ISO 3166-2:IN
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
ISO 3166-2 données pour l'Inde
Sommaire |
[modifier] Mise à jour
ISO 3166-2:2002-05-21 n°2 ISO 3166-2:2002-08-20 n°3 ISO 3166-2:2002-12-10 n°4
[modifier] États (28) en:state
IN-AP Andhra Pradesh IN-AR Arunāchal Pradesh IN-AS Assam IN-BR Bihār IN-CT Chhattīsgarh IN-GA Goa IN-GJ Gujarāt IN-HR Haryāna IN-HP Himāchal Pradesh IN-JK Jammu and Kashmīr IN-JH Jharkhand IN-KA Karnātaka IN-KL Kerala IN-MP Madhya Pradesh IN-MH Mahārāshtra IN-MN Manipur IN-ML Meghālaya IN-MZ Mizoram IN-NL Nāgāland IN-OR Orissa IN-PB Punjab IN-RJ Rājasthān IN-SK Sikkim IN-TN Tamil Nādu IN-TR Tripura IN-UL Uttaranchal IN-UP Uttar Pradesh IN-WB West Bengal[Banga]
[modifier] Territoires de l'Union (7) en:Union territory
IN-AN Andaman and Nicobar Islands IN-CH Chandīgarh IN-DN Dādra and Nagar Haveli IN-DD Damān and Diu IN-DL Delhi IN-LD Lakshadweep IN-PY Pondicherry