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A wand consists of a thin, straight, hand-held stick of wood, ivory, or metal. Generally, in modern language, wands are ceremonial and/or have associations with magic but there have been other uses, all stemming from the original meaning as a synonym of rod and virge, both of which had a similar development.
The Great Book of Saint Cyprian (aka Ciprianillo) gives step-by-step instructions on how to make a magic wand.
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[edit] Metrology
The wand is also a pre-Norman unit of length used in the British Isles equal to approximately the modern metre, apparently dating from an early use as a yardstick (originally as a generic term). The 'wand' survived for a time under the Normans. Then when the yard was established, the wand came to be known as the 'yard and the hand', and then disappeared, either slowly or by being banned by law.
The old English unit of 1007 millimetres was called a 'wand', and although the 'yard' was created to replace the wand, the wand was still used for some centuries because of its convenience as part of an old English decimal system that included:
- 1 digit (base of long finger) about 20 millimetres
- 10 digits = 1 small span (span of thumb and forefinger) 200 millimetres
- 10 small spans = 1 armstretch (1 fathom from finger tip to finger tip) about 2 metres
- 10 fathoms = 1 chain about 20 metres
- 10 chains = 1 furlong about 200 metres
- 10 furlongs = 1 thus-hund of about 2000 metres
The wand that has survived today as part of folklore may in fact be a rendition of the ancient British length unit. Thus a true wand would be a metre in length and not 30 cm.
[edit] Symbolism
In ecclesiastical and formal government ceremonial, special officials may carry a wand of office or staff of office representing their power. Compare in this context the function of the ceremonial mace, the sceptre, and the staff of office. This is a practice of long standing; in Ancient Egypt, priests were depicted with rods. Its age may be even greater, as Stone Age cave paintings show figures holding sticks, which may be symbolic representations of their power.[1]
Freudians would suggest that wands may express phallic symbolism of domination.
[edit] Religious Usage
In Pharanoic Egypt, toilette articles, weapons against possible enemies, amulets against serpents, were also left in the tomb, together with magic texts and a magic wand which enabled the ka (soul) to use them. The rod of Moses was a hazel wand. In catacomb frescoes of the third and fourth centuries, Christ is frequently represented performing miracles by means of a wand.[1] In classical Greco-Roman mythology, the god Hermes/Mercury has a special wand called a caduceus.
In Wicca and Ceremonial magic, practitioners use wands for the channeling of energy—they serve a similar purpose to the athame although the two have their distinct uses. While an athame is generally used to command, a wand is seen as more gentle and is used to invite or encourage. Though traditionally made of wood, they can also consist of metal or crystal. Practitioners usually prune a branch from an Oak, Hazel, or other tree, or may even buy wood from a hardware store, and then carve it and add decorations to personalize it; however, one can also purchase ready-made wands. In Wicca the wand usually represents the element fire, or sometimes air. Ceremonial magicians may have several wands for different purposes, such as the Fire Wand and the Lotus Wand in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In Zoroastrianism, there is a similar ritual implement called a barsom.
There is some scholarly opinion that the magic wand may have its roots in the drumstick of a shaman, especially in Central Asia and Siberia, as when using it to bang on his drum or point, to perform religious, healing, and magical ceremonies. 1
[edit] Tarot cards
"Wands" is also another name for the suit of batons, a suit of the minor arcana of the Tarot. It is normally associated with the element of fire.
[edit] Other uses
- In music, the term sometimes applies to the modern model of conductor's baton (the earlier staff and baton cantoral being heavier and thus unfit for precise gestures).
- In literary language, "wand" can be a synonym for rod as an implement for corporal punishment, in the generic sense: either a multiple rod or a single branch (switch or cane), but not a specific physical type.
- Given their various symbolic and other associations, wands are suitable pervertibles, especially for role play.
- Based on their magical symbolism, stage magicians often use "magic wands" as part of their misdirection. These wands are traditionally black, with white tips.
- A lacrosse stick is colloquially referred to as a "wand."
[edit] Wands in fiction
Magic wands commonly feature in works of fantasy fiction as spell-casting tools. Few other common denominators exist, so the capabilities of wands vary wildly. Note that wands fill basically the same role as wizards' staffs, though staffs generally convey a more 'serious' image; a fairy godmother would definitely use a wand, possibly with a star on the end, while Gandalf as surely would not. In dramatic fiction, wands can serve as weapons in magical duels.
The first magical wand featured in the Odyssey: that of Circe, who used it to transform Odysseus's men into animals. Italian fairy tales put them into the hands of the powerful fairies by the late Middle Ages.[2]
[edit] The world of Harry Potter
In the fictional world of Harry Potter, as described by J. K. Rowling, a wand serves as a focusing tool that enhances a wizard's capabilities to perform magic. While performing magic without wands is possible, wands are required in most spells. Wands come in many varieties, being made of different woods (such as holly, vine, oak), and having different magical cores (phoenix feather, unicorn hair, dragon heartstring, etc.). The wand shop in Diagon Alley, Ollivander's, sells wands.
An interesting aspect of J.K.Rowling's wands is that they are intrinsically magical. Wizards worry about letting a muggle come into contact with a wand and the scenes set in Ollivander's shop show that a wand will work differently for one witch or wizard than for another. His wands can be siblings, to the furtherment of plot twists, and exhibit other signs of partial animation. At the same time, a broken wand can be mended with "Spellotape" (Magic sellotape) - allthough it may backfire - and wands can be lent.
[edit] Role-playing and Video Games
In Dungeons & Dragons and D&D-derived computer role-playing games such as NetHack, wands function as storage devices for specific magical spells, which a wielder can only use a certain number of times before running out of "charges". Wands often allow non-wizard player characters to use spells, and also enable wizards to use spells they couldn't ordinarily cast.
In HARP wands are part of casting traditions and as such aid in casting attempts but are not necessary for all spellcasters.
Wands also feature in a number of other fantasy video games, such as The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, in which they usually serve as one of many weapons available to the player's character.
Wands sometimes don't have any meaningful purpose or effect on gameplay, but are just parts of the story, as in Puyo Pop Fever, where Miss Accord, a character of the game, has lost her wand that she calls her "flying cane."
In Super Mario Bros. 3, the Koopa Kids use wands and in Yoshi's Island, Kamek uses them to transform certain things.
In World of Warcraft, wands are used as range weapons for magical users.
In WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 wrestler / diva Candice Michelle carries a wand down to the ring during her entrance.
[edit] Notes
[edit] References
- ^ David Colbert, The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter, p 195, ISBN 0-9708442-0-4
- ^ Raffaella Benvenuto, "Italian Fairies: Fate, Folletti, and Other Creatures of Legend"
- This article incorporates text from the public-domain Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913.