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[edit] Magician's wand / Magic wand
Could someone provide a history of this specific implement? It's certainly something I expected to find in this article. Eyeresist 06:24, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
Added Zoroastrian Barsom. Plus I changed "used in Wicca and modern day witchcraft" as it is redundant and incomplete. Khiradtalk
[edit] Tarot
What's the source for the wand suit corresponding to fire? Everything I've ever seen (as well as tarot's relationship to other esoteric fields which would agree with this) the Wands correspond to air, just as the ritual wand used in esoteric magic and Wicca do. I'd change it, but if there's a reputable source out there that disagrees, I have no problem leaving it alone.
- Actually, everything I've ever seen has wands corresponding to fire and swords to air. Sometimes there's a reversal, but it's not as popular. In the majority of decks, wands are fire, following the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition. See for a discussion on this. ~ 06:24, 16 December 2006 (UTC)