University of the German Federal Armed Forces
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The German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) run two own universities—one in Munich and another in Hamburg (Helmut Schmidt University)—which focus on the scientific work and the academic study of the German armed forces' officers. Unlike other nations' military academies both these universities only offer study courses with almost no relation to the military and which correspond to courses at normal German universities.
All Professors at both universities are civilians. The future officers (which must serve for at least 12 years) obtain a Diplom or Magister Artium degree complying with the academic degrees granted at the other universities in Germany. In the near future the degrees will be changed to the Bachelor and Master system in accordance with the Bologna process.
Since 2003 civil students can also study at the Universities of the Federal Armed Forces if there exist unused capacities and if industrial companies sponsor the costs.
The study at the Universities of the Federal Armed Forces can be finished faster than at civil universities because the curriculum contains about one third more content per year. In exchange, the officers and officer candidates get fully paid and do not have to work in their free-time.
[edit] Study courses
- Science of history
- Pedagogy
- Political science
- Sports science
- Electrical engineering
- Civil engineering and Environmental science
- Computer science
- aeronautical and astronautical engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Information systems
- Industrial engineering
- Computational Engineering
- Geodesy and Geoinformation
- Political economics and Social sciences
- Economics
- Business