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Fairsing's userboxes
Contents |
[edit] Greetings
My handle is a word in the Irish Language that translates into English variously, but 'extensive', 'ample', and and 'plentiful' are three interpretations. (I do not speak Irish, although I am of Irish descent and would love to learn the language someday). The handle indicates my interest in making contributions to a wide range of articles on Wikipedia.
Please feel free to share your comments, suggestions, compliments or constructive criticism regarding my performance on Wikipedia on my talk page. If you prefer, you can e-mail me. Either way, in most cases I will reply on your talk page.
[edit] My edits and interests
You can see my contributions summary for this username here. Before registering this username on April 3 2006, I made 367 edits anonymously, which you can see here. My first Wikipedia edit was to the Single-stock futures article on February 3 2006, and you can see that edit here.
My focus so far has primarily included topics related to:
- The city of Chicago, the Chicagoland metropolitan area, and the state of Illinois
- The animal life of the planet Earth
- Business, Finance and Economics
- Music, particularly Jazz and Blues
- Politics and Philosophy
- Topics relevant to the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres of literature and film, especially:
- The author C. J. Cherryh and her works
- The fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons and the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the game
I am interested in just about everything, however, so my edits tend to be pretty wide-ranging. I also fix broken links, disambiguate, wikify, revert vandalism and do other minor cleanup work as I encounter problems that need to be addressed.
[edit] Some of my projects
[edit] Pages I have originated
[edit] C. J. Cherryh
- Alliance-Union universe
- Alternate Realities (Cherryh)
- Azi (clone)
- Brothers of Earth
- Cuckoo's Egg (novel)
- Devil to the Belt
- Ealdwood Stories
- Faery in Shadow
- The Fortress Series
- Forty Thousand in Gehenna
- The Gene Wars universe
- The Goblin Mirror
- Hestia
- Heroes in Hell
- Hunter of Worlds
- Lois & Clark: A Superman Novel
- The Merchanter novels
- Merovingen Nights
- The Morgaine Stories
- The Paladin
- The Russian Stories
- Serpent's Reach
- The Sword of Knowledge
[edit] Dungeons & Dragons
- Against the Cult of the Reptile God
- Border Watch
- Castle Greyhawk (module)
- City of Skulls
- Die Vecna Die!
- Dwellers of the Forbidden City
- Five Shall Be One
- Frank Mentzer
- From the Ashes (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Howl from the North
- Iuz the Evil
- Jim Ward (game designer)
- The Marklands
- Mazes and Monsters (novel)
- Nyr Dyv
- Paizo Publishing
- Patriots of Ulek
- Return to the Keep on the Borderlands
- Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
- Robert J. Kuntz
- Tom Moldvay
[edit] Others
- Anova Books
- Barclay Shaw
- Don E. Schultz
- Don Maitz
- Fantasy television
- Fred Reichheld
- Janet Morris
- Kevin Lane Keller
- List of fantasy television programs
- Interservice rivalry
- Montepulciano d'Abruzzo
- Phantasia Press
- Ronald S. Burt
- Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists
- Trixie (woman)
- Winston & Strawn
- Vino Nobile di Montepulciano
[edit] Pages I'm currently working on
[edit] Other pages I check on frequently
[edit] Pages to work on in the future
- Chicago architecture
- Cyteen
- Downbelow Station
- Management
- Marketing
- OneChicago, LLC
[edit] Other to-dos
- Fix Cherryh short fiction listings?
- Redirects w/ possibilities for Cherryh main characters
- Questions regarding Zagyg's rise to power
- Adding Cherryh stuff to categories and lists:
- Merger of Business Process Reengineering
- Check and update User:Fairsing/Fair use
[edit] Wikipedia Commons stuff
- My user page on Wikipedia Commons
[edit] Awards
Well, maybe someday! (Ya' gotta' think big).
[edit] Other
- From the editor
- Patrick and Wool resign in office shakeup
- WikiWorld comic: "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo"
- News and notes: Board resolutions, milestones
- Features and admins
- The Report on Lengthy Litigation
Categories: Wikipedians in the United States | Wikipedians interested in architecture | Wikipedians interested in art history | Wikipedians interested in art | Wikipedians interested in chemistry | Wikipedians in Chicago | Father Wikipedians | Wikipedians with MBA degrees | Wikipedians who like Doctor Who | Wikipedians interested in geology | Wikipedians who play golf | Wikipedians in Illinois | Irish Wikipedians | Wikipedians interested in law | Wikipedians interested in linguistics | Wikipedians who like Monty Python | Wikipedians who read The Economist | Wikipedians by alma mater: Northwestern University | Wikipedians who listen to NPR | Wikipedians interested in paleontology | Wikipedians interested in politics | Wikipedians who own platys | Wikipedian teachers | Wikipedians by alma mater: University of Chicago | Wikipedians interested in meteorology | WikiProject Greyhawk participants