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[edit] Summary
Español: Fotografía aérea de la fuerza Z tomada por los japoneses al momento de comenzar el ataque con bombas, El Repulse aparece en la parte inferior de la fotografía
British battlecruiser Repulse
Loss of HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse, 10 December 1941
Photograph taken from a Japanese aircraft during the initial high-level bombing attack. Repulse, near the bottom of the view, has just been hit by one bomb and near-missed by several more. Prince of Wales is near the top of the image, generating a considerable amount of smoke. Japanese writing in the lower right states that the photograph was reproduced by authorization of the Navy Ministry.
Donation of Mr. Theodore Hutton, 1942.
Orginal link :
Source : U.S. Naval Historical Center
U.S. Naval Historical Center HMS Repulse page
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