Talk:Foreign relations of Argentina
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Money-laundering center? What a lie, there aren't even stable banks in Argentina.
- True a few years ago. There are now. And money laundry is not done through banks. There are some very old, stable illegal businesses in Argentina that every authority is well aware of. --Pablo D. Flores 19:48, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Sadly, Pablo is right. Money-laundring became rampant in the 1990's, now I'd like to think it has decreased, though. There are sadly many examples of this being done through "legitimate" bussinesses. *cough* *cough* --Lobizón 01:47, 5 October 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] ¿POV?
"supporting the U.S. campaign to improve human rights in Cuba"
Wether you believe it is like that or not, you can't affirm that the United States is campaigning for improving human rights in Cuba in a neutral encyclopedia. It is evident that the only thing the U.S. has on Cuba are political concerns. Apart from that, the U.S. has the Guantánamo base in Cuba, where human rights are all but taken into account.
- The last part is a tu quoque ("you too") fallacy. Any country can improve things abroad while leaving their own businesses unattended. Anyway, the whole article was very POV when it came to the US (what else would you expect from a CIA report?) so I tried to fix that. Now that the page is more or less in shape, however...
... it needs much more detail (for example, recent history of the relationship with Brazil, past wars, a list of litigious points with Chile, etc.). --Pablo D. Flores 19:48, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] clean up
The article is clean enough, although some earlier history will be welcome Jor70 12:06, 6 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Uruguay Relations
Should the confilict about those paper factories between Argentina and Uruguay be mentioned in the article? Seems their relations have been pretty tense recently. --HJV 23:15, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
In my opinion, the ongoing paper factory dispute is crucial for illustrating how Kirschner's domestic populism at times leads him to adopt contentious foreign policy positions. Lol, I would sign my name but can't find the tilda on these Argentine keyboards.
[edit] Restructure Article?
I would favor a section on Menem's Presidency, that of De La Rua and the 2001-2002 crisis, and then another section on Kirschner.
- A first one before Menem would be needed too.- (Jor70 22:35, 16 May 2006 (UTC))
- I believe the article should start with the Colonial era, describe the foreign relationships during the 1800s, specially that with the United Kingdom, and then the modern era, with United States of America and other gobal main powers. Of course, the last military government could have its own section, though it shouldn't overlap too much with other articles such as Dirty War and Falklands War. Policies of the recent governments of Alfonsin, Menem, etc, could be squeezed in one section, perhaps two, carefully not overlaping (too much) with the Crisis article. I wouldn't go too deep on ever 'event' but more in the general position. Mariano(t/c) 09:55, 17 May 2006 (UTC)