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La Panini Comics è una casa editrice di fumetti italiana.
La Panini è nata nel 1994 come Marvel Italia, sezione editoriale italiana della Marvel Comics, per opera di Marco M. Lupoi, che ha convinto la casa editrice americana a riunire tutta la sua produzione sotto un unico ombrello, per mettere ordine nel caos creato dalle 4 case editrici che detenevano i diritti delle testate principali (Star Comics, Comic Art, Play Press e Max Bunker Press). Precedentemente, solo negli anni '70 un'unica casa editrice deteneva in toto i diritti della Marvel: l'Editoriale Corno di Luciano Secchi.
Nel corso della sua attività, la Marvel Italia è stata affiliata alla Panini Edizioni di Modena, dopo l'acquisto di quest'ultima da parte della Marvel americana. In questo periodo la casa editrice italiana ha aperto alcune sottosezioni editoriali:
- Cult Comics (ora semplicemente Panini Comics) che si occupa di fumetto americano al di fuori della Marvel (principalmente alcuni sottomarchi Image Comics e fumetti di case editrici indipendenti, come la Bongo Comics e la DreamWave Productions) e di fumetto italiano (la cui punta di diamante è Leonardo Ortolani con il suo Rat-Man);
- Planet Manga che edita quasi esclusivamente manga.
- Panini Video che si occupa della pubblicazione di DVD
Successivamente, la Marvel Comics ha ceduto la Panini al gruppo Merloni, e di conseguenza anche le sue sezioni europee. La denominazione ufficiale della casa editrice è passata da Marvel Italia a Panini Comics, ma il marchio Marvel Italia è comunque utilizzato dalla casa editrice per la sottosezione editoriale che continua a pubblicare in esclusiva i fumetti della Marvel.
La casa editrice modenese pubblica anche in Brasile, Francia, Germania, Regno Unito (da cui esporta alcune riviste negli Stati Uniti), Spagna, Argentina e Ungheria. Inoltre, detiene l'esclusiva mondiale per la vendita dei diritti della Marvel Comics fungendo come agente estero per la casa editrice newyorkese.
Da segnalare che la casa editrice pubblica la DC Comics (avversaria storica della Marvel) in Germania, Brasile e Regno Unito, e che ha tentato più volte di acquisirne i diritti anche per l'Italia (storicamente in mano alla Play Press per quanto riguarda i supereroi, e alla Magic Press per quanto riguarda le altre sottoetichette).
La Panini è una delle case editrici più influenti a livello europeo (forse a livello mondiale), superando decisamente la sua casa editrice di origine.
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[editar] Collegamenti esterni
[editar] Brian K. Vaughan
' is the Eisner and Harvey Award-nominated co-creator of many critically acclaimed comic books, including Y: The Last Man, Runaways, Ex Machina, and The Hood. A professional comics writer since his days as an undergraduate film student at New York University, Brian's first credit was 1996's Cable #43, but he has since progressed through the ranks to become one of the most sought after writers in the field. Brian has written most of the major DC and Marvel characters including Batman and the X-Men. He's also written several screenplays, stage plays, and short stories, but mostly, he likes the funny books.
Brian was born in 1976 in Cleveland, Ohio. He currently resides in San Diego, having followed his new bride out to her grad school program in California.
[editar] Trivia
- Refuses to reveal what the K stands for
- Maintains his own website where he joins his fans on his message board at
- The film option for Y: The Last Man was recently renewed by New Line Cinema. The option for Ex Machina was recently picked up by them, as well.
[editar] Bibliography
[editar] Marvel Comics
- 411 #2
- Cable #43 (first Marvel work)
- Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #5, 7
- Ka-Zar '97
- Kingpin #7
- Mystique #1-13
- Runaways (Vol. 1) #1-18
- Runaways (Vol. 2) #1-current
- Spider-Girl #67
- Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure #1-5
- The Hood #1-6
- Ultimate X-Men #45-65, Annual #1
- Wha...Huh? #1
- Wolverine #131
- X-Men Icons: Cyclops #1-4
- X-Men Icons: Chamber #1-4
- X-Men 2 Movie Prequel: Wolverine
[editar] DC Comics (includes work for Vertigo and WildStorm)
- Batman #588-590
- Batman: Gotham City Secret Files & Origins (back-up)
- Detective Comics #787
- Ex Machina #1-present
- Ex Machina Special Edition #1-2
- Green Lantern/Adam Strange #1
- Green Lantern/The Atom #1
- Green Lantern: Circle of Fire #1
- JLA Annual #4
- Sins of Youth: Secret Files & Origins #1
- Sins of Youth: Wonder Girls #1
- Superman Annual #12
- Swamp Thing (Vol. 3) #1-20
- Titans #14
- Vertigo Secret Files & Origins: Swamp Thing #1
- Vertigo: Winter's Edge #3
- Wonder Woman (Second Series) #160-161
- Young Justice #22
- Y: The Last Man #1-current
[editar] Other contributions
Brian has written short stories and occasional issues for titles such as Tom Strong, Batman, Captain America, Wolverine, JLA, Wonder Woman, The Escapist, Ka-Zar and the 9-11 tribute comic.
[editar] External link
Wikiquote alberga frases célebres de o sobre Haku/Traducciones.
- Brian K. Vaughan Web Site
Furry fandom is a subculture that originated from the science fiction and fantasy fandoms. Members of the furry fandom, known as furry fans or simply furries, particularly enjoy media that involves anthropomorphic animals: that is, fictional animals with human traits (such as walking on two feet, talking, wearing clothes, living in houses, etc.). Such media includes popular animated cartoons, comic books, and stories and novels.
Since the mid-1980s, furry fans have referred to any such anthropomorphic animal character as a furry. Other terms for these types of characters are funny animal and talking animal, or kemono in Japan. Furry characters are usually portrayed as humanoids wearing clothing, talking, and acting like humans rather than animals. However, some fans consider any talking animal, humanoid or not, to be a furry. Some fans also believe that non-animalistic fantasy creatures such as dragons, orcs, and elves should also be considered furry. Plantilla:Fact The furry fandom, as an umbrella subculture for various interests, has grown with the advent of the Internet. Content created by furry fans (visual art, stories, music, games, etc.) on the World Wide Web covers a wide range of interests including fantasies, philosophy, recipes, sex, politics, religion, and even personal lifestyle and identity.
[editar] History and Inspiration
Furry fandom originated as a fusion of science fiction, fantasy, comic book, and animation fandoms during the 1980s and has grown with the advent of the World Wide Web and Internet.
The term "furry" originally came into existence at a science fiction convention in the late 1970s. Then, the term was used to describe one specific genre of fantasy art. As these "furry fans" became more organized, they began using e-mail and MUCKs to communicate. Notably, one of the oldest and largest mucks in existence is FurryMUCK.
Since the 1980s, furry fandom has focused largely on animal characters (see funny animal or talking animal) from cartoons (e.g. Roger Rabbit, Bugs Bunny,Mickey Mouse and Wile E. Coyote), animated feature films (e.g. Disney's Robin Hood), TV shows (e.g. Father of the Pride), comics (e.g. Usagi Yojimbo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Omaha the Cat Dancer), novels (e.g. Richard Adams' Watership Down, Andre Norton's Breed to Come, Brian Jacques' Redwall series, Steven Boyett's The Architect of Sleep, S. Andrew Swann's Moreau Series), games (e.g. RuneQuest, EverQuest, the Sonic the Hedgehog series) graphic novels (e.g. Maus) and web comics (e.g. Newshounds, Boomer Express, The Suburban Jungle, and Kevin and Kell). Each has been cited as a source of inspiration by those who create works within the furry fandom.
Many members of the fandom have also cited as inspiration the historical usage of anthropomorphism in world mythology, including but not limited to Greek, Egyptian, Japanese and Native American.
Although many of the non-furry creators of such material are aware that some of their audience consists of furry fans, the most common term used by cartoonists to describe anthropomorphic animals is "funny animal," regardless of whether the animals are used in a funny way or not. Additionally, in Japan there is a genre called kemono, a tangentially related but independent genre with different cultural associations.
There are dozens of web comics based on animal characters, such as Kevin and Kell, Sabrina Online, Newshounds, and The Suburban Jungle. Many are created by furry fans and, as such, are referred to as "furry comics." "Kevin and Kell," by contrast, was created by non-furry illustrator and cartoonist, Bill Holbrook.
[editar] Fan creations
Furry fans are eager for more material than is available from mainstream publishers. The demand is filled by fellow fans--amateur to professional artists, writers, and publishers who produce drawings, paintings, stories, independent comic books, fanzines, web sites, and even small press books. Fans with craft skills put together their own plush furry toys, sometimes referred to as plushies, or build elaborate costumes called fursuits and wear them for fun or to participate in convention masquerades, dances, or fund-raising charity events (as entertainers). While many fursuits look like sports mascots, some fursuits go beyond that and include moving jaw mechanisms, animatronics, prosthetic makeup, or other frills.
[editar] Art and writing
Many furry fans participate in the arts, becoming amateur--and sometimes professional--illustrators, comic strip authors, painters, sculptors, writers, musicians, and craft artists. Primarily, the fandom produces visual art works although there are many three-dimensional sculptures, fabric pieces, stories, filk music pieces, and even photographs.
While the bulk of these fan-created pieces of art are distributed through unprofessional mediums such as personal web sites and via email, some publish their works in anthologies, Amateur Press Associations, or APAzines. A few have mainstream, professional credits to their names.
[editar] Role playing characters ("Fursonas")
Some furry fans on the web create thier own anthropomorphic animal characters in order to engage in role-playing sessions on the many furry-themed MUDs on the Internet. The oldest furry role-playing environment is FurryMUCK although predating it was the GE-run BBS, The Beastie Board in which conversation sometimes led to role-play. Another popular online furry social game is called Furcadia, created by Dragon's Eye Productions, though it is generally less popular than FurryMUCK. There are also several furry-themed areas and communities in the massively-multiplayer online game Second Life.
Furry fans' personal characters (sometimes referred to by furries as "fursonas" or "personal furries") are usually based on their creators' personality or even a whimsical or sexual fantasy. They may become an online handle by which the fan will present themselves to other furries. Due to the isolation of the web, when furry fans meet one another in person, they may be more familiar with one another's online personas than with their real identities.
Furry fans often have strong feelings towards their animal personas or feel that they share a spiritual bond with the animal that their fursona is based upon. These feelings usually spur them on to create or commission artwork, stories, or fursuits featuring them.
[editar] Conventions
Sufficient membership and interest has allowed for the creation of many annual furry conventions in North America and Europe, the largest being Anthrocon in Pittsburgh each June or July. Further Confusion, held in San Jose, California each January, is almost as large. The total number of people attending furry conventions exceeded 9130 in 2005, a growth of 13% over the previous year. In 2005, 18 such conventions took place around the world. The first known furry convention, ConFurence, is no longer held. (Califur has replaced it, since both conventions were/are based in southern California.)
Many conventions feature an auction or fundraising event with the proceeds often going to an animal-related charity. For example, Further Confusion has raised more than $44,000 for various charitable beneficiaries over its seven year history, and Anthrocon has raised more than $56,000 for animal-related charities since 1997.
[editar] Sex and furry fandom
Because funny animal characters are often used in children's entertainment, furry fandom has faced an issue about the place of erotica in the subculture. A number of furry fans are adults who enjoy themes that are considered unsuitable for children. Of these, many artists in the furry fandom produce pornographic artwork and stories, which in furry slang may be referred to as yiffy or spoogy (from spooge, slang for semen). These works are often posted on public forums, personal web sites, and online art archives.
Furry fans may also engage in cybersex, such as on MUCKs, MUSHs, MUDs and other online roleplay environments. Such environments frequently have age-restricted areas for this kind of activity, though some MUD-style furry games are restricted in their entirety to "adults only," such as Tapestries MUCK.
The news and entertainment media have frequently focused on aspects of furry sexuality; mainstream media sources may portray furry fandom as a fetish-based subculture. For example, articles and columns in Vanity Fair and Loaded magazines, the syndicated sex column Savage Love, and dramatized fiction or documentaries portrayed on television shows like ER, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (CSI New York: Episode 406: Fur and Loathing), The Drew Carey Show, and MTV's Sex2K [1] have focused on the sexual aspects of furry fandom. Some articles link the furry fandom to other fetishes, such as bestiality and plushophilia, but many furry fans do not participate in or approve of such fetishes, nor do all agree with the characterization. A common counter-point is that furry characters are thinking, reasoning beings who are as capable of giving informed consent as any human. The comparison of the famous sex appeal of the Star Trek character Mr. Spock is often given as an example of a non-controversial variant, since he is at least technically no more human than a typical humanoid furry character.
Whether fans themselves engage in these behaviours as the media presents or not, adult furry material is available. To some it is an idealistic creed; to others it is not. The prevalence of erotic furry content has not gone unnoticed by the furry fans, either. Some fans embrace the adult material, considering it to be an inextricable part of the fandom, often considering censorship to be a breach of freedom of expression. People who find cartoon animals sexually attractive are sometimes known as toonophiles.
Other furries claim that furry fandom has a bad reputation as being overly sexualized to the exclusion of most, or anything, else. This argument would appear to be largely borne out by non-furries who complain that their first encounter with the fandom was sexually oriented. Today, however, all furry conventions have established guidelines and standards of conduct which restrict sexually explicit material and behavior to appropriate areas and situations. Others have created furry art archives, such as Yerf, which are free of sexual content. This results in the individual being able to take responsibility for their own actions and use their judgement as to what sort of material they wish to see.
[editar] See also
- Animal transformation fantasy
- Funny animal
- Furry lifestyler
- List of furry comics
- List of furry role-playing games
- Otherkin
- Kemono
- Talking animal
- macrofurry
- Articles at WikiFur
For a slightly different perspective on the Fandom:
- Burned Fur
[editar] Further reading
- Craig Hilton: Furry Fandom — An Insider's View from the Outside, parts 1 & 2, South Fur Lands #2 & #3, 1995, 1996
[editar] Enlaces externos
[editar] Information
- WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia — furry fandom's community wiki
- A Chronology of Furry Fandom (early days through 1996)
- The Sociology of Furry Fandom written and researched by David J. Rust; a member of both SF Fandom and Furry Fandom.
- Plantilla:Dmoz
- PeterCat's Furry InfoPage — Repository for FAQs, lists, periodic postings
- Flayrah Furry News Portal — Current news of interest to Furry Fandom
[editar] Art
- Yerf — A furry art archive with restrictions on quality and mature subject matter.
- VCL — A mostly-unrestricted archive of furry art and fiction.
- Transfur — A filterable transformation artwork site including furry themes.
- deviantART Traditional Media Drawings (Anthros) — An anthropomorphic art subsection of the enormous deviantART repository; also check the corresponding section in Digital Art
- Fur Affinity — A deviantART style website for anthromorphic art, music, and literature.
[editar] Other
- Furnation — A furry webhosting service and adult furry comic publisher.
- Furbid — An auction site specializing in furry materials
- Furnet and Anthrochat — popular furry IRC networks
- Yiffstar — an 'Adult' stories archive for furs.
- FurryMUCK - A popular multi-user chat and roleplaying environment like a MUD