National Anthem of Colombia
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Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia (National Anthem of the Republic of Colombia) is the official name of the national anthem of Colombia. Some times it is also referred by the first verse: ¡Oh Gloria Inmarcesible! ("O Unfading Glory!"), however this name is neither official nor in common use in Colombia.
[edit] History
In 1887, José Domingo Torres, combined his two passions of theatrical music and his love for his country to push for the creation of a national anthem for Colombia. He decided to use as the lyrics of the anthem an inspirational poem written by the then President Rafael Núñez commemorating the city of Cartagena, and asked his friend Oreste Sindici, an Italian opera teacher, to compose the music. (One common characteristic of Latin American epic anthems such as Colombia's is that the music often resembles Italian operas.) The anthem, containing eleven verses in total, was first performed in November of that year in a music hall in the public school where Sindici taught. The anthem was officially adopted by Congress in 1920, and an official transcription was made in 1946.
Spanish lyrics | English translation |
¡Oh gloria inmarcesible! ¡Oh júbilo inmortal! |
O unfading glory! |
I | I |
Cesó la horrible noche, la libertad sublime |
The horrible night has ended, |
II | II |
"¡Independencia!" grita el mundo americano; |
"Independence!" cries |
Del Orinoco el cauce se colma de despojos, |
The Orinoco's bed |
IV | IV |
A orillas del Caribe, hambriento un pueblo lucha, |
On the shores of the Caribbean, |
V | V |
De Boyacá en los campos, el genio de la gloria, |
From Boyacá in the fields, |
VI | VI |
Bolívar cruza el Ande que riegan dos océanos, |
Bolivar crosses the Andes |
La tropa victoriosa en Ayacucho truena, |
The victorious troop |
La virgen sus cabellos arranca en agonía |
The virgin her hairs |
IX | IX |
La patria así se forma, termópilas brotando; |
Thus the mother land is formed, |
X | X |
Mas no es completa gloria vencer en la batalla, |
But it's not complete glory |
XI | XI |
Del hombre los derechos Nariño predicando, |
From men the rights |
[edit] Notes
Normally, in all radio and TV broadcasts the national anthem is voluntarily performed (at 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM) in the following manner: the chorus, first verse (or sometimes the second instead) and chorus once again are sung. This is also how it is performed in all events.
- ^ Some versions give "El pueblo es soberano" ("The people is sovereign")
National Anthem | Flag | Coat of Arms | Sombrero Vueltiao | Andean Condor | Carriel | Wax Palm | Orchid
Video and Music of the Colombian National Anthem taken from a local TV broadcast]
listen to anthem here