Finngeir Hiorth
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Finngeir Hiorth (born 1928 in Indonesia) is a Norwegian philosopher who was also a senior lecturer of philosophy at the University of Oslo until his retirement in 1993. He became an atheist at the age of 19. He wrote many books on philosophy, Linguistics, and Indonesian studies. Nevertheless, his main philosophical concern is atheism, secularism, and humanism. He joined many philosophical societies, such as Unión Mundial de Librepensadores, Unión Internacional Etico Humanista, Instituto Peruano de Filosofia Aplicada/AERPFA, and in charge of international editorial committee of Revista Peruana de Filosofia Aplicada (RPFA).
[edit] Works
- G.W. Leibniz, seleccion de escritos (1966), published in Norwegian.
- David Hume, vida y filosofia (1973), published in Norwegian.
- Noam Chomsky, Linguistics and Philosophy (1974), published in English.
- Sobre el concepto de poder (1975), published in English.
- Philosophers in Indonesia (1983), published in English.
- Timor, Past and Present (1985), published in English.
- Naturalismo (1992), published in German.
- Visiones seculars de la vida (1993), in Norwegian.
- Introducción al marxismo (1994), published in Norwegian.
- La filosofia de la Illustración (1995), published in Norwegian.
- Introduction to Atheism (1995), in English.
- Secularism in Sweden (1995), published in English.
- Introduction to Humanism (1996), in English.
- Diccionario de ética (1997), published in Norwegian.
- Secularism in Germany (1997), published in English.
- Church and State in Norway (1997), published in Norwegian.
- Atheism in India (1998), in English.
- Secularism in Holland, Belgia, and Luxemburg (2000), in English.
- Estudiando lo sagrado, Introducción a las Ciencias de la Religión (2000), in Norwegian.
[edit] His Book Reviews
- Review of Cosmology for Beginners by Felix Pirani and Christine Roche (1997)
- Review of Utilitarianism by Geoffrey Scarre (1997)
- Review of Social Ethics: A Student’s Guide (1997)
- Review of Atheism and Theism by J.J.C. Smart & J.J. Haldane (1997)
- Review of Big Domino in The Sky by Michael Martin (1997)
- Review of Arguing for Atheism by Robin Le Poidevin (1997)
- Review of Humanism by Tony Davies (1997)
- Review of Heathen in Godzone by Bill Cooke (1998).