Imagen:Unit circle.svg
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Unit_circle.svg (352 × 352 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 16 KB; tipo MIME: image/svg+xml)
![]() | Éste es un fichero de Wikimedia Commons, un depósito de contenido libre hospedado por la Fundación Wikimedia. Más abajo se reproduce su página de descripción con la información sobre su origen y licencia. |
Contents |
[edit] Summary
An illustration of the unit circle for the article Unit circle.
[edit] Licensing
[edit] Source
Created by Gustavb using Eukleides.
[edit] Unit_circle.euk (Eukleides source)
box(-1.3, -1.3, 1.6, 1.6, 1.4) % Axis X1 = point(-1.7, 0); X2 = point(1.4, 0) Y1 = point(0, -1.7); Y2 = point(0, 1.4) thickness(1) draw(segment(X1,X2), full, arrow); draw(segment(Y1,Y2), full, arrow) thickness(1.6) O = point(0,0); % origo % Unit circle C = circle(O, 1) % Angle phi interactive(58, -3, 0, 360, "", right) P = point(C, phi:) draw(C); draw(P); draw(O,P) % Angle mark tricks "psset{linewidth=.5pt,arrowsize=3pt}" mark(X2,O,P,arrow,.5) % Draw labels draw("$t$",O,.35,.5*phi:) draw("$(\cos t,\sin t)$",P,.1,phi:) draw("$y$",Y2,.15,-30:); draw("$x$",X2,.15,-130:)
[edit] PS-tricks source
\psset{linecolor=black, linewidth=.5pt, arrowsize=2pt 4} \psset{unit=1.4000cm} \pspicture*(-1.3000,-1.3000)(1.6000,1.6000) \psset{linewidth=0.5000pt} \psline{->}(-1.7000,0.0000)(1.4000,0.0000) \psline{->}(0.0000,-1.7000)(0.0000,1.4000) \psset{linewidth=0.8000pt} \pscircle(0.0000,0.0000){1.0000} \psdots[dotstyle=*, dotscale=1.0000](0.5299,0.8480) \psline(0.0000,0.0000)(0.5299,0.8480) \psset{linewidth=.5pt,arrowsize=3pt} \psarc{->}(0.0000,0.0000){0.2500}{0.0000}{58.0000} \uput{0.3500}[29.0000](0.0000,0.0000){$t$} \uput{0.1000}[58.0000](0.5299,0.8480){$(\cos t,\sin t)$} \uput{0.1500}[-30.0000](0.0000,1.4000){$y$} \uput{0.1500}[-130.0000](1.4000,0.0000){$x$} \endpspicture
[edit] Instructions
- Create EPS
$ euk2eps Unit_circle.euk
- Outline fonts
$ eps2eps -dNOCACHE Unit_cricle.eps Unit_circle2.eps
- Fix bounding box
$ ps2epsi Unit_circle2.eps Unit_circle.eps
- Convert to Sketch
$ pstoedit -f sk Unit_circle.eps
- Convert to SVG
$ skconvert Unit_circle.svg
- Fix Unit_circle.svg with Inkscape
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