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Torso is an anatomical term for the central part of the human body from which extend the neck and limbs. It is also referred to as the trunk. The torso includes the chest, back, and abdomen.
Contents |
[edit] Anatomy
[edit] Major organs
Most critical organs are housed within the torso. In the upper chest, the heart and lungs are protected by the rib cage, and the abdomen contains the majority of organs responsible for digestion: the stomach, where food is broken down; the pancreas and liver, which respectively produce enzymes and bile necessary for digestion; the kidneys, which filter wastes from blood before excretion as urine; the large and small intestines, which extract nutrients from food; and the anus, from which fecal wastes are excreted. Finally, the pelvic region houses both the male and female reproductive organs.
[edit] Major muscle groups
The torso also harbours many of the main muscle groups of the body, including the:
[edit] See also
HEAD: Skull - Forehead – Eye – Ear – Nose – Mouth – Tongue – Teeth – Jaw – Face – Cheek – Chin
NECK: Throat – Adam's apple - Larynx
TORSO: Shoulders – Spine – Chest – Breast – Ribcage – Abdomen – Belly button
LIMBS: Arm – Elbow – Forearm – Wrist – Hand – Finger (Thumb/Index/Middle/Ring/Little) – Leg – Lap – Thigh – Knee – Calf – Heel – Ankle – Foot – Toe (Hallux)
Bones of torso |
sternum: manubrium, body of sternum, xiphoid process, suprasternal notch
rib: first rib, tenth rib, eleventh rib, twelfth rib, floating rib, false ribs, angle, tubercle, costal groove, neck, head general vertebral structures: body of vertebra, vertebral arch (pedicle, lamina, vertebral notch), foramina (vertebral, intervertebral), processes (transverse, articular, spinous) cervical vertebrae: C1 (anterior arch, posterior arch, lateral mass), C2 (dens), C7, anterior tubercle, posterior tubercle, foramen transversarium thoracic vertebrae: costal facets (superior, inferior, transverse) lumbar vertebrae: accessory process, mammillary process sacrum/coccyx: pelvic surface (anterior sacral foramina, dorsal surface (posterior sacral foramina, median sacral crest, medial sacral crest, lateral sacral crest), lateral surface, base, sacral hiatus |
Joints and ligaments of torso |
articulations of vertebral bodies: anterior longitudinal ligament - posterior longitudinal ligament
articulations of vertebral arches : ligamenta flava - supraspinous ligament (nuchal ligament) - interspinal ligament - intertransverse ligament zygapophyseal joint - intervertebral disc costovertebral, articulation of head of rib: radiate ligament - interarticular ligament, costotransverse sternocostal, interchondral, costochondral articulation of the vertebral column with the pelvis: iliolumbar ligament sacroiliac: anterior sacroiliac ligament - posterior sacroiliac ligament - interosseous sacroiliac ligament ligaments connecting the sacrum and ischium: sacrotuberous ligament - sacrospinous ligament sacrococcygeal symphysis: anterior sacrococcygeal ligament - posterior sacrococcygeal ligament pubic symphysis: superior pubic ligament - inferior pubic ligament |
BACK: splenius: (capitis - cervicis) - erector spinae (iliocostalis - longissimus - spinalis) - latissimus dorsi
transversospinales: (semispinalis dorsi - semispinalis cervicis - semispinalis capitis - multifidus - rotatores) - interspinales - intertransversarii
SUBOCCIPITAL: rectus capitis posterior (major, minor) - obliquus capitis (inferior, superior)
CHEST: intercostales (external, internal, innermost) - subcostales - transversus thoracis - levatores costarum - serratus posterior (inferior, superior) - diaphragm
ABDOMEN: obliques (external, internal) - transversus abdominis - rectus abdominis - pyramidalis - cremaster - quadratus lumborum
PELVIS: levator ani (iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus, puborectalis) - coccygeus
PERINEUM: sphincter ani (externus, internus) - superficial perineal pouch (transversus perinei superficialis - bulbospongiosus - ischiocavernosus) - deep perineal pouch (transversus perinei profundus, sphincter urethrae membranaceae)
iliac (External, Common, Internal) - lumbar/paraaortic (Lateral aortic, Preaortic, Inferior mesenteric, Retroaortic)
Thoracic duct - Right lymphatic duct - Cisterna chyli - Lumbar trunk - Intestinal trunk
Anatomy of torso, digestive system: Gastrointestinal tract |
Upper gastrointestinal tract Mouth • Pharynx (nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx) • Esophagus • Crop • Stomach (rugae, gastric pits, cardia/gland, fundus/gland, pylorus/gland, pyloric antrum) Lower gastrointestinal tract Large intestine: Cecum • Colon (ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon) • Rectum (Houston valve, rectal ampulla, pectinate line) • Anal canal (anal valves, anal sinuses, anal columns) Anus: Sphincter ani internus muscle • Sphincter ani externus muscle GALT: Peyer's patches • M cells intestinal villus • crypts of Lieberkühn • circular folds • taenia coli • haustra • epiploic appendix |
lungs: right, left, lingula, apex, base, root, cardiac notch, cardiac impression, hilum, borders (anterior, posterior, inferior), surfaces (costal, mediastinal, diaphragmatic), fissures (oblique, horizontal)
conducting zone: trachea, carina, bronchi, main bronchus (right, left), lobar/secondary bronchi (eparterial bronchus), segmental/tertiary bronchi (bronchopulmonary segment), bronchiole, terminal bronchiole
respiratory zone: respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, alveolus, alveolar-capillary barrier
pleurae: parietal pleura (cervical, costal, mediastinal, diaphragmatic), pulmonary pleura, pulmonary ligament, recesses (costomediastinal, costodiaphragmatic)
Thorax: Mediastinum (Superior, Anterior, Middle, Posterior) - Superior thoracic aperture - Inferior thoracic aperture - Triangle of auscultation - Intercostal space
Thoracic diaphragm: Caval opening - Esophageal hiatus - Aortic hiatus - Central tendon
Abdomen: McBurney's point - Lumbar triangle
Perineum: Urogenital triangle - Anal triangle - Superficial perineal pouch - Perineal membrane - Deep perineal pouch - Urogenital diaphragm - Superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm - Ischiorectal fossa - Pudendal canal