Talk:Feminist economics
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Feminist Economics
Here are notes, ideas, and goals for development of the page:
Add this page to the feminist series sidebar thingy. Add a picture. See the board picture on the IAFFE site,
Flesh out the origins section with factual information.
Flesh out Theory and Methodology section. It could include critiques of Homo Economicus by Julie Nelson.
Any additional information on the methodology used in a Feminist Economic Approach would be helpful. Marilyn Power's outline is probably not exhaustive.
Add new sections to Major Areas of Inquiry. These could include Unpaid Labor and Caring Labor, Labor economics and markets, Economic history, Status of Women Economists, Environmental economics, Gender and statistics, Globalization and International trade, Finance and taxes, Human Development and Capabilities Approach, etc.
I revised the Employment Equity section. It still needs to cite feminist economists who have published in this area in the last ten years. I reduced the space devoted to Jane Jacobs. If there are only going to be a handful of feminist economists covered in detail, she should not be one. She published before feminist economics emerged and contemporary feminist econonists do not seem to draw from work, at least not very often. And she has a whole page devoted to her, which is linked to. Also, Human Development and Ecological Economoics were mixed into the discussion, which is confusing. I rearranged so they are covered as distinct, but related areas. I qualified chronology, and implied causation.
I revised the Relation to other Disciplines section. Connections with other disciplines have to be actual ones that can be substantiated with examples. There has been extremely little dialogue between Feminist Economists and Ecological Economists. They should not be presented as merging or encompassing each other. See the Feminist Ecological Economics Exploration in the 10.3 issue of the journal Feminist Economics.
Add section on leading feminist economists
References to add: Elgar dictionary of feminist economics, Lourdes Beneria's Economics as if People Mattered, Bina Agarwal's A Field of One's Own, Nancy Folbre's The Invisible Heart, Amartya Sen's Development as Freedom
Also the references need to be cleaned up. Let's use Chicago Manual style.
Mankad 20:47, 19 December 2006 (UTC)
Added side bar --HoneymaneHeghlu meH QaQ jajvam 04:12, 21 December 2006 (UTC)