User talk:Waqas.usman
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• User talk:Waqas.usman/Archive 1
[edit] Kurram River, Kurram Valley and Kurram Agency
Greetings! Thanks for your comments and suggestions - they were well-put and deserved. I should never try to write articles when I am tired and distracted! Looking the article over I decided there was really no justification for two articles and that, if there was only to be one it should be listed under "Kurram Valley." Accodrdingly, I have moved the text to "Kurram Valley" and just left a redirection to it under "Kurram River." I have also made a number of changes to the text and got rid of some duplication. I would appreciate it - if and when you have time - if you would have another look at the article and make any changes or additions you think are still needed (some more modern history and a photo would be great!) and let me know. many thanks, John Hill 23:46, 7 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] The Wiki Pakistan Community
Hi Wawas,
Firstly, just like to say your doing a good job creating alot of awareness of Pakistan through all these articles and images your uploading, especially your work on the main Noirthern Pakistan articles.
I was wondering if you have seen the following page, its a place where alot of people work as a team to progress and work together on articles and images of Wikipedia.
The Pakistani community for sometime has been very dormant, as there were not many people here to write articles related to Pakistan. If you go the following "Project page" you will see a new community has been formed, where I think alot of us should asign tasks and work more as a community than individually. Here's the link;
Wikipedia:Notice board for Pakistan-related topics. Do take a look at all the other communities the way they are working to improve articles and promote their communities.
I think its about time we all do the same. As you may notice everthing is just been laid out, so now its our turn to fill the gaps. Do pass the word on to other Pakistanis and people working on Pakistani articles.
Many thanks, Fast track 06:59 08 May 2006 (UTC)
- Hi Waqas, Thanks for the message. I think your photographs are very good, so you have got my support. Also do spead the word about the Pakistan notice board and portal. The only way we can improve the Pakistani based articles are if we can work together on it. Many thanks --Fast track 03:42 11 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Kurram River, etc.
Hi! Thanks for your note and your suggestion of a photo for the article but, unfortunately for us, the Khyber Pass is to the north of the Kurram Valley. Sadly, also, I don't think I'll be heading that way in the near future (and I would think pulling a camera out might be a no-no at the moment!) Let's hope peace returns to the region soon - it is all TOO distressing! John Hill 21:59, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] F-104
A photograph of Folland Gnat does not belong on a page about F-104 for what should be obvious reasons. Why do you keep reinserting it? - Emt147 Burninate! 01:06, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
- I didn't notice your change and pasted the whole text again with a rephrase of the paragragh. The Gnat was forced to land by an F-104, so I thought it deserved it to be there (yes, the caption was not that explanatory). Do you think it's too trivial or do you think the pic should be there? Waqas.usman 01:14, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
- Put it on the talk page and see what others have to say. I think it's a bit too much of a digression for a page about F-104 but it would make a good addition to the page about the conflict. - Emt147 Burninate! 02:41, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Bublimotin etc.
Replied on my talk page -- Spireguy 15:27, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Re:Photos
Hi Waqas.usman!
Thanks a lot for your kind comment! I like your pix, my favourite being Image:Panorama Rakaposhi&Diran.JPG. Very nice! I've also heard of the Panosonic - it's got some very nice specs. Do you like it (particularly the IS)? I definetly post process. Pretty much all my images I give a standarded sharpening, levels adjustment, but some take a lot more. I don't think any professional would upload straight from the camera, you can always do a little more. I'm not saying that the quality of a DSLR isn't excellent (it is!) but you'd be silly not to make your pic just perfect. You can also recover some shocking shots into something quite usable. Have a look at this: Before, After. You might have different taste to me, but I quite like the edit.
Anyway thanks again for your message! --Fir0002 www 10:46, 13 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Peak ID's
Waqas---don't know if you have noticed, but I did ID some of those peaks in the Commons. -- Spireguy 20:23, 16 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] List of mountains in Pakistan
Waqas--I fixed up the 7000m section a bit. Take a look. -- Spireguy 02:35, 17 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Hi!
Hi Waqas! I found this image among the samples presented on the proposal for developing unicode support for the Brahmi script. Unfortunately, it just included the fact that it was from a Gilgit manuscript, and that it was a portion of a text called Jyotiṣkāvadāna. Google search on it wasn't extremely helpful, but it's easy to figure out that the name is a sandhi between jyotish and avadaana (?), so it's a text on astrology. Hopefully, that was a bit helpful. See you around! deeptrivia (talk) 05:33, 20 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] High Asia Coordinates
Waqas - The precision coordinates you entered for K2 were not accurate. You should use List of highest mountains, or if under 7200m but over 1450m prominence, [1]. If neither of these are available, then use the Google placemarks, but if you use this source, only enter the degrees and minutes because these placemarks are only accurate to the nearest minute. Viewfinder 09:19, 20 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Disambiguation naming conventions for mountains
Hi. For disambiguating mountains, the naming convention is to put the geographic region where the mountain is located in parenthesis. See Wikipedia:WikiProject_Mountains#Naming_conventions. RedWolf 17:31, 25 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Punjab (Pakistan)#Major Universities & Colleges
Thanks for the information and update. Many Thanks -- Fast track 23:33 27 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Invitation and Recommendations for writing articles on Hindi Wikipedia
Hindi wikipedia invites and welcomes Wikipedians to contribute for the cause of spreading knowledge and the Hindi language. This page contains guidelines for writing a wiki-article on any topic at the Hindi Wikipedia, with special recommendations for writing in Hindi (Note: The script/font-family for Hindi is Devanāgari; the script/font-system for English is Roman script, also, the Hindi spelling system is not completely standardized). This article is yet in English language (mostly), in order to encourage even non-native/foreign people who have learnt/are learning Hindi to contribute to the Hindi wikipedia, and native Hindi speakers who normally write in English. The examples given below are only for explanation. Recommendations:
For more information/suggestions/criticisms, please contact any one of the administrators of Hindi wiki here, preferably en:User:Magicalsaumy. This page can also be found here.
- Firstly for proper viewing, it is recommended to keep all links NOT-UNDERLINED. Otherwise the मात्रा below the Hindi alphabets might get partly hidden behind the underlines. For this, please go to My Preferences (मेरी पसंद) at the top of the page, then click Misc., and then choose "underline links -> Never". Save your settings. Also, do not click yes for "justify paragraphs", otherwise on some browsers, the devanagari script will appear highly distorted.
- All users are requested and encouraged to contribute articles here, especially, to create new articles on general topics. They are also encouraged to expand the existing articles, and improve upon them. A non-user can also do the same; it is recommended but not required to register yourself as a wikipedian user at the Hindi wikipedia. As far as possible, each article should be written with a Neutral Point of View (NPOV)—no nationalistic or partiality or hatred based articles are welcome. The articles should be based on facts—and appropriate references should be provided as and where needed. See the English wiki's help page for editing in general. Almost all the general wiki-features are available for editing on Hindi wiki too. Guidelines for the content matter is mostly the same as given in English wiki.
- Since the Hindi wiki is at its initial stages, users are welcome to take introduction and basic points from the English (or another) wikipedia's corresponding article and translate them for small articles. An in-page link to the English wiki's article will be deemed sufficient for references (a template might be created stating this). For longer articles, it is recommended to mention the references separately.
- Since most computer users in India and elsewhere have the standard Western-type keyboard, it is best recommended (but not necessarily required) to use the virtual (software) keyboard like the one of Hindimozhi or of ISIS (Tavultesoft Keyman)—which are freewares. These are advantageous because the contemporary Hindi-speakers in India often write messages/chat using Hindi words but written in Roman (English) script, and the layout of these keyboards is quite the same that such people use. For example, using the "normal" keyboard with this software, typing ga would give ग and ghaa would give घा.
- Create the article with its name written in Hindi (devanagari script). Always take care to include the nukta (dot below) for foreign / Urdu loanwords wherever it occurs in the standard spelling. For non-Indian names, use that spelling (for article name and other words) which is commonly encountered in Hindi newspapers, G.K.-books, Hindi-dubbed TV documentaries and Hollywood films and magazines. e.g., America-अमरीका (या अमेरिका), China-चीन, French-फ़्रांसिसी. For English acronyms/short-forms, use the initials in Roman script, and again create a full form in Hindi and redirect it to the short form. e.g. IPA (अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय ध्वनि वर्णाक्षर); UNO (संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ). Doing the opposite is also fine. But creating the article with the Hindi short form, as सं०रा०सं०, is not recommended. Also, the article proper must be written with the proper nukta, as फ़ारसी, and then, a non-nukta (mis-)spelt version फारसी should preferably be created to redirect to the correct spelling.
- Hindi wikipedia strongly recommends the users to write articles in everyday common Hindi in the खड़ीबोली dialect (Hindustani or Hindi-Urdu, i.e., बोलचाल वाली हिन्दी, which may include many loanwords from Persian and Arabic). The use of शुद्ध संस्कृतनिष्ठ हिन्दी is in general neither required nor recommended. E.g., use: वजह instead of कारण, ख़ास instead of विशेष, वगैरह instead of इत्यादि, लेकिन instead of परन्तु etc. However, for technical and specialized vocabulary, the use of शुद्ध संस्कृतनिष्ठ हिन्दी is recommended and usually mandatory. Thus: upper House of Parliament—संसद का उच्च सदन, but not Urdu—मजिलिस का ऐवान-ए-बाला ; Foreign Minister—विदेशमन्त्री, but not Urdu—वज़ीर-ए-ख़ारिजा ; knowledge/science—ज्ञान/विज्ञान, but not इल्म. Use spoken Hindi's ये and वो instead of यह and वह / वे. Do not use the title of respect जी after names, it is unencyclopedic. Thus: कृष्ण / श्री कृष्ण but not कृष्ण जी. Use the आप form and its corresponding 3rd person verbal conjugation for writing about respectable persons. Thus: श्री वाजपेयी मध्य प्रदेश में जन्मे थे. But not: वाजपेयी मध्य प्रदेश में जन्मा था. But do not use the pronoun "आप" itself in-text in biographies.
- English should be used sparingly, only when required; i.e., if the corresponding शुद्ध हिन्दी word is too "difficult and not generally encountered", or if it is a proper name of non-Indian person/place/terminology/title, or if the user is highly unsure of the proper translation. It is recommended (but not required) for English-to-Hindi translation while writing articles, the Shabdkosh online dictionary should be used. For each English word, that alternative should be used which is generally encountered in everyday spoken Hindi, and also fits well into the context. Use of intelligent guesses for newly encountered words is also allowed, and so are translations encountered in Hindi-dubbed TV documentaries, Hollywood films, Hindi-translated books, etc. e.g., दमपिशाच for en:Dementor (used in dubbed HP films).
- If used, it is recommended to use the English words within the articles using the English (Roman) alphabets rather than devanagari (or better, the devanagari transliteration should be used in the sentence, followed by the English word in Roman alphabet in parentheses). Such words should be italicized and not put in quotation marks. Preferably, there should be an in-page interwiki link (like :en:) on the word to the English wikipedia. If the word comes as an integral part of a sentence, so as not to break the continuity, the en: prefix should be hidden by writing the word again after the pipe sign (piped link). Thus, recommended:
हैरी पॉटर ने ''[[:en:Pensieve|Pensieve]]'' के अन्दर ''[[:en:Little Hangleton|Little Hangleton]]'' गाँव में लॉर्ड वोल्डेमॉर्ट की माँ ''[[:en:Merope Gaunt|Merope Gaunt]]'' को देखा. ''[[:en:Resplendent Quetzal|Resplendent Quetzal]]'' पक्षी के ऊपर एक मेक्सिकन पादरी डा० ''[[:en:Pablo de la Llave|Pablo de la Llave]]'' ने काफ़ी शोध किया था.
- हैरी पॉटर ने Pensieve के अन्दर Little Hangleton गाँव में लॉर्ड वोल्डेमॉर्ट की माँ Merope Gaunt को देखा
- Resplendent Quetzal पक्षी के ऊपर एक मेक्सिकन पादरी डा० Pablo de la Llave ने काफ़ी शोध किया था
- Always start the first 1 or 2 lines of the article giving its definition (from any standard dictionary/other wiki) or suitable introduction. Thus, recommended: ललिता सहस्रनामन हिन्दू धर्मसुधारक आदि शंकराचार्य द्वारा रचित देवी दुर्गा को समर्पित एक पूजा-मन्त्र है, जिसे कई हिन्दू रोज़ श्रद्धा से जपते हैं । But not: ललिता सहस्रनामन मन्त्र जपने के लिये लड्डू-पेड़ा, ताम्बुल, सिन्दूर, लाल चुनरी के साथ नित्य इस मन्त्र का पाठ करें, तो जल्द ही गड़ा हुआ ख़जाना मिलेगा । Recommended: वैमानिक अभियान्त्रिकी (en:Aeronautical engineering) विमानों (en:Aircrafts) की अभिकल्पना, निर्माण और प्रचालन करने का विज्ञान, कला और कार्य है । (translated from Eng. Webster's New World Dictionary). But not: आजकल वैमानिक अभियान्त्रिकी के लिये देशभर में कई कॉलेज खुल गये हैं, जिनमें अग्रणी स्थान यूटोपिया स्थित लालू-यादव टेक्लिनक कॉलेज का है ।
- For names of countries, cities, places, languages, people, books, films, technical vocabulary, mythology, etc, start the article like this:
- 1.
The name in bold ('''अपोलो''')
- 2.
starting parenthesis, then English name in Roman script, in-page interwiki-linked to English wiki ff. by semicolon ((अंग्रेज़ी : [[:en:Apollo]];)
- 3.
The native name(s) if applicable in the italicized native script, preferably followed either by its italicized approximate Hindi pronunciation or non-italicized
phonological transcriptionwithin / /, ff. by closed parenthesis (यूनानी : ''Aπollων अपोल्लोन''))
- 4.
the rest of the definition or introduction (प्राचीन [[यूनानी धर्म]] (ग्रीक धर्म) और प्राचीन [[रोमन धर्म]] के सर्वोच्च देवता थे ।)
For country names, only the standard short form of the name is needed in the first line. If there is a common name for a difficult word in Hindustani, also mention it. Whence: अपोलो (अंग्रेज़ी : en:Apollo; यूनानी : Aπollων अपोल्लोन) प्राचीन यूनानी धर्म (ग्रीक धर्म) और प्राचीन रोमन धर्म के सर्वोच्च देवता थे । If you don't give the interwiki English/another language link (which would be deemed to be the default reference), then you MUST provide an appropriate reference.- Please leave no article without an appropriate category. See the list of created categories here; you can also make a new category (pref. in Hindi). Please leave no article without at least ONE off page (like en:) interwiki link. E.g., the user can check the article name (say Apollo) on the finally redirected English page and append to the Hindi article (
). These interlanguage links will help a bot to update all interwiki links for that article in all wikipedias. The category and the aforementioned link should be typed at the end of the article. If the article is very small, mention it as a stub/substub.- Use of templates is welcome. See the list of templates here. If creating a template, name it pref. in Hindi.
- Use पूर्णविराम ( । ) instead of a period (.) for ending statements. The पूर्णविराम, semicolon, colon and dash (but not comma) must come after one space after the word to prevent ambiguity. Use the international form of the Hindu-Arabic numerals (1,2,3 instead of १,२,३), as used by the Constitution and the Government of India (even for Hindi). There is no need to use the हलन्त at the end of Sanskrit words wherever it occurs. Hence, prefer: संसद over संसद्; अथर्वन over अथर्वन्. Use the proper quotation marks “” from the Insert toolbox, not "". Write dates as 2 मई 2006 (ईसवी or ईसापूर्व). Write time as 3:45 pm. Separate common suffix-words like शास्त्र, विज्ञान, ज्ञान with a hyphen. Thus: रसायन-शास्त्र. For most others, leave both the words of the noun-cluster free. Combine them into one word only if it is very common to do so. Thus: सामवेद.
- The use of ज़ for the en:voiced alveolar fricative (/z/, as in zoo, rose) is fundamentally wrong. Its nearest counterpart is the en:voiceless alveolar fricative /s/ (as in sea), and not Hindi ज (en:voiced palatal plosive). Hence, it is suggested and recommended that for the sound /z/, whether it comes in English (etc.) spellings (z) for while pronunciation otherwise, should be transcribed as स़ (स with a dot below, available in the Insert toolbox). Hence: Reason रीस़न, not रीज़न ; Roses रोस़ेस़, not रोज़ेज़. But common Hindi words borrowed from Persian/Arabic (so-called Urdu words) are allowed to continue with ज़ spelling. Thus: ज़रा, नज़र, तर्ज़. The en:voiced postalveolar fricative (/ʒ/ as in treasure), inexistent in Hindi, can similarly be transcribed with श़. Thus: treasure ट्रॅश़र. The nukta (dot) available in the Insert toolbox can be combined with various consonants to suggest a more exact phonetic devanagari rendering of foreign sounds. E.g., since phonetically, English Think and this are not equal to थिंक and दिस, a better transcription could be थ़िंक and द़िस. Please take care of the dot below in so-called Urdu words, otherwise the Hindi spelling is deemed incorrect.
- For the following English vowels met, mate, mat, transcribe as मॅट (short vowel), मेट (not मेइट), मैट (not मॅट, as popular in Marathi). However in contemporary Hindi and here, it is acceptable to use ए instead of ऍ. Thus: अमेरिका is more popular than अमॅरिका. For cot, coat, caught, transcribe as कॉट, कोट, कॉट (not कौट). Transcribe English /t/ and /d/ as ट and ड.
- Use half-न before त, थ, द, ध, न, instead of anuswaar अं. Use half-म before प, फ, ब, भ, म. Use the anuswaar before all the rest of the consonants (not half-ङ, ञ, ण). If the मात्रा is not above the alphabet, use chandra-bindu, but only for nasalization. Thus: अन्दर, not अंदर ; अन्त, not अंत ; हिन्दी, not हिंदी ; सम्भव, not संभव ; पंचमी, not पञ्चमी ; अंडा, not अण्डा ; कंठ, not कण्ठ ; लैंड, not लैण्ड ; आँख, not आंख. However, both forms are acceptable in contemporary Hindi as well as here; the prec. are just recommendations.
- When proceded by another vowel, use the pure vowels instead of य (unless the य is clearly articulated while pronouncing). Thus : जाएँ, not जायें (not जावें) ; आएगा, not आयेगा . However, both forms are acceptable in contemporary Hindi as well as here.
- Please pay careful attention to the masculine/feminine gender (and singular/plural) in adjectives and verbs, else the sentence becomes ungrammatical.
Thank you,
Cygnus_hansa 02:41, 6 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] What copyright violation is our brother Grenavitar is talking about
I encourage each and every single wikipedian to go and visit the website[2] our friend Grenavitar posted. He blames me for copying the information from that website about the Sahaba and cousin of Hazrat Mohammed SAW (Abdullah ibn Abbas). The truth is, when I don’t know much about something or someone, before I start writing anything about it I always go to other neutral websites and absorbs information from then and after doing that all I starting writing on Grenavitar has blamed me for violating the copyrights of wikipedia and he also blocked me from editing any pages. After taking and explaining this matter to wikipedia representatives, hey allowed me to edit again. Grenavitar blocked me from editing any article and at the same time he was saying things about me that were not true, I had no way of defending myself since I wasn’t able to post my responds. But now I encourage each and every single wikipedian to go and visit that website and decided for themselves what really happened. Thank You Salman
[edit] Administrator
[edit] Islamic Barnstar Award
Please offer your opinion, vote, or whatever about your choice for the image to be used with the Islamic Barnstar Award at the Barnstar proposals page. Although there is consensus for the concept of an Islamic Barnstar Award, some editors would like to change the image for the award. I was just thinking you should be aware of this discussion because you have contributed to Islamic-related articles, received the Islamic Barnstar Award, or have contributed to the Islam-related Wikiprojects, etc.--JuanMuslim 1m 16:22, 22 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Image:Diran P8050944.jpg
Hi. Thanks for uploading Image:Diran P8050944.jpg. Since you released it under a PD license I have copied it to Commons → commons:Image:Diran P8050944.jpg. If you could provide a source date for the image there, that would be appreciated. Thanks. RedWolf 20:36, 24 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Info on Islamophobic group
What follows are the thoughts, expressed in their own words, and in the 'protest signs', of the obscure, very small, but very vocal 'activist group' known as "Protest Warrior".
"What's becoming clear is how the religion of Islam is addicted to war and mayhem. Not a radical minority, not a rogue sect, but its very essence is about submission and sacrifice and proving your worth by worshipping death in this life to gain a paradise of orgies and drunkenness. Their entire history is of warfare, and any accomplishments of their so-called Golden Age has been proven to be merely parasitic off the cultures they've conquered and reduced to dhimmi servitude. That every country under sharia is corrupt, belligerent, desolate and barbaric obviously gives them no pause, except to constantly drive them into further psychotic rage as they refuse to ever accept any responsibility for their conditions. They are akin to the powers in Orwell's 1984; there must always be an enemy. It's no surprise that women are treated like property in these countries as that's the only way Muslim men can feed their egos, to dominate others rather than ever actually produce something."
Kfir Alfia and Alan Lipton, founders of "Protest Warrior"
Their 'protest signs'...
I thought you might be interested in this group's sentiments. They are currently very actively editing their own article on Wiki and there is a lot of 'group think'. Perhaps you might want to become involved in the editing and discussion process on that page. If you do, please don't vandalize, and try to remain civil. Should you not want to involve youself, please forgive my intrusion.
NBGPWS 09:24, 28 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Join the wiki Pakistan Project!
Just found a link on the Pakistan talk page that is asking fellow Wikipedians to join so we can start to improve Pakistani related articles; Check it out - Wikipedia:WikiProject/List of proposed projects --Fast track 16:29, 25 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Pl help on MFI-17 Mushshak
I need your support to make it a litter better artice MFI-17 Mushshak.wsUser talk:Yousaf465
- Sorry, I had not visited wikipedia in recent months. I'll try to help merge the article in a few days. User:Waqas.usman (Talk) 11:11, 18 March 2007 (UTC)
AA Merging is what I'm against.This offical website of the Mfi-17 Mushsak says it's a indigenously produced.While some of our Swedish friends are Insisting otherwise.We have to make up the article according to what the official of kamra Factory say.I myself have inspected it closely and was told by the ground staff that airframe was Pakistani made while Engine were from unknown country .While Instruments are from USA.
Anyway which camera do you use for photographing aircraft on Lahore airport.I also tried a few shot with my Cybershot DSC-500 but the photos are not so clear.WSUser talk:Yousaf465 03:16, 20 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Orphaned fair use image (Image:NUlogo.gif)
Thanks for uploading Image:NUlogo.gif. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently orphaned, meaning that it is not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable under fair use (see our fair use policy).
If you have uploaded other unlicensed media, please check whether they're used in any articles or not. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that any fair use images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. This is an automated message from BJBot 06:16, 3 February 2007 (UTC)