Special elections to the United States House of Representatives
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This is an incomplete[1] list of special elections to the United States House of Representatives. Such elections are called by state governors to fill the vacancies that occur when a member of the House of Representatives dies or resigns before the biennial general election. Winners of these elections serve the remainder of the term and are usually candidates in the next general election for their districts.
The general elections are held in November of even numbered years, and new Congresses convene on January 3 of the following year. (For sessions prior to 1934, Congress convened on March 4.)
[edit] 1st Congress (1789 - 1791)
District | Date seated ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Virginia 9th | December 7, 1790 | Theodorick Bland (Anti-Admin.) | William B. Giles (Anti-Admin.) |
[edit] 41st Congress (1869 - 1871)
District | Date seated ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
South Carolina 1st | December 12, 1870 | Benjamin F. Whittemore (R) | Joseph Rainey (R) |
Georgia 4th | December 22, 1870 | Samuel F. Gove (R) | Jefferson F. Long (R) |
[edit] 43rd Congress (1873 - 1875)
District | Date seated ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Oregon At-large | December 1, 1873 | Joseph G. Wilson (R) | James W. Nesmith (D) |
[edit] 56th Congress (1899 - 1901)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Utah At Large | April 2, 1900 | None[2] | William H. King (D) |
[edit] 58th Congress (1903 - 1905)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Oregon 1 | June 1, 1903 | None[3] | Binger Hermann (R) |
[edit] 73rd Congress (1933 - 1935)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Arizona At Large | October 3, 1933 | Lewis W. Douglas (D) | Isabella S. Greenway (D) |
[edit] 75th Congress (1937 - 1939)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Ohio 4th | November 8, 1938 | Frank L. Kloeb (D) | Walter H. Albaugh (R) |
[edit] 78th Congress (1943 - 1945)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Pennsylvania 2nd | January 18, 1944 | James P. McGranery (D) | Joseph M. Pratt (R) |
[edit] 80th Congress (1947 - 1949)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Ohio 4th | November 4, 1947 | Robert F. Jones (R) | William M. McCulloch (R) |
[edit] 82nd Congress (1951 - 1953)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Ohio 3rd | November 6, 1951 | Edward G. Breen (D) | Paul F. Schenck (R) |
[edit] 84th Congress (1955 - 1957)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Michigan 15th | December 13, 1955 | John D. Dingell, Sr. (D) | John D. Dingell, Jr. (D) |
[edit] 85th Congress (1957 - 1959)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Pennsylvania 2nd | May 20, 1958 | Earl Chudoff (D) | Robert Nix (D) |
[edit] 87th Congress (1961 - 1963)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Arizona 2nd | May 2, 1961 | Stewart Lee Udall (D) | Mo Udall (D) |
Texas 4th | January 30, 1962 | Sam Rayburn (D) | Ray Roberts (D) |
[edit] 91st Congress (1969 - 1971)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Massachusetts 6th | September 30, 1969 | William H. Bates (R) | Michael J. Harrington (D) |
Illinois 6th | December 3, 1970 | Daniel J. Ronan (D) | George W. Collins (D) |
[edit] 93rd Congress (1973 - 1975)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Alaska At Large | March 6, 1973 | None[4] | Don Young (R) |
Louisiana 2nd | March 20, 1973 | Hale Boggs (D) | Lindy Boggs (D) |
Illinois 7th | June 5, 1973 | George W. Collins (D) | Cardiss Collins (D) |
Michigan 5th | February 18, 1974 | Gerald Ford (R) | Richard VanderVeen (D) |
[edit] 94th Congress (1975 - 1977)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Texas 22nd | April 3, 1976 | Rob Casey (D) | Ron Paul (R) |
Massachusetts 7th | November 2, 1976 | Torbert MacDonald (D) | Ed Markey (D) |
[edit] 95th Congress (1977 - 1979)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Georgia 5th | April 6, 1977 | Andrew Young (D) | Wyche Fowler (D) |
[edit] 96th Congress (1979 - 1981)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Illinois 10th | January 22, 1980 | Abner J. Mikva (D) | John Edward Porter (R) |
Michigan 13th | November 4, 1980 | Charles Diggs (D) | George W. Crockett (D) |
[edit] 97th Congress (1981 - 1983)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Maryland 5th | May 19, 1981 | Gladys Spellman (D) | Steny Hoyer (D) |
Ohio 4th | June 25, 1981 | Tennyson Guyer (R) | Mike Oxley (R) |
[edit] 98th Congress (1983 - 1985)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Texas 6th | February 12, 1983 | Phil Gramm (D) | Phil Gramm[5] (R) |
New York 7th | March 1, 1983 | Benjamin S. Rosenthal (D) | Gary L. Ackerman (D) |
Colorado 6th | March 29, 1983 | None[6] | Dan Schaefer (R) |
California 5th | June 21, 1983 | Phillip Burton (D) | Sala Burton (D) |
Illinois 1st | August 23, 1983 | Harold Washington (D) | Charles A. Hayes (D) |
Georgia 7th | November 8, 1983 | Larry McDonald (D) | Buddy Darden (D) |
Wisconsin 4th | April 3, 1984 | Clement J. Zablocki (D) | Gerald D. Kleczka (D) |
Kentucky 7th | November 6, 1984 | Carl D. Perkins (D) | Carl C. Perkins[7] (D) |
New Jersey 13th | November 6, 1984 | Edwin B. Forsythe (R) | H. James Saxton[7] (R) |
[edit] 99th Congress (1985 - 1987)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Louisiana 8th | March 30, 1985 | Gillis W. Long (D) | Cathy Long (D) |
Texas 1st | September 4, 1985 | Sam B. Hall (D) | Jim Chapman (D) |
New York 6th | July 10, 1986 | Joseph P. Addabbo (D) | Alton R. Waldon, Jr. (D) |
Hawaii 1st | September 20, 1986 | Cecil Heftel (D) | Neil Abercrombie (D) |
North Carolina 10th | November 4, 1986 | James T. Broyhill (R) | Cass Ballenger[7] (R) |
[edit] 100th Congress (1987 - 1989)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
California 5th | June 2, 1987 | Sala Burton (D) | Nancy Pelosi (D) |
Connecticut 4th | August 18, 1987 | Stewart McKinney (R) | Christopher Shays (R) |
Louisiana 4th | April 16, 1988 | Buddy Roemer (D) | Jim McCrery (R) |
Tennessee 5th | January 19, 1988 | Bill Boner (D) | Bob Clement (D) |
Virginia 5th | June 14, 1988 | Dan Daniel (D) | Lewis F. Payne, Jr. (D) |
Illinois 21st | August 9, 1988 | Melvin Price (D) | Jerry F. Costello (D) |
New Jersey 3rd | November 8, 1988 | James J. Howard (D) | Frank Pallone[7] (D) |
Tennessee 2nd | November 8, 1988 | John J. Duncan, Sr. (R) | John J. Duncan, Jr.[7] (R) |
[edit] 101st Congress (1989 - 1991)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Indiana 4th | March 28, 1989 | Dan Coats (R) | Jill L. Long (D) |
Alabama 3rd | April 4, 1989 | Bill Nichols (D) | Glen Browder (D) |
Wyoming At Large | April 26, 1989 | Dick Cheney (R) | Craig Thomas (R) |
Florida 18th | August 29, 1989 | Claude Pepper (D) | Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) |
California 15th | September 12, 1989 | Tony Coelho (D) | Gary Condit (D) |
Texas 12th | September 12, 1989 | Jim Wright (D) | Pete Geren (D) |
Mississippi 5th | October 17, 1989 | Larkin I. Smith (R) | Gene Taylor (D) |
Texas 18th | December 9, 1989 | Mickey Leland (D) | Craig Washington (D) |
New York 14th | March 20, 1990 | Guy Molinari (R) | Susan Molinari (R) |
New York 18th | March 20, 1990 | Robert Garcia (D) | Jose Serrano (D) |
Hawaii 2nd | September 22, 1990 | Daniel Akaka (D) | Patsy Mink (D) |
New Jersey 1st | November 6, 1990 | James J. Florio (D) | Robert E. Andrews (D) |
[edit] 102nd Congress (1991 - 1993)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Texas 3rd | May 18, 1991 | Steve Bartlett (R) | Sam Johnson (R) |
Massachusetts 1st | June 4, 1991 | Silvio Conte (R) | John Olver (D) |
Illinois 15th | July 2, 1991 | Edward Madigan (R) | Thomas W. Ewing (R) |
Pennsylvania 2nd | November 5, 1991 | William H. Gray (D) | Lucien E. Blackwell (D) |
Virginia 7th | November 5, 1991 | D. French Slaughter, Jr. (R) | George F. Allen (R) |
Arizona 2nd | September 24, 1991 | Morris Udall (D) | Ed Pastor (D) |
New York 17th | November 3, 1992 | Ted Weiss (D) | Jerrold Nadler (D) |
North Carolina 1st | November 3, 1992 | Walter B. Jones, Sr. (D) | Eva Clayton (D) |
[edit] 103rd Congress (1993 - 1995)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Mississippi 2nd | April 13, 1993 | Mike Espy (D) | Bennie Thompson (D) |
Wisconsin 1st | May 4, 1993 | Les Aspin (D) | Peter Barca (D) |
Ohio 2nd | May 4, 1993 | Bill Gradison (R) | Rob Portman (R) |
California 17th | June 8, 1993 | Leon Panetta (D) | Sam Farr (D) |
Michigan 3rd | December 7, 1993 | Paul B. Henry (R) | Vern Ehlers (R) |
Oklahoma 6th | May 10, 1994 | Glenn English (D) | Frank Lucas (R) |
Kentucky 2nd | May 24, 1994 | William Natcher (D) | Ron Lewis (R) |
Oklahoma 1st | November 8, 1994 | James Inhofe (R) | Steve Largent (R) |
[edit] 104th Congress (1995 - 1997)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
California 15th | December 12, 1995 | Norman Mineta (D) | Tom Campbell (R) |
Illinois 2nd | December 12, 1995 | Mel Reynolds (D) | Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D) |
California 37th | March 26, 1996 | Walter Tucker (D) | Juanita Millender-McDonald (D) |
Maryland 7th | April 16, 1996 | Kweisi Mfume (D) | Elijah Cummings (D) |
Oregon 3rd | May 21, 1996 | Ron Wyden (D) | Earl Blumenauer (D) |
Kansas 2nd | November 5, 1996 | Sam Brownback (R) | Jim Ryun (R) |
Missouri 8th | November 5, 1996 | Bill Emerson (R) | Jo Ann Emerson (R) |
[edit] 105th Congress (1997 - 1999)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Texas 28th | April 12, 1997 | Frank Tejeda (D) | Ciro Rodriguez (D) |
New Mexico 3rd | May 13, 1997 | Bill Richardson (D) | Bill Redmond (R) |
New York 13th | November 4, 1997 | Susan Molinari (R) | Vito Fossella (R) |
New York 6th | February 3, 1998 | Floyd Flake (D) | Gregory W. Meeks (D) |
California 22nd | March 10, 1998 | Walter Capps (D) | Lois Capps (D) |
California 9th | April 7, 1998 | Ron Dellums (D) | Barbara Lee (D) |
California 44th | April 7, 1998 | Sonny Bono (R) | Mary Bono (R) |
Pennsylvania 1st | May 19, 1998 | Thomas M. Foglietta (D) | Bob Brady (D) |
New Mexico 1st | June 23, 1998 | Steven H. Schiff (R) | Heather Wilson (R) |
[edit] 106th Congress (1999 - 2001)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Georgia 6th | February 23, 1999 | Newt Gingrich (R) | Johnny Isakson (R) |
Louisiana 1st | May 29, 1999 | Bob Livingston (R) | David Vitter (R) |
California 42nd | November 16, 1999 | George Brown, Jr. (D) | Joe Baca (D) |
[edit] 107th Congress (2001 - 2003)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Pennsylvania 9th | May 15, 2001 | Bud Shuster (R) | Bill Shuster (R) |
California 32nd | June 5, 2001 | Julian Dixon (D) | Diane Watson (D) |
Virginia 4th | June 19, 2001 | Norman Sisisky (D) | J. Randy Forbes (R) |
Massachusetts 9th | October 16, 2001 | Joe Moakley (D) | Stephen F. Lynch (D) |
Florida 1st | October 16, 2001 | Joe Scarborough (R) | Jeff Miller (R) |
Arkansas 3rd | November 20, 2001 | Asa Hutchinson (R) | John Boozman (R) |
South Carolina 2nd | December 18, 2001 | Floyd Spence (R) | Joe Wilson (R) |
Oklahoma 1st | January 8, 2002 | Steve Largent (R) | John Sullivan (R) |
Hawaii 2nd | November 30, 2002[8] | Patsy Mink (D) | Ed Case (D) |
[edit] 108th Congress (2003 - 2005)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Hawaii 2nd | January 4, 2003[8] | Ed Case (D) | Ed Case (D) |
Texas 19th | June 3, 2003 | Larry Combest (R) | Randy Neugebauer (R) |
Kentucky 6th | February 17, 2004 | Ernie Fletcher (R) | Ben Chandler (D) |
South Dakota At Large | June 1, 2004 | Bill Janklow (R) | Stephanie Herseth (D) |
North Carolina 1st | July 20, 2004 | Frank Ballance (D) | G. K. Butterfield (D) |
[edit] 109th Congress (2005 - 2007)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
California 5th | March 8, 2005 | Bob Matsui (D) | Doris Matsui (D) |
Ohio 2nd | August 2, 2005 | Rob Portman (R) | Jean Schmidt (R) |
California 48th | December 6, 2005 | Chris Cox (R) | John Campbell (R) |
California 50th | June 6, 2006 | Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R) | Brian P. Bilbray (R) |
New Jersey 13th | November 7, 2006 | Bob Menendez (D) | Albio Sires (D) |
Texas 22nd | November 7, 2006 | Tom DeLay (R) | Shelley Sekula-Gibbs (R) |
[edit] 110th Congress (2007 - 2009)
District | Date of election ↑ | Predecessor | Winner |
Georgia 10th | June 19, 2007 | Charlie Norwood (R) | TBD |
Massachusetts 5th | TBD, 2007 | Marty Meehan (D) | TBD |
[edit] Notes
- ^ For information on completeness, see the talk page.
- ^ Democrat Brigham Henry Roberts was elected, but was not allowed to take office because he practiced polygamy.
- ^ Republican Thomas H. Tongue was elected, but died before the new Congress convened.
- ^ Democrat Nick Begich was lost in a plane crash on October 16, 1972, was re-elected posthumously, and was declared dead before the new Congress convened.
- ^ Resigned as a Democrat, reelected as a Republican.
- ^ District created by 1980 census. Republican Jack Swigert died before taking office.
- ^ a b c d e Unable to be sworn in for this session because Congress had adjourned.
- ^ a b Mink had been re-elected posthumously in the November 2002 election. Case was elected in a special election on November 30, 2002 to fill out her term in the 107th Congress and again on January 4, 2003 to fill out her term in the 108th Congress.
[edit] External links
- Vacancies in the current Congress, via clerk.house.gov
- List of members for 101st-present, via clerk.house.gov
- Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774 - 2005 Contains complete listing of all Congresses
United States House of Representatives Elections |
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