his or her MySpace account. Unlike other parts of MySpace, MySpaceIM is stand-alone software for Microsoft Windows. Users who use MySpaceIM get instant notification of new MySpace messages, friend requests, and comments.
MySpace Mobile
There are a variety of environments in which users can access MySpace content on their mobile phone. American mobile phone provider Helio released a series of mobile phones in early 2006 that can utilise a service known as MySpace Mobile to access and edit one's profile and communicate with, and view the profiles of, other members.[14] Additionally, UIEvolution and MySpace developed a mobile version of MySpace for a wider range of carriers, including Cingular.[15] MySpace Mobile will be appearing on Vodafone in Britain during the first half of 2007.[16]
Controversy over corporate history
Spam / Tom Anderson PR
In September 2006, a lengthy article written by journalism student Trent Lapinski, "MySpace: The Business of Spam 2.0", was published by the Silicon Valley gossip blog, Valleywag (a Gawker Media property). The article (which was claimed to have been "professionally fact-checked") recounted a detailed corporate history of MySpace, alleging that what was now regarded as a social networking website had been originally designed as a spam delivery system aimed at exploiting Friendster, and had initially gained popularity through an intensive mass email campaign rather than word of mouth[2]. Amongst other claims was the assertion that Tom Anderson had originally been hired as a copyeditor and his "founder" and "first friend" status was a public relations invention. Lapinski suggested that News Corp. had attempted to suppress the publication of the history. News Corp. declined to publicly comment on the article.
Brad Greenspan / The MySpace Report
In October 2006, Brad Greenspan (the former Chairman, CEO and largest individual shareholder of Intermix Media and who also claims to be the true "founder of MySpace") launched a website and published "The MySpace Report" that called for the Securities and Exchange Commission, the United States Department of Justice and the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance to investigate News Corp's acquisition of MySpace as "one of the largest merger and acquisition scandals in U.S. history".[17] The report's main allegation is that News Corp. should have valued MySpace at US$20 billion rather than US$327 million, and had, in effect, defrauded Intermix shareholders through an unfair deal process.[18] The report received a mixed response from financial commentators in the press.[19] An initial lawsuit led by Greenspan challenging the acquisition was dismissed by a judge.[20]
Greenspan's report also states that the MySpace program code had originally been the brainchild of an Intermix/eUniverse programmer named Toan Nguyen who made the breakthrough technical contributions to the project.[21]
Valleywag speculated that Greenspan was likely a key source for Lapinski's September article, "MySpace founder accuses company of defrauding investors of $20 billion". As of November 2006, Lapinski was listed as a staff member of - a blog focused on alleged excessive censorship on MySpace and other websites, and which was founded by Greenspan.
The registration process for a new MySpace account includes a visual CAPTCHA test, with no alternative method for the visually impaired. As a result, people with blindness or visual impairment are prevented from fully participating.[22]
Because most MySpace pages are designed by individuals with little HTML experience, a very large proportion of pages do not satisfy the criteria for valid HTML or CSS laid down by the W3C. Poorly formatted code can cause accessibility problems for those using software such as screen readers.[23] Indeed, the MySpace home page, as of 26th March 2007, fails HTML validation with 149 errors, using the W3C's validator.
Furthermore, MySpace is set up so that anyone can customise the layout and colors of their profile page with virtually no restrictions, provided that the advertisements aren't covered up by CSS or using other means. As MySpace users are usually not skilled web developers, this can cause further problems. Poorly constructed MySpace profiles could potentially freeze up web browsers due to malformed CSS coding, or as a result of users placing many high bandwidth objects such as videos, graphics, and Flash in their profiles (sometimes multiple videos and soundfiles are automatically played at the same time when a profile loads). PC World magazine cited this as its main reason for naming MySpace as #1 in its list of twenty-five worst web sites ever.[24]
In addition, new features have been gradually added. This, and the increasing number of MySpace members, leads to an increase in bandwidth used. This increase in usage often slows down the servers and may result in a "Server Too Busy" error message for some users who are on at peak hours, "Sorry! an unexpected error has occurred. This error has been forwarded to MySpace's technical group.", or a variety of any other error messages throughout the day[citation needed].
MySpace and professionalism
The Chicago Tribune's RedEye printed an article concerning MySpace and an individual's search for employment. It was argued that young college graduates compromise their chances of starting careers because of the content they post onto their profiles. For instance, a visitor does not need an account to browse for users using information that is readily available on resumes and applications, such as a postal code and age. A potential employer can utilise information provided by the applicant on MySpace's search engine. Thus, the employer may not hire a highly qualified candidate because he or she maintains an account suggesting rambunctious behaviour. Moreover, employees were said to be putting their careers at risk because they maintain blogs that criticise their respective companies and organisations[citation needed].
In October 2005, a flaw in the MySpace's site design was exploited by a user only known as "Samy" to create the world's first self-propagating cross-site scripting (XSS) worm. MSNBC has also reported that MySpace is a "hotbed" for spyware, and that infection rates are rising because of MySpace.[25] In addition to this, the customisation of user pages currently allows the injection of certain HTML which can be crafted to form a phishing user profile.[26] More recently, there has been spam on bulletins that has been the result of phishing. Users find their MySpace homepage with bulletins they didn't post, realising later they had been phished. The bulletin consists of an advertisement that provides a link to a fake login screen, tricking people into typing in their MySpace e-mail and password.
Other security fears regarding profile content itself are also present. For example, the embedding of videos inherently allows all of the format's abilities and functions to be used on a page. A prime example of this surfaced in December 2006, when embedded QuickTime videos were shown to contain hyperlinks to JavaScript files, which would be run simply by a user visiting an 'infected' profile page, or even in some cases by simply viewing a user's 'about me' elsewhere on the site. Users who entered their login information into a fake login bar that appeared would then become 'infected', and their account would be used to spam other members, thus spreading the infection.[27]
Child safety
The minimum age to register an account on MySpace is 14.[28] Profiles with ages set to 14 or 15 years are automatically private. Users whose ages are set at 16 or over have the option to restrict their profiles and the option of allowing certain personal data to be restricted to people other than those on their friends list. Accessing the full profile of, or messaging someone when their account is set to "private" (or if under sixteen) is restricted to a MySpace user's direct friends. However, children are capable of lying about their ages to bypass restrictions.
MySpace often has problems with profile identity theft. These are profiles containing the pictures and sometimes information of someone else's profile. These stolen profiles are commonly used to advertise websites. MySpace will delete these profiles if the victim verifies their identity and points out the profile via e-mail.[29]
Recently, MySpace has been the focus of a number of news reports stating that teenagers have found ways around the restrictions set by MySpace, and have been the target of online predators.[30] In response, MySpace has given assurances to parents that the website is safe for people of all ages. Beginning in late June 2006, MySpace users whose ages are set over 18 could no longer be able to add users whose ages are set from 14 to 15 years as friends unless they already know the user's full name or email address.[31] Some third party Internet safety companies like Social Shield[32] have launched online communities for parents concerned about their child's safety on MySpace.
In June 2006, 16-year-old Katherine Lester flew to the Middle East, mainly to the Palestinian West Bank, after having tricked her parents into getting her a passport in order to be with a 20-year-old man she met through MySpace.[33]. U.S. officials in Jordan persuaded the teen to turn around and go home.
Though Myspace has established rules on child safety, they were not enforced. Until January 17, 2007, MySpace had been letting many underage users on MySpace but began cracking down on the rules.
In December 2006, MySpace announced new measures to protect children from known sex offenders. Although precise details were not given they said that "tools" would be implemented to prevent known sex offenders from the USA creating a MySpace profile.[34]
In February 2007, a U.S. District Judge in Texas dismissed a case when a family sued MySpace for negligence, fraud and misrepresentation; a girl in the family had been sexually assaulted by a man she met through MySpace, after she had misrepresented her age as 18 when she was 13.[35]
Musicians' rights and MySpace Terms of Use Agreement
Until June 2006, there was a concern amongst musicians, artists, and bands on MySpace such as songwriter Billy Bragg owing to the fine print within the user agreement that read, "You hereby grant to a non-exclusive, fully-paid and royalty-free, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense through unlimited levels of sublicensees) to use, copy, modify, adapt, translate, publicly perform, publicly display, store, reproduce, transmit, and distribute such Content on and through the Services". The fine print brought particular concern as the agreement was being made with Murdoch's News Corporation. Billy Bragg brought the issue to the attention of the media during the first week of June 2006.[36] Jeff Berman, a MySpace spokesman swiftly responded by saying, "Because the legalese has caused some confusion, we are at work revising it to make it very clear that MySpace is not seeking a license to do anything with an artist's work other than allow it to be shared in the manner the artist intends".
By June 27, 2006 MySpace had amended the user agreement with, " does not claim any ownership rights in the text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, musical works, works of authorship, or any other materials (collectively, 'Content') that you post to the MySpace Services. After posting your Content to the MySpace Services, you continue to retain all ownership rights in such Content, and you continue to have the right to use your Content in any way you choose".
Many schools and public libraries in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia have restricted access to MySpace because it has become "such a haven for student gossip and malicious comments".[37]
A Catholic school in New Jersey has even prohibited students from using MySpace at home, an action made to protect students from online predators as claimed by the school, although experts questioned the legality of such a ban.[38][39][40]
On July 28, 2006, the United States House of Representatives passed a controversial bill requiring libraries and schools receiving certain types of federal funding (E-rate) to prevent unsupervised minors from using chat rooms and social networking websites, such as MySpace. This bill, known as the Deleting Online Predators Act of 2006 (DOPA), was approved by a 410-15 vote in the United States House of Representatives but was not brought to a vote in the United States Senate. Since the Congressional session of its introduction expired, the bill must be reintroduced in either chamber to be voted upon again.
Legal issues
In May 2006, Long Island, New York teenagers Shaun Harrison and Saverio Mondelli were charged with illegal computer access and attempted extortion of MySpace, after both had allegedly hacked into the site to steal the personal information of MySpace users before threatening to share the secrets of how they broke into the website unless MySpace paid them $150,000. Both teens were arrested by undercover Los Angeles police detectives posing as MySpace employees.[41]
Celebrities on MySpace
MySpace has led to the creation of MySpace celebrities, popular individuals who have attracted hundreds of thousands of "friends", which may lead to coverage in other media. The June 2006 issue of Playboy magazine, for example, featured a "Women of MySpace" nude pictorial (though ironically, an article somewhat critical of the website ran in the same issue). Through MySpace, such people are able to distribute information regarding their activities, events they are hosting, or projects they are working on (e.g. albums or clothing lines). Though some of these individuals have remained only Internet celebrities, others have been able to jump to television, magazines, and radio. One example is Christine "ForBiddeN" Dolce's appearance on The Tyra Banks Show and her own Playboy pictorial in the October 2006 issue.
Furthermore, MySpace's music section has helped many amateur bands progress. One illustrative example is English band Arctic Monkeys, who owe some of their success to the publicity that MySpace generated for them. When asked about the popularity of the band's MySpace website in an interview with Prefix magazine, the band pointed out that they did not even know what MySpace was, and that their page had originally been created by their fans. It has been claimed that pop artist Lily Allen's fame is also due in part to her being promoted on MySpace. In response to an interview question on Triple J, in which she was asked if she was 'discovered by MySpace', Allen stated, "Not accurate at all, I had a record deal before I set up my MySpace account so, erm, that's ... couldn't really be further from the truth."[42]
YouTube first appeared on the web in early 2005, and it quickly gained popularity on MySpace due to MySpace members who embedded YouTube videos in their MySpace profiles. Realising the competitive threat to the new MySpace Videos service, MySpace banned embedded YouTube videos from its user profiles. MySpace users widely protested the ban, prompting MySpace to lift the ban shortly thereafter. But since then links from each embedded video on MySpace to the home pages of the video on YouTube have been blocked making it more difficult to find the same videos on YouTube's website.[43]
Since then YouTube has become one of the fastest-growing websites on the World Wide Web,[44] outgrowing MySpace's reach according to Alexa Internet.[45] In July 2006 several news organisations reported that YouTube had overtaken MySpace.[46] In a September 2006 investor meeting, News Corp. COO Peter Chernin claimed that virtually all modern Web applications (naming YouTube, Flickr, and Photobucket) were really just "driven off the back of MySpace" and that "we ought to be able to match them if not exceed them".[47]
Month of MySpace bugs
In March 2007 two American hackers known under the nicknames 'Mondo Armando' and 'Müstaschio' announced they would go public - each day - in April with a security vulnerability of the MySpace website. According to the duo, the purpose of the exercise is not so much to expose Myspace as a hive of spam and villainy but to highlight the monoculture-style danger of extremely popular websites populated by users of various levels of sophistication.[48]
- On August 8, 2006, search engine Google signed a $900 million deal to provide a Google search facility and advertising on MySpace.[49][50][51]
See also
- List of social networking websites
- MySpace Records
- The MySpace Movie
- Social network
- Business network
- Social software
- Social software
- Internet phenomenon
- ^ My Space is not their space anymore - Article on the move to Beverly Hills. Retrieved March 16, 2007.
- ^ Alexa Internet's's website rankings system and top 500 global websites. Retrieved January 25, 2007
- ^ a b "MySpace gains top ranking of US Web sites", Reuters, 2006-07-11. Retrieved on 2006-08-09.
- ^ a b Sellers, Patricia. "MySpace Cowboys", CNN, 2006-08-24. Retrieved on 2006-08-28.
- ^ "100,000,000th Account", MySpace, 2007-02-25. Retrieved on 2007-02-21.
- ^ Murdoch, Rupert. "Rupert Murdoch Comments on Fox Interactive's Growth", SeekingAlpha, 2006-08-09. Retrieved on 2006-09-12.
- ^ "MySpace music deal poses multiple threats", The Register, 2006-09-08. Retrieved on 2006-09-08.
- ^ Intermix Media (2005-07-18). News Corporation to Acquire Intermix Media, Inc.. Press release. Retrieved on 2005-12-29.
- ^ "The MySpace Report". (2006-10-28). Retrieved on 2007-02-25.
- ^ "MySpace looks to UK music scene", BBC News, 2006-01-24. Retrieved on 2006-01-24.
- ^ MySpace China, Germany, and France this Summer?
- ^ Netcraft netblock report for the * netblock (as of September 2006)
- ^ Chit Chat
- ^ MySpace Mobile To Debut On Helio; Details on Handsets. Dis*Content Media LLC (2006-02-16). Retrieved on 2006-09-08.
- ^ MySpace Picks UIEvolution to Develop Mobile User Interface, Experiences. ScreenPlays. Retrieved on 2006-09-27.
- ^ MySpace partners with Vodafone. StrategyWire. Retrieved on 2007-02-08.
- ^ " Founder Issues Report Finding News Corp.'s Myspace Acquisition Defrauded Shareholders of More Than $20 Billion",, 2006-10-09. Retrieved on 2007-02-25.
- ^ "MySpace Founder Seeks Inquiry", Los Angeles Times, 2006-10-08. Retrieved on 2007-02-25.
- ^ "Was MySpace Sold on the Cheap?", Business Week, 2006-10-06. Retrieved on 2007-02-25.
- ^ "Suit over sale of MySpace dismissed", Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2006-10-10. Retrieved on 2007-02-25.
- ^ "MySpace: The story of it's creation" (html). Retrieved on 2007-02-25.
- ^ Are Social Networking Sites Accessible to People with Vision Loss?. American Foundation for the Blind (2006-11-15). Retrieved on 2007-01-15.
- ^ Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. W3C (1999-05-05). Retrieved on 2006-12-30.
- ^ Tynan, Dan (2006-09-15). The 25 Worst Web Sites. PC World. Retrieved on 2006-10-08.
- ^ "Social-networking sites a 'hotbed' for spyware", MSNBC.
- ^ MySpace Phishing Attack Appears on 3000 Pages (2006-10-27).
- ^ Myspace Phish Attack Leads Users to Zango Content (2006-12-01).
- ^ MySpace terms of service.
- ^ Anderson, Tom (2006-09-12). MySpace FAQ. MySpace Stuff. Retrieved on 2006-09-12.
- ^ "MySpace, Facebook attract online predators", MSNBC.
- ^ "MySpace plans restrictions to protect younger teens", San Jose Mercury News.
- ^ "Social Shield Offers Help for Parents Struggling with Children on and other Social Networks", PR Web.
- ^,2933,198981,00.html
- ^ "MySpace to 'block sex offenders'", BBC News Online, 2006-12-07. Retrieved on 2006-12-07.
- ^ "MySpace suit dismissed by judge in Texas", San Francisco Chronicle, 2007-02-15. Retrieved on 2007-02-16.
- ^ Orlowski, Andrew. "Billy Bragg prompts MySpace Rethink", The Register, 2006-06-8. Retrieved on 2006-09-12.
- ^ "Schools race to restrict MySpace", Curriculum Review, October 2005.
- ^ In Autumn 2005 Pope John XXIII Regional High School in Sparta Township, New Jersey made headlines by forbidding its students to have pages on MySpace or similar websites or face suspension or expulsion, even if only using the website outside of school."The MySpace case", The Daily News, Longview, Washington, 2006-01-22. Retrieved on 2006-02-15.
- ^ [1]
- ^ Blogging ban provokes a debate over cyberspace: Pope John H.S. demands that online profiles end, calls forums havens for sexual predators, Daily Record, October 24, 2005
- ^ Leyden, John. "Teen hack suspects charged over MySpace extortion bid", The Register, 2006-05-25. Retrieved on 2006-09-09.
- ^ "triple j radio, Australia - video piece about MySpace", triple j/ABC.
- ^ Carlos (2006-01-10). So That's Why MySpace Blocked YouTube. Retrieved on 2006-07-28.
- ^ "YouTube Fastest Growing Website" Advertising Age
- ^ Info for (2006-07-26). Retrieved on 2006-07-26.
- ^ YouTube overtakes MySpace. Guardian Unlimited (2006-07-31). Retrieved on 2006-07-31.
- ^ Kirkpatrick, Marshall (2006-09-12). MySpace: We don't need Web 2.0. TechCrunch. Retrieved on 2006-10-10.
- ^ April becomes MySpace hacking month
- ^ "Google signs $900m News Corp deal", BBC News, 2006-08-07. Retrieved on 2006-09-09.
- ^ Vance, Ashlee. "Google pays $900m to monetise children via MySpace", The Register, 2006-08-07. Retrieved on 2006-09-09.
- ^ Clark, Andrew. "Google to pay $900m for MySpace link-up", Guardian Unlimited Business, 2006-08-08. Retrieved on 2006-09-09.
Further reading
- Davis, Donald Carrington, "MySpace Isn't Your Space: Expanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act to Ensure Accountability and Fairness in Employer Searches of Online Social Networking Services", [Berkeley Electronic Press, ExpressO Preprint Series], January 16, 2007, Forthcoming in 16 Kan. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y __ (2007).
- Dodero, Camille, "Lost in MySpace: Log on, tune in, and hook up with 22 million people online", The Boston Phoenix, July 22-28, 2005.
- Dodero, Camille, "You and your tech-chic: As of 2006, new media isn’t just for geeks anymore", The Boston Phoenix, December 20, 2006.
External links
- MySpace Homepage
- Tom Anderson MySpace co-founder Homepage
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