Pesticide resistance
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Pesticide resistance can be defined in a number of slightly different ways. Many of the definitions being specific to a particular class of pesticides. One of the few general definitions of pesticide resistance is given by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization,
Resistance is the naturally occurring, inheritable adjustment in the ability of individuals in a population to survive a plant protection product treatment that would normally give effective control.
– [1]
Manufacturers of pesticides tend to prefer a definition that is dependent on failure of a product in a real situation, sometime called field resistance. For example IRAC (The Insecticide Resistance Action Committee) definition of insecticide resistance is 'a heritable change in the sensitivity of a pest population that is reflected in the repeated failure of a product to achieve the expected level of control when used according to the label recommendation for that pest species'
[edit] References
- ^ (2004) "EPPO standard PP1/213(2) Resistance Risk Analysis". Efficacy Evaluation of Plant Protection Products: general standards.