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Nāropa (Tibetan; Sanskrit: Nādapradā, 1016-1100) was an Indian Buddhist mystic and monk, the pupil of Tilopa and brother, or some sources say partner, of Niguma. Nāropa was the main teacher of Marpa.
Nāropa is part of the 'Golden Garland', meaning a lineage holder of the Tibetan Buddhist Kagyu lineage, and was considered an accomplished scholar. A great meditator, he is best known for having enumerated and developed the six yogas of Nāropa. These practices were designed to help achieve a more rapid attainment of enlightenment.
Many subsequent Kagyus Karmapas have been particularly adept at one or more of these six yogic practices, which were given by the Buddha, and have been passed on through an unbroken lineage via Tilopa to Nāropa to the present day.
Nāropa was born a Brahmin and from an early age showed an independent streak, hoping to follow a career of study and meditation. Succumbing to his parents wishes, he agreed to an arranged marriage with a young brahmin girl. After 8 years they both agreed to dissolve their marriage and become ordained.
At the age of 28 Nāropa entered the famous Buddhist University Nalanda where he studied both Sūtra and Tantra. He gained the reputation as a great scholar and faultless debater, essential at that time as the tradition of debate was such that the loser automatically became a student of the winner. He eventually become Gatekeeper of the North; engaged in many debates, taught and won many students.
One day whilst studying, a ḍākinī appeared and asked if he understood the words. He replied that he did and when she seemed so happy with his response, he added that he also understood their meaning. At this point the ḍākinī burst into tears, stating that he was a great scholar, but also a liar, as the only one who understood the teachings was her brother Tilopa. On hearing the name Tilopa, he experienced an intense feeling of devotion, and realised he needed to find the teacher in order to achieve full realization. He abandoned his studies and position at the university and set out to find Tilopa.
Nāropa underwent what is known as the 12 minor hardships in his quest to find his teacher, all hidden teachings on his path to enlightenment. When he finally met Tilopa, he was given the 4 complete transmission lineages which he then began to practice. While studying and meditating with Tilopa, he had to undergo a further 12 major hardships, trainings to overcome all obstacles on his path, culminating in his full realization of Mahāmudrā.
He stayed in Pulahari where he taught his students and at the age of 85 he passed out of this life. Nāropa spent a total of twelve years with Tilopa. He is remembered for his trust and devotion to his teacher, which enabled him to attain enlightenment in one lifetime.
He is considered one of the eighty-four mahāsiddhas, the 'saints' of tantric Buddhism. Naropa University was named in his honour.
[edit] References
- The Life and Teaching of Naropa by Herbert V Gunther. Shambala Editions 1999 Massachusetts. ISBN 1-56957-110-4
- The Life of Marpa the Translator, Seeing Accomplishes All. Tsang Nyon Heruka Translated by the Nalanda Translation Committee. Shambala 1995 Boston. ISBN 1-57062-087-3 (pbk.)
- The Life Story of Naropa by Kenpo Chodrak Rinpoche. Published in Kagyu Life International No's 3 & 4,1995 San Francisco.
- The Golden Kagyu Garland, A History of the Kagyu Lineage, adapted by Bruce Tarver. Published in Buddhism Today Issue 15, 2005
Preceded by Tilopa |
Kagyupa school | Succeeded by Marpa |